1 34 he LI FEofthe Part III is weak even in the Faith, be received but not to doubtful difputations, and that for fmaller difference we neither defpife nor judgeeach other,' but receive one another as Chrift received us, and that fo faras we have attained, we walk by the fameRule, and mind the fame things, and if in any thing we be otherwife minded, Godwill reveal even this unto us: And that we muff love one ano- ther witha pure Heart, fervently, and by this`e known to allMen tobe Chrift's Difciples : But your National Process carrieth it beyond this Line; you will firft break this Catholick Law ( as if your National Church were not part of the Univerfal) and make Laws for judging the forefaid Diffenters, and then plead oursagainft Christ's Laws, and fay, he meant not thbfe that are under a Law, (while he forbad fuch Laws.) And fo you may 'Excommunicate, reproach, avoid, imprifon, undo, and filence thofe that Chrift commanded you tenderly to Love, and fay they are Schifmaticks, for they obeyus not in every Circumftance O! how much eafier is Chrift'sYoke than yours? 3. But what is this National Church which is fo contrary to Christ's Catho- lick Church ? If it be all the Churches and Chriftians that are under oneChri- than Prince, we own it as fuch : But this needs nofuch conditionsas you name : And it is not true that the Catholick Church confifteth only of fuch ; for the 'Subjefts of the Turks and Heathens are part of the Catholick Church: If it be all the Churchesof a Kingdom as voluntarily aflociateel for Communion or Concord, I repeatthe fame as aforesaid. But if you mean all the Churches of a Kingdom, as under one Constitutive Ecclefsaftical Head, and Pallor, few Proteftants will fay that it is of God's Inftitution; (73i/fan and othersufbally fay Patriarchs, Metro- politans, dc'c. arehumane Creatures': ) And verily I had rather be no Member of a Churchof Man's making (till I better know the Maker's Authority) than re- nounceall that mutual Lobe, and Brotherly concord and forbearance, and kind. nefs, and all Chr"ilYs Promifesof Salvation to fúFh, which he bath fettled upon his Catholick Members. And ifwhat you fay be true, who would not rather far be a meerCatholek Chriftian, out of all National Churches, than be in them ? But I yet hold, thatthough your particular Canon bind not the Church uni- verfal, yet Chrift's univerfal Laws bind all particular Churches and Chrifti- ans. 4. And thatwhich maketh me dissent is, that I am not able to discern how all Men can obeyfuck Làws as you mention, and live in any concord with your without renouncing all Confcience, Chriftianity, and Religion. Not that I judge all to do fo that agree with you : For thofe that agree in fudgment, may agree in Fraflice. But you muft make memad, or unacquainted with Mankind, before you make me believe that a whole Kingdom will ever be fo perfeft in Judg- ment, or fo much of the fame temper, Education, condition, converte, dqc. as to be all of one Mind in every word, circumftance, ceremony, and mode of Worlhip, and Dffcipline, upon Chriftian, confcientious terms. Either they muff abfolutely believeas the Rulersbid them, or not. If yea then moft.Turks, Heathens, Papifts are in the right; that beof the Religion of? their Rulers. If not, forcebounds and Rules muh Phew them the difference,. how far Obedience is to be given : And the Subjefts muff be the Discerners, whether the Cafe falls under thofe Q,ualificationt or not : As e. g. whetherit be Sin against God. And when all the Men and Women in a Kindom have a Multitude of Words, circumfances,and cerpmonies,and modes to try by fuch Rules, they will never be of one Mind abaft them, who would be of orie Mind in a few plain things. And then you come and make their Difobedience to be one of the greareß Crimes, deserving Excommunication, Imprifonment, and ruin ; fo that you make fuch a National Church to be a trap for Men's undoingand Damnation. 5. As for what you fay of the ForeignChurches, their Country-men fay, that it is not all one to impofe the necessary Difcharge of Men's plain, undeniable Duty, and to impofetheHumane Work, which you can defcribe. But I am a flranger to them, and am bound to receive nothing against another, till I hear both Parties (peak ; nor am I concerned in the Cafe, as not being bound to jnhi- fie them any more than you. If it be as you fay, nowonder if they have the diflraaionsánd calamities, and Divifions, which render them the objefts of corn- paffion. The Serpent, thatbeguiled Eve, bath long ago tempted almoft all the Churchesfrom the Ancient Cbriftian Simplicity, in Dottrine,'Difcipliue, and War- (hip, which is theonly way of common Concord. 6, gut