148 heLlFEofthe Parr II was eje&ed, with the tell of his brethren at the time when the reftored Prelate> abed like themfelves. I never heard any one perfon, of what rank,fort or fed fo- ever, fpeak one word to his Dilhonour, or Naine any fault that ever they charged on his Life or Doarine, no nit the Prelatifrs themfelve,fave only that he conform. ednot totheir Impofitions, and that he did fo much good with fo great Induftryy Godblelfed him with a good Eftate, and he liberally ufed it in works of Charity : When the fireconfumedmuch ofit, and when he had fettled his Children, and his wife was taken from himby Death; of an hundred and fifty pound a year that he had left, he gave an hundred of it to charitableufes. His dailywork is to doall the goodhe can,withas great diligence and conftaácy as other Men labourat their7rades: He viliteth the poor, and feekethafter them : He writeth books to fair up the rich, todevote (atleaft) the tenth part of their Elates to works of Charity : He goeth to the rich to perfwade and urge them; He collefteth moneys of all that he can prevail with, and travellethhimfelf (tho between60 and 7o years old) into Wales, Winterand Summer anddifperfeth the money to the poor labouring perfecuted Minders: He hath fettled himfelf in the chief Towns of 16aks a great number of Schools, for Women to teach Children to read, having himfelf undertaken to pay them for many hundred Children: He printethmany thoufands of his own prafical Books, and giveth them freely throughout Wales, (at his owncharge) : And,when I do fomething of the like by mine, he undertaketh the Diftribution of them : He preacheth in Wales himfelf till they drive him from place to place by perfecution ; when he returnethhome, he viliteththe Prifoners, andhelpeth themto books, and preacheth repentance to them : The poor and theignorant are thofe that he liveth for, doinggood to Soul andBodydaily, cave that he Solicit eth the Rich to contri- bute to fuch ufes. The readingof Mr. Mof. Allen's Life hath raifed his Refolution and Activity to fach a Courfe of Life, which was far higher than other Mens before. § 26S, Mr. Sherlock's bookbefore mentioned making a great noife, and he and the Author of thefober Inquiry, andothersof them, when they reproached other Nonconformils being pleated to put in fome Exceptions of me by Name, I thought my feif the inure obliged to difown their Mifcarriages. And I fink in Difcourfe fought to convince Mr. She,lock ; and left he Ihould not either underftand or report me aright (Writings being forerVindications thanMemory) I feat him fome Ani- madverfions, whichhave finebeen Printed. § 269. My old friend Dr. Thomas Good now publilhed a book called, Dubitantius and Firanianus, againft Atheifm, Infidelity, Popery, and then Presbytery, Indepen- dency, and Anabaptilry ; very fuperficial : He wasformerly indeed a profelfedPre-' 'atilt, but moderate, and hirrifelf never hindered from his Minilterial work and maintenance, and joyned withus inour Difputations at Kederminfier, and our Con- cord in Wo'wcellerfbire among the diffenting parties. Yet being Canon of Hereford, and Mr. of Baliol Colledge in Oxford (tho old, waiting for more) he allerted inhis Book, that were confelfed things indifferent that we refuted. Conformity for, and that all the Nonconformils (without Exception) hada hand in the late King's Death,, one way or other, by Content, en. The Impudencyof which affection mov- ed me to write the Contradiction here adjoined. Tomy Reverend Friend Dr. Good, Mr. of Ballo! Coledge inOxford. Reverend and Worthy Sir, IT is now about a Month fence I receiveda Letter from you for the furthering of a good work, which I fent to Mr. Foleyby his SonMr. Faul F. not having oppor- tunity my felf to fee him : I have Rayed fo long for an Anfwer, not hearingyet from him, that I think it not meetany longer to forbear to acquaint you with the Reafons of the delay : He liveth quite at the other end of London fromme, and my weaknefs andbufinefs keep me muchwithin Doors, and it's hard to find himwithin except at thofe hours when I am conftrained to be in bed. But I have reafon to Con-