Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

96 The LI F E of the Part Mt 1 conceive they are: : For if Licenfed at the time of the, AO made, what need any new Licenfe? That were but aáum agere, and the Claufe in the All [unlefi be be Lsccnfed,&c. ] in the manner of penning (hews that Licenfes, that thenwere, were fulficient and within the Provifion : And the following Claufe as to the Leaurers is Exprefs [nom it, or!hall be Licenfed] The former part of the Alï as well as that extends to Licenfes that thenwere. For the fame Licenfe that enables a man toPreach a Leannmutt enable a mantoPreach. Q. Whether he be retrained by the Alf ofVniformitytoPreach aFuneral Ser- mon or other occalional Sermon? I Conceit e that he is not reftrained by this Alf to Preach anyOccafional Ser- mon fo as it be withinthe Dìocefs wherein he is Licenfed. Hen. Pollexfen: Decémb. 19. 1682. s 77. While I continue night and day under confiant pain , and often Strong, and under the fentenceof approaching deathby an uncurabledifeafe which age and great debilityyields to, I found great needof theconfiant exercife of pa- tienceby obedient fubmiffion to Cod ; and writing a fmall Tratate of it for my own ufe, I faw reafon to yield to them that deliradit might be publick, there being (efpecially) focommon need of obedient patience. , y8. Having long ago writtena Treatife againft Coalition withPapifts, by in troducing a Foreign Jnrisdiaion of Pope or Councils, I was urged by theWritings of Mr. Domel, andDr. Saymelt topublilh it, but the Printers dare not Print it; EntitledEngland not to be perjured by receiving a Foreign Jurisdi&ion. It is in twoParts : The firthHiltoncal !hewing who have endeavoured to introduce a Fo- reign Jurisdietion, citing Papilla, Grotius, Arch-Bithop Bromhall, Arch-Bithop Laud, Thorndike,Dr. Saymell, Dodwell, four Letters toBithop tuning, and others. The ad part ltrìflyStating theControverfy,andConfuting a Foreign Jurisd'idion, agaìult which Change of Government all the Land is Sworn. I may not Print it. § 79. When lfaw the thorns of Perfecution arifing by the Agitators Hilton, ,Sbád,Buck, and fachother, and faw what the Jultíces were at leall in prefent dan- ger of, and efpecially how Le Strangeand other weekly Pamphleteers bent all their wit and powertomake others odious, andprepared for deftrudion, and to drawas many as poffibly theycould to hate and ruine faithful men, and how Confcience and Seriouspiety grewwith many into, fuchhatred and reproach, that no men were fo Much abhorred, that many gloried tobe called Tories,tho they knew it wasthename of the Irffh commonmurderingThieves : I wrote a finall Bookcalled Cain and Abel, in two parts : The firth againftmalignant Enmity to ferious Godfinefs; with abun- dant Reafonsto convince Malignants. The fecond against Perfecution, by way of Qpære's. I wrote a third part (as Impartial) to tell Dilfenters why (while I was able) I went oft to the Parifh Church and there Communicated, and why they Should not fuller as Separatifts or Recufanta, left they fulfer as evil do- ers : But wife men would not let me publilhit. And the two fiat, the Bookfel Ìers and Printers durit not print but twice refuted them. § So. But the third part the Reafons of my Communion with Parilh Churches, that have honett able Minifters,' I fent to one friend, who telling others of it, a $ookfeller after two years importunedme to let hilt Print it. r. The (harp execu- tion ofthe Lawhad then brought Multitudes into Prifon andPoverty. a. Noncon-, formifts both Presbyterians and Independents, had taken the Corporation Oath Mid Declaration, and Communicated in the Panth Churches, forto make them ca- pable of Truthand Office in the.City ; And becaufe it feem'dto tend to their pro- to/ion and advantage, we heardof no noire made againft them by the Independents;' but they admitted them as their Members to their Communion as before. I was againft their taking the Declaration, but not againft their Communicating, but I medled not with them. At lath whenthe Earl of Shaftsbury wasbroken and gone, and theCity Poe :'ér and CommonCouncil fubdued to thewill of the King, the fore -. fail