158 The' X. I F E of the Part III. 5 28S. A Port time after told thefe Deftors what thefe fame Bihopswere èven then contriving when they cryed up Agreement, and fet them on this work, even to bringthings much higher than they were, byputting anOath on the Lords, Com- mons and Magiftrates; of which more anon. But becaufe fome would know the Terms which we agreed on, I Pall here annex the Form, to a word; on- ly telling them that would underftand it, i. That it is not what we would have, had we our Choice, but whatwe would polribly hope might have been granted us: We hadnot the lean hopes of more. a. That we did not fo annex thelatter Par_ titulars, as if we would not have been glad of the former alone, could no more be had : For the bare opening of the Door, for our Entrance, would have done fomething For a prefent litift. 3. That the paffage that (hortening Common Prayer. in extraordinary Cafes Jhould not he punable, had feverál ufes, which unlefs wehad opportunity here to open, as we debated it, cannot be fuddenly underftocd by each Reader : And many will fay that too much or too little is yielded, that know not our Circuntxtances and hear not our Reafons : But it may fomewhat fatisfy confdering Men that both parties did agree in the form here annexed ; tho theBithops bad ra- ther all our Diftraaions and Miferieswere by the greatéft Cruelty continued. An A&`for the Healing and Concord ofhis lllajefiie's SubjecTs in matters of Religion. / WHereas the Concord andConjunft LabOurs of all able Godly Miniltera of f Chrift, areof great ufe to the fafety ofthe true Religion, and peace ofthe Kingdom, and the Salvation of their Flocks, and Experience proveth that this Concord cannot be now obtained, without fonte Abatement of the terms of Uni- formity requiredby theprefent Laws, Be it ended by His Majelty,&c. I. That no other Oath, Subfcription, Declaration, Covenant or promife, Pali henceforth beneceffary to, or requiredof any Priefts or Deacons for theirOtdìna tion, Inftitution,Induecion, Licenfe to preach and performtheir Office, nor of -Stu- dents in the Univerftties, nor School-Mafters, beides the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and the promifes at Ordinationof Minifterial fidelity contained in the form of Ordination, and the fubfcribing to the Doftrine and Sacraments of the Churchof England according to the Ratute of Eli. 13. in the words {J. A.B. ¿o unfeignedly aJJnt to the Doctrine of Faith, and Sacramentsof the Church of England, as they are exprefed in the Articles of the Church] ; And the Oaths for the proper privi- legesof the Univerities andColledges; and to this following. Declaration again* Rebellion and Difloyalty, [J. A. B. do hold that it is not lawful for any of his Ma- jellie's Subjects upon anypretence whatfoever, to take Armr agamft the Xing his Perfon, Authority, or Rights and Dignity, -nor againft any Authorized by his Laws or Legal Cm- mifon ; and that there lyetb no obligation on me, or any of his Majeftie'sSubjeûs from the Oathcommonly called the f lemn League and Covenant, to endeavour any Change of the prefentGovernment of his Majeftie's Kingdoms, nor to endeavour any reformation or alteration of the Church Government {as it is now byLaw e/tablifbed) by Rebellion, Sediti- on or any otherunlawful means. II. And be it marledby, &c. ---That in fuch Churches or places of publick wor-. Pipwhere the Liturgy is read, and the Sacraments of Baptifm and the Lord's Sup- per accordingly adminiftred, by the Incumbent, or the Leecurer, or Curate, or other Mintier, no other Pallbe punned for notufing. it there, or for not bapti zing, or not adminiftringthe Lord'sSupper ; provided that fach other Minifter be loft prefnt at the readingof the Liturgy, and that he read it himfelf at leafé twice a year, and asoften baptize Children (if offered thereto) and'adminifterthe Lord's Supper according to the Liturgy, if he have cure of Souls. Provided that no Mi- ailter (hall be punilhed as guilty of Omiftion, for any brevity which is caufed una- voidably by ficknefs, weaknefs, or any jolt extraordinary tarife e But if otherwife tine Liturgy be in any Church difufed, the IncumbentPail be punilhable as is already appointed by the Law. And