Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

l t$ 'Ire L 1 FE of the Part III §. 5s. Againft this I Wrote a fecond Defence which he never anfwered. §. 55. One Mr. Chevy ( an hone$ weak Melancholy -Man) wrote againft my Pleafor Peace to which I Publifhed an Anfwer. §. 57. One Mr. Hinkley Wrote againft me long ago , which occafioned fome Letters betwixt us ; and now he Publi(hed his Part, and put me to peblifhmine; which I did, withan Anfwer to a Book, called Reflexions, &c. and another, called, The Impleader and a Re- joynder to Mr. Cheny -Long of Exeter was one of them. §. 58. Betaufe a Book, called, The Counterminer ; Le Strange,and many others, endeavoured Rill, as their Chief Work, to perfwade Rulers and all, that we che- rilhed Principles of Rebellion, and were preparing for Treafon, Sedieiou, or a War : I much defired openly to publllh our Principles about Government and Obedience, but our Wife Parliament-Gentlemen were againft- it, flying, You can publilh nothing fo truly, or warily, bet Men will draw Venom out of it, and make ufe of it againf you. But having been thus Ropt many years, it fatisfied not my Conference, and I publilhed all, in a Book, called, A fecund Ileafor Peace. And it hath had the Ittange fate of Being tlnanfweredto this day ; nor can I get them to take notice of it Thought was feared it would have been but Fewel to their Malice, for fume ill effect. I added to it, TheNonconformifts gudgsoene about things indifferent, about Scandal ; The difference betwer,s Grace and Mora- lity ; and what Nonconformity innot. §. 59. Upon Mr. H. Dodwell's provocation I publifhed a Treatife ofEpifopa- cy that had lain long by me ; which fully openeth our Judgment aboutthe diffe- rence between the oldEpifcopacy, and our new Diocefans, and Anfwereth almolt all the Chief Writers which have Written for filch Prelacy, fpecially Bithop Vomnance, Dr. Hammond, Saravia, Spalatenfis, Sctavius, &c. I think I may freely fay, it is Elaborate, and had it not done fomewhat efFe&ually in the undertaken cafe, fount one or other would have anfwered it ere now. It makes me admire that my Cathol. Theology, our Reformed Liturgy, my Second Pleafor Peace, (that, I fay, not the firfI alto) and this Treatife of Epifeopacy couldnever procurean An- fwer from anyof thefe fierce Accufing Men; when as it is the Subje&s of thefe Four , which are the Controverfies of the Age ( and Rage) by thefe Men fo much infifted on. But I have fine found forne Explication about the Engl Din- eefanes neceffary ; which the Separatifts forced me to publifh, by mifunderftand- ïag me. S. 6o. Mr. Hinkley grewmore moderate, and Wrote me a ReconcilingLetter ; but Long of Exceter ( if Fame mifreport not the Anonimons Author ) Wrote fo fierce a Book, toprove me, out of my own Writings, to be oneof the work Men living on Earth ( full of Faifhoods, and old retrafed Lines, and half Sen- tences) that I never few any like it; And being overwhelmed withWork and Weaknefs, and Pains, and having IeaR zeal to defend a Perfon fo bad as I know my felf to be I yet never Arifweredhim, it being none of the matter in Con- troverfie, whether I he good or bad. God be Merciful to me a Sinner. §. 61. I publifbed alto anApology for theNonçonformifts Preaching proving it their duty to Preach, though forbidden, while they can; And Anfwering a Multitude of Objefors againft them-, Femlis, Morley, Gunning, Parker, Patrick, Pruek, Saymell, Affiton, Good, Dodwoll, &c. With. Reafons toprove, that the ho- neit Confortnifts Ihould be for our Preaching. S. 6z. I publifhcd a few Sheets, called, AMoral Prcgnofticatian, what will be- fall the Churches, as gathered only from Moral Caufes. fi. 63. Beranfe the accufation of Schifni is it that maketh all the noife againft the Nonconformifts, in the Mouths of their Perfecutnrs, I Wrote a few Sheets, called, A feareh for the Engtrfü Schifmati4,1 comparing the Principles and Praed- ces of both Parties, and leaving itto the Reader to judge, who is the Schifma- tick -; (hewing, that the. Ptelatift6lsave in the Canons ipfo fada, Excommunicated all ( Nobility, Gentry, Clergy and People) who dobut affirm, that there is any thing finfui in their Liturgy, Ceremonies, or Church -Government, even to the loweft Officer ; And their taws oaft ús out of the Miniftery into Goals, and then they call us Schifmaticks for not reining totheir Churches s Yea, though foe come to them conftantly, as I have done-,.if we will not give over Preaching our felves ; when the parishes I lived in ; °had one Fifty thonfand , the other Twenty thoufand Souls in it, more than can cone within the Church- doors. This Book