Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

140 The LIFE of the Part III Quality, are fo fufficient, without the Nonconformifts,that they lhould refl Silent, on fuppofition, their Labours are unneceffary ? Qi r s. Is not the lofs of a Faithful Teacher, where, through Paucity, or Un- çualifyednefs of the Conformable, he is necelfary, a very great Afíiiaion to the People ? And, Do the Innocent Flocks deferve to fuller in their Souls for our Nonconformity ? 16. Could not Menof your great Knowledge findout force other Punith- ment for us ( fuch as Drunkards, Swearers, Fornicators have) which may not hurt the People's Souls, nor hinder the Preaching of Chrift's Gofpel ? 17. Seeing at Ordination, we profefs, that all things neceffary to Salvation art an ( or provable by) the Scripture, Do younot confefs, that your inventi- uncula are not neceffary to Salvation ? And is the Nonconformif 's Miniftry no snore neceffary? Q, IS. How fay you, That only Chriflianity is neceffary to a Member of the Univerfal Church, and fo much more be neceffary to the Members of particular Churches, and the Univerfal ceofift of them ? Q, 19. Did any National Church Impofe any oneLiturgy, or Subfcription be- fides the Creed, or anyOathof Obedience to the Bithops, for 300, 400, Soo years after Christ's Nativity ? Q, 2o. Can you Read Rom. r4. and 15, and not believe that it bindeth the Church-Rulers as well as the People ? Q n,. Did.the Ancient Difcipline,not enforced by the Sword for 30o years do lefs good thanyours ? Or was any Man Imprifon'd or Punifh'd by the Sword ce nomine, becaufe Excommunicate, as a Contemner of Church-power in not re- penting, for many Hundred years after there were Chriftian Magiltrates? Qi.. 22. Hath not the making falfe- Conditions of Communion, and making Unneceffary things neceffary thereto, been the way, by which the Papifts have Schifmatically divided Chriftians? Q, 23. Should not Bithops be the molt skilful and forward to heal, and the molt. backward to divide or perfecute? Q. 24. Could you do more to extirpate Epifcopacy; than to make it hateful to the People, by making it hurtful ? 25. Would youdo as you do, if you loved your Neighbour as your felves, and loved not Superiority ? Q, 26. Were not thofe,that Gildas called no Minifters, filch, as too many now,, obtruded on the People? And was not the Cafe 'of the Bithops that St. Martin feparated from to the Death, like yours, or much fairer? Ç. 257. A little after force Great Men of the Houle of Commons drew up a Bill , as tendingtoour Healing , to take off our Oaths , Subfcriptions and Decla- rations , except the Oathof Supremacy and Allegiance , and Subfcriptions to the Dcßrineof the Church of England, according to the 13th. of Elig But (hewing . it to the faid Whop ofWinchefter, he caufed them to forbear and broke it : And inftead of it he furthered an only to take of Arent and Confent, and the ÌZenunciationof the Goerswent ; which would have been but a Cunning Snare to Make us more remedilefs and do no good ; Seeing that the fame things with the repeated Claufes would be Still byother continued Obligations required , as may be feen in the Canon for Subfcription, Act,, 2. and in the;Oxford-Act, forthe Oath, and confiningRe`nífers. And it's credibly averred, that when molt .of the other Bithops were agáinft even this enfnaring thew of abatement , he told them in the Houle