'74 The L 1 FE of the Part III have had thefe Forty Years: Being fully fatisfied, that ( by ill Diet, Old Cheefe, Raw Drinks and Salt Meats ) whatever it is, I contraeled it before Twenty Years of Age, and fine Twenty One or Twenty Two, have had juft the fame Symptoms as now at Sixty, faring the different ftrength of Nature to refill. And that I Ihould in Forty Years have few hours without pain (to call me to redeem my Time ), and yet not one Nephritick Torment, nor A- crimony of Urine (fave One Day of Bloody Urine) nor intolgrable kind of Pain : What greater Bodily Mercy could I have had ? How merciful how fuitable hath this Providence been. My Pains now in Reins, Bowels and Sto- mach, tve. are almoft conftant ; but with merciful Alleviations upon the forefaid means. § 31z. As I have written this to mind Phyficians to fearch deeper, when they ufe to take up with the General Hiding Names of Bypoehondriackr and Sçorbuticks; and to caution Students ; fo I now proceed to that which occafion- ed it. 1 had tried Cow's Milk, Goats Milk, Brent Milk, and Iaf ly, Aires Milk, and none of them agreed with me; But having Thirty Years ägo read in many great Practitioners That for Bloody Vrine, and meer Debility of the Reins,, S'9eeps Milk doth Wonders ( fee Gordoniuu, Forefha, Schoubo, &c.) I had long a delire to try it, and never had Opportunity. But as I was Paying this to my Friend? a Child anfwered, That their next Neighbour ( a Quaker) did 1E11 milk their Sheep ( "a Quarter of a Year after the ufual time, or near): Whereupon I procured itfor fixWeeks, to the greateft increafe of my Eafe, Strength and Flefh, ofany thing that ever I had tried. ì. And at the fame time being driven fromHome and haring an Old Líceafe of the Bilhop's yet in Force , by the Countenance of that , and the great induftry of Mr. Bernford I had Leave and Invitation for Ten Lord's Days to Preach in the Parifn-Churches round about. The firft Parilli that I Preach'd in, after Thirteen Years Ejeftion and Prohibition, was Rickmerfroortb and after that at Sarrat, at Kings Langley at Cheffam, at Chalfor4, and at A- merfkein, and that often Twice a Day : Thofe heard that had not come to Church of Seven Years; and Two or Three Thoufand heard where fcarce an Hundred were wont to come, and with fo much Attention andWillingnefs, as gave me very great Hopes that I never fpaketo them in rain. And, thus Soul and Bodyhad thefe fpecial Mercies. $ 313. But the Cenfures of Men purfued me, as before : The Envious Sort of the Prelatifts accufed me as if I had intruded into the Parifh-Churches too boldly, and without Authority : The Quarrelfome Seftaries, or Separa- tifts, did in London fpeak againft me, for drawing People to the Parifh-Cher - ches and the Liturgy ; and many gave out That I did Conform. And all my Days nothing bath been charged on me fo much as my Crimes, as my coftlieft and greateft Duties. But the pleafing of God, and faringSouls, will pay for all. § 3t4. The Countries about Rickmerfworth abounding with Quakers, becaufe Mr. W. Pen, their Captain, dwelleth there, I was defiròrs that the Poor Peo- ple Ihould Once hear what was to be Paid for their Recovery; Which coming to Mr. Pen's Ears, he was forward to a Meeting, where we continuedfpeak- ing to Two Rooms full of People, (Fatting) from Ten a Clock till Fire ( One Lord and Two Knights, and Four Conformable Minifters, befides, o- thers, being prefent, fomeall the Time; and Rome part). The Suceefs gave me Caufeto believe that it was not labour loft : An Account of the Conference maybe publifhed ere long (if there became) § 315. Whilft this was my Employment in the Countrey, my Friends at home . had got one Mr. Seddon, a Nonconformift of Derbyfhire,' lately come to theCi- ty as a Traveller, to Preach the Second Sermon in my New Built Chappel: He was told ( and over-told) all the Danger ; and defired not to come , if he feared it : I had left word, That if he would but ftep into -my Houle, through. a Door, he was in no danger, they having not Power to break open any but the Meeting-honk : While he was Preaching; Three Juftices, with Soldiers ( fuppofed by Secretary Coventry's fending) came to the Door to feize the Preacher. They thoughtit had been I, and had prepared a Warrant upon the Ox- ford Aft, to fend me for Six Months to the Common Goal. The good man and