182 1heL1FEojthe Part III ther employed all theirwit, care and power, to get all the Hiflories of Councils burnt and forgotten in the World, that they might have only their. own Oral flexible tradition to deliver to Mankind what their intereft pro re nata Mali require. Alas how fmal was the hurt that the very Familifts, the Munftcr Fanaticks, the very Quakers;or Ranters have done, in comparifon ofwhat fome one Pope, or one Ageor Council of Carnal,Tyrannical Prelats hath done . The Kingdom of Satan is keptup in theWorld, next to that Senfuality that is born in all, by his ufurping andperverting the two great Offices of God's own inftitution, Magiftracy and .Mi- niftry, and wring the Sword and Word againR the lnfitntor and proper end : But God is juft. §. 16. Three years before this I wrote a Treatife to end our common Controverfies, in Do&rinals, about Predeftination, Redemption, juftification, áf finance, perfeverance and fuch like; being a Summary of Catholick reconciling Theology. §. 17. In November 1677. Dyed Dr. Thomas Manton to the great lofs of London ; Being an able judicious faithful man ; and one that lamented the in- temperance of many felf conceited Minifters and people, that, on pretence of vin- dicating free grace and providence, and of oppofing Arminianifin, greatly cor- rupted the Chriftian Doftrin, and Schifmatically oppugned Chriftian love and concord, hereticating and making odious all that fpake not as erroniouflyas them- felves. Many of the Independents inclining to half Antinomianifm, fuggelted fufpicions againR Dr. Manton, Dr. Bates, Mr. Howe, and my felf and fisch others, as if we were half Arminian. On which occafion I Preached two Sermons on the words in dude [They (peak evil of what they underhand not.] Which per- haps may be publifhed. §. 18. This year 1678. dyed Mr. Gabriel Sanger, a Reverend faithful Non- conformift,fometimes Mini ter at Martin's in thefields.. And this day, on which I write this, I Preached the Funeral of Mr. Stubbsa holyExcellent Man, which per- haps may be publifhed, if it can be licenfed. §. 16. Mr. Long of Exeter, wrote a bookagainR the Non-conformifts, as Schif- maticks, on pretenfe of confining Mr. Hale's book of Schifm ; and in the end cited a great deal of my writings against Schifm, and let fall divers paffages; which occafioned me to write the Letter to him which is infested in the Appen- dix. No. 3. §. an. Some young Gentlemen wrote me a Letter defiring nie publickly to refolve this Cafe : The King , Laws and Canons command us to joyn in the publick PariJls- Churches, and forbid us to joy* in private Meetingi, or unallow- ad with Non-conformiJts: Our parents command us to joyn with Non-conformifis in their Meetings, and forbid us to hear the Conformiifls in publick, whichyet we think lawful : which of theft muff we obey? i anfwered the Cafe in the Pulpit, and drew it up in writing, and have infected it among other papers with the end. ,No. 6. 5. 21. My Bookfeller , Nevi' Simons broke which occaíoned a clamour against me, as if I had taken too much money of him for my books : When before, it was thought he had been one : of the richeft by my means, and I fup- pofed I had freely given him (inmeer charity) thegains of above qoo pounds, ifnot above r 000 pounds. Whereupon I wrote a Letter to a Friend in my owu necelfary Vindication, which fee alfo at the end. No. 7. §. na. Thecontroverfie of Predetermination of the alts of fin was unhappily shared this year among the Non-conformifts ; on the occafion ofa fober modest book of Mr. How's to Mr. Boil against an objeftion of Atheiftical men : And two honett felf-conceited Non-conformifts, Mr. Daufin. and Mr. Gale, wrote against him unworthily And jail-now a fecond book of Mr. Gale's is come out whol- ly for Predetermination, fuperficially and inperficially touching many things, but throughly handling nothing ; falfely reporting the fenfe of Auguhin, or at leaftof Profiler and'Fulgentius, and notorioufly of fanfenius, &c. and palling divers incongderable refleftions on franc words in my Cath. Theol. Efpeciallyop- pofing Strangius, and the excellent Thefts of Le Blank, withno frrength or regard- able Argument. Which indineth me (becaufe hewriteth in Englgh) to publilh an cid Difput in Englifhagainst Predetermination to fin, written20 years ago, and thought not fit to be publilbed in Engle; but that an antidote againR thepen-