Part III. Reverend Mr: Richard Baxter. '`9 evenCommanding Pretórian, Legiflative, and Judi ial to all the Church on E i and that obedience to this Foreign Jurifdi&to,i, is t.r ne_effáry way to efcape: Schifin and Damnation. And if it be noalteration of Governitienetb, bring King and Kingom to bt iühjeít to a Foreign Jarifdiaion, thi Ostu aild tlye Oath ofSu- premacy, and the 39 Articles and Canons, and fcveral s it, areall unintelligible torus. We renounce all f'bje63ion to any Foreign China Or Power, but not Communion. We have Comnßsnion with the Churchof Rome;' än'd all Others in Chriftianity, bet not in.thcir fin; and we are not yet fo dug as. to know no difference between Foreigners Gôvernment of us, and their Communion nor to thinkthat Separation from a Ufinped Government is Separation front Chri- Pian Communion : ' Nor can we poffibly believe the Capacity of Pope, or.Council, or Colledge of Bilhops, asa Monarchy, or Arifocracy, to Governall the World in one Soveraignty Ecclehaftical, till we fee One Civil Monarchy, or Ariffocracy, rule all the Earth. Andwe dread the Doctrine and Example of filch Menas would introduce any Foreign Jurifdi/ion, while they are for Swearing all the Land a- gainft anyalteration of Church- Government; And we muff deliberate beforewe thus Conform, while fo Great Men do render the Oath fo doubtful to us. I appeal to the fore-cited Profellionof my Loyalty, publillied many years ago, as being far, More full and fatisfatfory to any that quefioneth it; than the taking of this doubt- ful controverted Oath world be. A true Copy of the judgment of Mr. Saunders now Lord Chief jethlice of the King's-Bench, given me March the sd, i675. TF he bath the Bilhop's Licenfe, and be not a Curate, Lefturer, or other A Promoted Eccleliialtical Perfon, mentioned in the Aft, I conceive he may Preach Occafional Sermons without Conforming, and not incur anyPenalty with- in this Aft. The due Order of Law requires, that the. Delinquent, if he be forth-coming, ought to be fummon'd to appear to Anfsver for himfelf, if he pleafes, before he be Convicted: But, in cafe of his withdrawing himfelf, or not appearing, he may be regulatiy Convi&ed. Conviftions may be accumulated before the Appeal be determined: but not un- duély c nor is ittobe fuppofed that any undue Conviftions will be made, As 3 Conceive, Edm. Saunders. M. day :z. r67,. Afr. Polixfen's judgment for M Preaching Occa '01721íy. A. B. before the Thirteenth of this King being Epifcopally Ordained , and at the time of the Aft of Uniformity made Car. z. not being Incumbent in any Living, or having any Ecclefiaftical Preferment, before the Aft of Uniformity, viz. zS Feb. t 3 Car. 2. obtains a Licenfe of the then Bithopof London under his Seal, to Preach in any part of his Diocefs, and at the fame time fubfcribes the 39 Articles of the Church of England. Quefr. Whether Liceafes Preceding the Aft be within the meaning of the Act ? Bb b b b á I conceive