-Part III. Reverend Mr. I$ ichard expected in this World and greater Comfort in my Work FM ray. good Friend Richard Ber sfird, Ffgg, Clerk of the Exchequer whole importunity -drew me to his Houk , fparel for no Coff Labour or Kinlncfs for my Health or Service For uin `tanding ofwhich, and much more in them Pa- pers, feeing I record filch things for the Notice of Students and phyhcians,that other mens Health may have fome advantage by my Experiences and Sorrow I mull here digrefs, tomention the State of my vile Body, not otherwife worthy the notice oftht World. 3i t. What is before written, liath notified,' that I have lain in above For= ty Years confiant Weaknetfes, and alnioít confant Pains : My .chief Troubles incredible it Bowels, Bac Sides, I had been daily fill'd with Wind So that I neve k1C, heard,or read of any man that had near fo much. Thirty Phyficians (ac lekt ) all tall- id it nothing but Hypochondriack Flatulency , and fomewhat of a Scorbutical Malady : Great bleeding at the Nofe alfo did emaciate me, and keep nie in a Chachettical Atropie. The particular Symptoms were more than I cab number. I thought my fel , that my Difeafe was almoft all from Debility of the Stomach, and extream Acrimony of Blood, by fome Fault of the Liver. About the Year 1658. finding the Inflation much in the Membranes of the Reins, I finfpetted the Stone, and thought that one of my extream Leannefs might poflibly feel it : I felt both my Kidnies plainly indurate like Stone But never having had a Nephritick Fit, nor Stone came from me in my Life, and knowing, that if that which I felt was Stone, the Greatnefs prohibited all Medicine that tended to a Cure : I thought therefore that it was bell for me to be ignorant what it was : And fo far was I from melancholy; that I faon forgot that I had felt it, even for about Fifteen Years. But.. my Inhations be- ginning nfually in my Reins, and all my Back, daily torn, and greatly pain- ed by it, 1673. it turned to terrible Sulfocations of my Brain and Lungs- So that if 1 flept, I was fuddenly and painfully awakened : The. Abatement of Urine and confiant Pain, which Nature almait yielded to as VittoriotS, renewed my Snfpicien of the Stone And my Old Exploration : And feeling my Lean Back both the Kidneys were greatlier indurate than before, and the Membrane fo fore to torch as if nothing but Stone were within them The Phyficians faid, That the Stone cannnot be felt with 'the Hand ! I de- tect Fonr of the Chief of them to feel them : They all concluded that it is the Kidneys Which h they felt, and that they are hard ( like Stone or Bone ) but what it is tic; could not tell ; but they thought, if both the Kidneys .11,1 Stones fo big, as fcemed to furls feeling, it was impoflible but I Ihonld be nr'ch morfe by -miC-ng and Torment, and not able to Preach, and go about. I told them bet7de.s what Skenkim and many Obfervators fay ; That I arid tell them of inan7 of late times, whole Reins and Gall were full of Stone ( great ones in the Reins, and many -final' ones in the Gall ), who had, fonte of then}, never fi.fpeacd the Stone, and fome but little : But while One or Two of the Phyfrcians (as they Life) did fay, It could not be, left they fhoald ( -'they thought) d'j outage fie P became the Common Talk of the City, efpecialisi the Womdfh; Co if I h d bée:i ä melancholy Humonrift, that conceited my Reins were renrf- lied, When if was no filch matter but meer Conceit. And fo while I läj Night and Dap in Pain, my fuppofed Melancholy (which, I thank God, all my Life bath been extraordinary free from) became, for a Year, the Pity, o1 Derifiou of the Town. But the Difcovery of my Cafe was a great mercy to any Body and my Soul : For, 1. Thereupon , feeing that all Phyficians had been deceived, and perceiving that all my Flatulency and Pains came from the Reins by Stagnation, Regurgi- tation and Acrimony I cafe off all other Medicine and Diet and Twice a Week kept clean my Inteftines by an Eleftuary of CaJfia Terebinth. Cypr; and Rhab. &c. or Pills of Rhab. and Terebinth. Scio. ling alfo Syrup of Mal, lows in all my Drink; a'nd God bath given me much more Abatements and In- termif ions of Pain this Year and half, than in my former overwhelming Pains I could expel, 2. And whether it be a Schyrrus or Stones ( which I doubt not of), I leave' to them to tell others, who Ihall dilfeet my Corps : But fare I am that I have wonderful Caufe of Thankfulnefs to God, for the Eafe which I have