Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Parr 111 Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter: 177 of thorn that was accufed for flitting Sir;7okn Coventree's Nofe, about which there was fo great a ftir in the Houfe of Commons: The other was one Robinfon: But lace then fomany have been fent to the. Góals for the fame taufe, and fo many died there, that I muff forbear particular Inftances and Enumerations. §. 3z9. After Northampton, Blaudford,and many other Towns, Southmark was Burned ( between 60o and Icoo Houfes, ) the People fufpefting that it was done by Defign r And one taken for attempting again to Burn the refs of Northampton, confelt that he was hired, and that Southmark was fo Burnt ; whom Sir f7ohn Munfon fent hereupon to Goal. Additions of the rears 1675, 1676, 1677, 1678, &e. s. t . A T this time Mr. Le Blank of Sedan fent to me hisdefire that I would /1- publilh here his Scatter'd Thefts in one Volume, which I purpofed, andWrote an EpitIlle to it: But fumeConformifts, hearing of it, would not have the Publication to be a Nonconformifts work and fo my Bookfeller took so Books for his Title to the Copywhich I gave him , and quit Ms Intereft in it toa Conformift r But Le Blank fent an Epiftle ofhis own , to prevent the'Conformifts; and died as foon as itwas Printedand Publifhed. AWork fufficient to end moft of the Doctrinal Controverfies of this Age if the Readers were but capable recei- vers of theevidence which he giveth them. §. z. In 7une, 1676. Mr. Yang the Bilhop ofLondon's Chaplain, Preaching to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, turned hisSermon againft Calvin and Me; And my charge was, That I hadPmt as bad men to Heaven, as force that be in Hell;] be.. cauee in my Book, called, The Saints Refl; I had laid, that I thought ofHeaven with the more pleafure, becaufe I fhould there meet with Peter , Paul Auilin, Cbry- foflom ferom, Wickliff, Luther Zuinglius Calam, Reza , Bullinger , Zanchy Parana Pifcator, Hooper, .Bradford Latimer, Glover, Sanders Philpot Philpot, Reignolds, Whitaker, Cartwright, Brightman, Bayne, Braerbate, Bolton, Ball Hilderfbam, Pemble Twiffe, Anns, Preflon, Sibbs, Brook, Pins, Ham laden. Which ofthefe the Man knew tobe in Hell, ?cannotconjecture : It's like thofe'that differedfrom him in Judgment ; But till heprove his Revelation , I Ihall not believe him : the need which I preceived of taking away, from before filch Men any thing which they, might (tumble at had made me blot ont the Namesof the Lord Brooke, Pim, and Hambden, in all the Impreiions of the Book (which were many) yet were made ever fince 1659; and yetthis didnot fatisfie the Man : But I melt tell the Reader, that I did it not aschanging my Judgment of the per- fops; well known tothe world: Ofwhom Mr. BohnHambden wasone that Friends and Enemies acknowledged to be molt Eminent, for Prudence,Piety, and Peace- able Counfels having the molt univerfal Praife of any Gentleman that I remem- berof that Age: I remember a moderate prudent aged Gentleman, far front him but acquainted withhim, whom I have heard Paying, That ifhe might choofe what perlon he would be then in the world, he would be f7obn Hambden. Yet there Damning Prelatifts are the Men that are for our Silencing, Imprifonment, and Ruin, as if we were unworthy to live on the Earth, becaufe wewill not affent and content to the Liturgy, by which we are to pronounce all Men in England laved, except three forts, viz. theExcommunicate, Unbaptized, and Self-murder- ers ; that is, of every one of thereft, we mutt fay, That Godof lais great Mercy bath taken to himfelf the Soul of this our dear Bro.her out of the Miferies of this Life, and that we hope to be with him: Were it Hobbs himfelf, or any one of the Crowd of Atheilts, Infidels, Papifs, Adulterers, or any Villains now among us, ( for Poch are not Excommunicate) thus we muff falfly, contrary to all our Preaching; Pronounce them all Paved, or forbidden ever to Preach God's Word : And yet I am condemned publickly for fuppofing fuch Excellent perlons to be Saved. But Er roars and Sins contradift themfelves, and Faftious Damners, that, for Preferment, Condemn good Men, are ordinarily felf-condemned. S. 3. Thismaketh me remember how this last year one Dr. Mafon (a great Preacher againft Puritanes) Preached against me publickly in London, Paying, That when a Inflictwas fending me to prifon, and offered me to flay till Monday, if Zzzz Iwould