1 3 5 The L 1 k E of the PartIil. M " dudes concerning the ufe of the Liturgy : And as for the Government, the "Propofer Both not propofe the Alteration of it and confgnently implyeth, " it may be fttbmitted to as it is, without tin. Arif. t. You fpeak all this againít your fell; to tell theWorld how narrow Your Church, and ho* (trait your Charity is ; whilft he, that you fiv, is fo much of your Mind, is judged Unworthy to be permitted to Preach the Gofpel of Chrift, and Worthier to lye' ina Common Gaol amongThieves and Rogues ; yea, that it is better fin any Congregation to have no Miniftcr than fuch. All this Cotn- plyance with you is as good as none, toprocure him but leave to Preach Repen tance : For he offered you to Preach only on the Creed, and Catechifm, and could nOt prevail, though tefponuble for any thing Paid amifs. And he cha'.lengeth Yoh to nameany one òf all the Complying PrinciplesOf that Book which he bath ëher rccedcd from, or contrádi&éd. z. They refufe not to hand to the Judgment of other Protellant Churches,that (hall hear themfelves fpeak for themfelves. Did Mr. haxter iii that Book, or any where elfe fay , That it is Lawful to Subfcribe according to the Canon , as ex Animo, that there is nothing in .a yaw Lttbrgy, or took of Ördindttoñ, contrary to the Word of tod? Or that the Enclilh Diccefan train-6 inay be Sworn tò for Obedience? Or, that king or Parliament have not,power to Make, or Endeavour any alteration of your Church-Govern- Merit, if they had fworn it ? nonora Lay-Chancellor's Spiritual Pas er; Nor any utile& to petition, or any way endeavour the famé, ifhe had Avon.), it, &c. Did he ever fay that it was lawful to Excommunicateas many of Chriíh's faithful Mem- bers, either bÿ Prönuntiàtíon, or Rejé&ing them fromCommunion , as the Bi- !hops or Chancellor willcommand him ? Or to deny l3aptifm to the Children of all Oat Scruple Croffing them, or that infift on their duty of Covenanting in their Children's Name themfelves t Did he ever fay, that your New Subfcription, De- duration, Oath, or Re-ordination areLawful? I think not. q. He that can [Mollie to your Government , that is , peaceably obey you with- out fid cannbt t réföre Subfcrih, that you fand by a Divine Bight, or thatall is faultlefs, and nothing alterable in yoùr Government. He would have lived ppeeaceably iii lfracl when the Prielthood was Corrupted and theHigh-Places not taken down or in tbkGreet Chinch, where are many faults, or amongthe 'fine n:ahu or A.i ner ; but be *Mild have lain in Gaol rather than make aCauenxni (tonträty topart of his Baptifma t7ow) never to obey God in endeavouringany refhorñiatiòíì of 'there in Isis place and Calling, telling all others, that none of them at'e bòui d to do it, no not ifthéy hadVowed it Or rather than he would have Subrctibed bib Appfolialoà. and Confent to all, and Covenanted to live and die im- penitently, herein : He taketh not therefor things indifferent. But we find that you will not let men live under you quietly on Terms of patient fubmiflìon, uolefs they be fully of your mind. You fsy tIm Pi opofer propofeth notthe alteration of theGovernment; There- fore it inay he fi omitted to without fin.] He propofeth it not becaufe he know- etli yob ïvóùld üö't content : Silhop VJher's Primitive Epifcoay was the Govern- Mein Mired in vain, for óúr Healing, 1660. But again, Tl fay, All , that may be fúb:hitied to, may not, by Subfcriptions, Covenants, or Oaths, be juftified and approved. 5, Lalily, As to the Crofs, he then thought, and thinks frill, that it is for- bidden by the 'Second Commandment, and that as in Image and Symbol of Chri- Itiañity, and à New Humane Sacrament, of which before. If pofribly Light may have any Acceptance, 1 will adjoyn there Queftiona for theOpponent whofoever. Do yon not believe in your Confeience, that Agreement would be more enfie and cömmon on our `terms of Meer Cbrifiirnity, and Things Neceffary, than oil Yours, bÿ äddinp many, things doubtedof, and needlefs? Will not more a- gree in theCreed, than inAquinas's Sums, if k were all true ? Qp 2. both not the knobtd e of Humane Darknefs, and Variety of Educati- ons,'fempe.rs, lnterelts Converfe, &c. and the Paucity of very knowing Mencon- vinceyou, that Concord mutt be in few, and great, and evident things ? Q; 3. J;'o