Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

4 2be L I F E of the Partii! VIII. Thenioft of the conformable Gentry of my acquaintance that were put upon it, took the Engagement against the Kingand Houfe of Lords. IX. The Non-conformable Minifters of Gloucefierfhier (Mr. Geery, Mr. Capen Mr. Narfhaf, &c.) were againft the Parliament'sWar, though the Parliament's Garrifon was over them. Mr. Bampfeld ( who bath lain 6, or 7 years in the common Jail for Preaching) with his Brother (fometimes Speaker of the Houfe of Commons) were fo much againft theParliament's Caufe, that to thisday ( even while he lay in Jail) he moft zealoufly made his followers renounce it : Many Non-conformif(s in many Counties were of the fame mind. X. Manyof the Non-conformifts lived in the King's Quarters, and never were drawn the other way ; asDr. Conant ( lately one of them) and others in Oxford, and fo in other parts. XI. Someof the Non-conformifts were in the King's Army : Poor Martin ofWoo- den loft an Arm in hisArmy, andyet the other Arm lay long withhim inWarwick Jail for Preaching. XII. Almoft all the Non-conformists of my acquaintance in England, fave Inde- pendentsand Seftaries,refufed the Engagement, and tookCromwell and the. Com- mon-wealth-Parliament for Ilfar ers, and never approved what they did, nor ever kept their dales of Fatting or Thanksgiving. (To tell you of the London Mini- sters printed Declarations againft the intended Death ofthe King, you will fay is unfatisfa&ory, becaufe too late. ) XIII. Moll of the Non-conformableMinifters, of my acquaintance, were either boys at School, or in the Univerlity, in the Wars, or never medled with it fo that I mutt profefsthat fetting them altogether, I donot think that one in ten throughout the Kingdom can be proved to have done anyof thefe things that you name, againft the King. XIV. Wehave oft with great menput it to this trial. Let them give leave but to fo many to Preach the Gofpel, as cannot be proved ever to have hadany hand in the Wars againft theKing, andwewill thankfullyacquiefce, and bear the Silenceof the rett : make but this Match,for us, and we will joyfully give you thanks. XV. Who knoweth not that the greateft Prelatifts were the Matters of the Principles that theWar was raifed on,(Bilfon,)ewel,&c.) ( andHooker (quite beyond them all? ) XVI. But becaufe all proof mutt be of individuals, I intreat you as to our own Countrey where yon were acquainted, tell me if you can, I fay it ferioufly ifyou can, what ever was done or Paid againft the King, by Mr. Ambrofe Sparre, Mr. Kimberley, Mr. Lovell, Mr. Cowper, Mr. lleignalds Mr. Hickman, Mr. Trufham, Mr. Baldwin, fenior, Mr. Baldwin, junior, Mr. Sergeant, Mr. Waidern (dead,) Mr. yof. Baker, (dead,) Mr. Wilsby Mr. Brian, Mr. Stephen Baxter, Mr. Badland, Mr. Bulcher, Mr. Ecclefhall, Mr. Read, Mr. Rock, Mr. Pincher, of Wedbury, Mr. Wills of Breraifham, Mr. Pafion, &c. I pafs by many more. And in Shropshire by old Mr. Sam. Hilderfham,.-old Mr. Sam, Bilker, . Mr. Talents, Mr. Brian of Shrewsbury, Mr. Barnet, Mr, Keeling, Mr. Berry, Mr. Madden of Newport, Mr. The. Wright ( dead, ) Mr. Taylor, &c.----Thefe were your Neighbours and mine : I never heard to my remembrance of any one of them that had any thing to do with Wart against the King. It is true (except Mr.Fifher, and force few) they werenot'ejefted, but enjoyed their places ; And did notyou as well as they ? If I can name you fo manyof your Neighbours that were innocent, will you tell the King and Parliament, and the Papists, and Po!terity, that all the Non-conformills ( without any exception ) had their hands Rainedwith the Royal blood ? Whit ! Mr. Cooke of Chefler, and Mr. Birch, &c. that wore imprifoned and perfecuted for the King ! What ! Mr. Leery that died at the news of the King's Death? What! Sir Francis lsTetherfole, and Mr. Bell his Patton') who wrote fomuch againft the Parliament, and was their prifoner at