16 2 The LI F E of the Part III The Profeffon of our Loyalty and Obedience. I dowillingly, and without Equivocation and Deceit take theOaths of Allegi= ance, and the King's Supremacy, and hold my felf obliged toperform them. I deter[ all Doftrines and Practices of Rebellion and Sedition : I hold it unlawful for any of His Majefty's Subjefts, upon any pretence whatfoever, to take Arms againft the King His Perfon , Authority , Dignity, or Rights, or againft any Authorized by his Laws or Commiffrons: And that there is no Obligationon me oranyother of his Subjects, from the Oath Commonlycalled, TheSolemn League and Covenant , to endeavour any change of the prefent Government of thefe His Majefty's Kingdoms ; nor to endeavour any Reformation of the Church by Re- bellion, Sedition, or any other unlawful means. The Overpius, as a remedy againft Sufpicion. We believe and willingly embrace all that is written in the Holy Scriptures for the powerof Kings and the Obedience of theirSubjefts, and the finfulnefs of Re- bellionand Refiftance. Andconcerning the fame we content to as much m is found in any General Council, or in the Confeffion of any Chriftian Church on Earth ( not refpecting Obedience to thePope, ) which ever yet cameto our knowledg; or as is owned by the Contentof the Greater part of Divines, Politicians, Law- yers or Hìftorians in theChriftainWorld, as far as our Reading bathacquainted us therewith. IL To the King's moft Excellent Maje,{ty ; The Humble Pe- tition offeme Citizens of London, on the behalfof this City, and the Adjoyning Pares, Shemeth, fl THat the Calamitous Fire 1666, with our Hodes andGoods, Burnt down near 90 Churches,few of which are yet Re-edifyed Anddivers Parifhes, whofe Churches yet Rand , are fo great, that it is but a fmall part of the Inhabitants that can there hear : whereby great Numbers are left in ignorance , and as a prey to Papifts and other Seducers, and which isworfe, to Atheifm, Infidelity, and Irrcligioufnefs : And if many of their ancient ejefled, filenced Paftors, who, for refuting certain Subfcriptions , Declarations , Promifes, Oaths and Praaices, are called Nonconformifts , had not through great Difficulties and Sufferings met- cited their Compafhon to thepeople's Souls, in Preaching and Vifiting the Sick, they had beenyet more miferabledeftituteand forfaken. Your Petitioners being fenfible, that Chriftians profeffing the Belief ofa Life tocone, and that the holy Scriptures fhould not, by tuch Judgments, as our Plagues andFlames be hardened againft God, but be awakened to Repentance and Holinefs of Life and that foGreat and Honourablea City, should not after all, turnworfe than Infidels and Heathens, who are taught by Nature, publickly to Worship God do humbly requeft, that till the Great Parilhes have Capacious Churches or Chappels,and the ruined Churches are re-built, and furnilhed with able Conformable Minifters, thofeProteftant Nonconformifts who will Teach the peo- ple where others do not , may not be therefore punifhed, or be forbidden, and the Souls of many Thoufandswhich ire hafting to another World, be deprived of Such necefCary helps, the Preachers being refponfible for whatever they fpeak or do amifs. This Necelfary Compaffion to this famous City , even to theSouls of Men , which we humbly crave will more oblige Your Majefty's Loyal Subjefts, to Pray for the Continuanceof Your Profperous Reign. III. Tb