Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Part 1 1. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter, i93 fame reafbn that Houfc- Meetings are fo called, for wantof the Liturgy ; For the Law impofeth the Liturgy on Churches, but not on Hodes. ;. Many Conformifts hase Bill nfed to repeat their Sermons in their Honks, to. More than four 'Neighbours, without the Liturgy : And if any filch thing be judg'd a Conventicle, to Fine the Incumbent Forty pounds, and Banlih him Five Miles from his parifh ever after feems contrary to our Difeipline. II. My Cafe is this. s. I ,ám no Nonconformift in Law- Sence, ( and my Confcience bath no Judge but God : ) For I Conform to the Liturgyand Sacrament, as far as theLaw re- quireth me : I was in no place of Ecclefiaftical Promotion on May the tit, i662 ; nor ever linehad any, nor theoffer ofany : And therefore the Law impofeth not onme, the Declaration, or the Affent. or Confent,no inure than on Lawyers; or Judges. 2. I have the Bilhop of London's Licenfe to preach in his Dioeefs,which fitppo- feth me no Nonconformif in Law-fence : And I have the Judgment of Lawyers, evenof the prefent Lord Chief Jnftice,and Mr. Pollexfen, that by that Licenfe I may Preach occafional Sermons. 3.. I have Epifcopal Ordination, and judge it grofs Sacriledge to foriake my Cal- ling. 4. I am jnítificd againit fufpicion of Rebellious Doitrine many ways. s. By my publick Retra&ation of any old accufedwords or writings. 2. i was chafn alone to Preach the Publick Thankfgiving at St. Paul's for Gene- ral Monk's Meters. 3. The Commons in Parliament chofe me to Preach to them at their Publick Fah for the King's Reltoration, and cail'd him home the next day. 4. I was Sworn Chaplain in Ordinary to the King. g. I was offered a Bilhoprick. 6. The Lord Chancellor who offered it, at- idled under his hand, His Majeltv's Senfe of my Defect, and His Accep- tance. 7. I ana jultifyed in the King's Declaration about Eccleliaftical Af- fairs,among the reft there mention'd. 8. When I Preached before the King, he commanded the Printing of my Sermon. 9. To which may be added the Aft of Oblivion. ro. And having publilhed above an Hun- dred Books, I was never yet convia of any ill Dottrine, fine any of the laid ABs of King, Parliament and others for my Difcharge and Jnftifi cation. _ q. I have oft Printed my judgment for Communion with the Parifh Churches, and exhorted others to it : And having built a Chappel , delivered it for Pa- rilh ufe. .6. I was never lawfully Convif of Preaching in an unlawful Affembly : for I. was not once fummon'd by the Jaftices that granted out theFive Warrants againh- me, to anfwer for My fell, nor ever told who teas my Accufer, or who Witnelfed avalait me. And I have it under the hand of the prefent Lord Chief jnitice, that a Lawful Conviction fuppofeth Summons. And the Lord Chief jufticeVaughan, with judge 7yrrel, Archer and Wild, did longago difcharge me, upon their decla- ring, that even the Warrant of my Commitment was illegal, becaufe no Accufer at Witncfs was named , and fo I was left remedilefs in 'cafe of falfe Accufa- tion. 7. As far as I tinderfand it, I never did Preach in any unlawful Affembly, which was on pretence of any Exercife of Religion contrary to Law. I Preach- ed in Parifh Churches where the Liturgy was Read as oft as I had leave and invi- tation : And when I could not have that leave, I never took any Paltoral Charge, nor Preached for any Stipend, but not daring perfidionily to defert the Calling which I was Ordained and Vowed to, I Preacht occafional Sermons in other Men's. Bb bb b Houles,