Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

180 The L I F E of the Part lil Coleman, the Dutchefs of York's Secretary (and one of the Papifts great Plot- ters and Difputers) being furprized , though he made away all his later Pa- pers was hanged by the Old Ones, that wereremaining, and by Oates his Te- alimony. But the Parliament kept off all Afperfions from the Duke : The Hopes of fome , and the Fears of others of his Succeffion prevailed with many. s 28. At Taft the Lord Treafurer ( Sir Thomas Osborne made Earl of Dan- by) came upon the ftage having been before the pbjeft of the Parliament and People's jealonfy and hard thoughts. He being afraid that fomewhat would be done againft him, knowing that Mr. Montague (his Kinfman) late Ambaffadour in France had fome Letters of his in his keeping, which he thought might en- danger him, got an order from the King to feize on all Mr. Moñtagues Let- ters, who, fufpefling fome filch ufage, had conveyed away the chief Letters ; and telling the Parliament where they were, they fent and fetcht them, and upon the reading of them were fo inftigated against the Lord Treafurer they impeached him in the Lords Houfe of High Treafon. But not long after the King difolved the long Parliament (which he had kept up about 17 or 18 years). But a new Parliament is promifed. § 29. Above 40 Scots men (ofwhich 3 Preachers) were by their Council fentenced to be not only banilhed but fold, as fervants (called haves) to the American Plantations : They were brought by chip to London : Divers Citizens offered to pay their ranfom : The King was petitioned for them : I went to the D. of Lauderdale ; but none of as could prevail for one man : At laic the Ship-Matter was told that by a Statute it was a Capital crime to Tranfport any of the King's Subjeas out of England (where now they were) without their confent, and fo he fee them on Ihoar and they all efcaped for nothing: $ 3o. A great number of Hungarian Minifters had before been fold for Gaily haves bythe Emperour's Agents, but were releafed by the Dutch Admi- ral's Regina, and fume of them largely relieved by Colleftions in London. § 3t. The long and grievous Parliament (that filenced about anno Minigers and did many works of filch a nature) being diffolved as aforefaid, on yan: 25. 1678. A new one was chofen and met on March 6 following : And the King refuting their chofen fpeaker (Mr. Segmore) raifed in them a greater dif- pleafure againft the Lord Treafurer thinking him the taufe ; and, after force days they chofe Serjeant Gregory. $ 32. The Dukeof Tork a little before, removed out of England by the King's Command; who yet Rands to maintainbisSuccef ion. S 33. The Parliament firft impeached theforefaid Papift Lords for the Plot, or Coaf iracy (the Lord Bellafss, Lord Arundel, Lordof Fowls, Lord Stafford, and Lord Peter) and after them the Lord Treafurer. 34. New fires breaking out enrage the People againft the Papifts : A great part -. of Southwark was before burnt, and the Papiftsftrongly fufpeDDed. the caufe. Near half the buildingsof theTemple were burnt : And it was greatly fufpe&ed to be done by the Papifts. One Mr.Bifeild'shoufe in hiolbóurnand Diversothers fo fired (but quenched) as made it very probable to beby their Confpiracy. And at laic in Fetter-Lane it fell on thehoufe of Mr. Robert Bird (a Man employed in Law, of great Judgment and Piety) whohavingmore wit than manyothers to fearchit ont, found thatit was done by a new Servant Maid, who confelfedit firft to him, and then to a Jufice, and after to the Lords, that oneNicholas Stubbes a Papil having firft madeher promifeto bea Papift, next protnifed her 5 1. to fet fireon her Ma- fEer's houfe,telling her that many others weretodo the like, and the ProteltantHe- reticks tobe killed bythe middle of gane, and that it was no more fin to do it than to kill a Dog. Stubbes was taken,and at firft vehemently denyed, but after confelfed all, andtold them that one Giffarda Pried and hisConfeffor engaged him in it, and Divers others, andtold themall as aforefaid, how the FiringandPlot went on,and whathope they had of a French Invafion. The Houle of Commons defired the King topardon the woman(Elie. Oxley) and Stubbes. § 35. If the Papifts have not Confidence in the French Invafion, God leaveth them to utter madnefs to haften their ruine : Theywere in fall junDRnefs through the Land, and the noife of rage was by their defign turned againft the Nonconfor- milts ; But their hopes did cad them into filch an impatience of delay, that they could no,longer gay, but-muft prefently Reign by rageof blood. Had they ¡Inch- ed