6 f1PPENDIX. Numb. I. neither, but to the Epifcopal) yet r. It follows neverthelefs that the Papifts of the two are to be preferred as true Minifters, before them that are none. z. And if we difpute with the Papift, which it the true Church, and fet againft them only Eleven or Twelve (for Iö many you reckon on) Englilh Bilhops (and if there be any Irifh or Scotilh) with thole of the Clergy that adhere to them (Quality and Number confidered) whom the People know not where to find, nor can enjoy, what Suc- cefs is fuch a Difpute liketo have, either with the People, or with the Adverfary ? will they not tell us, our Church is invifble, efpecially when thefe few Bilhops are dead ? Except. to Se.l . 6. 2. Whether in this Worcefferjlnre Affociation, whofoever will enter into it doth not therein oblige himfelf to acknowledge that Presbyters. (while there remain alive fourteen, or thirteen, or twelve Catholick Proteftant Bilhops) may proceed to publick Excommunications, and Abfolution in foro Ecelefiaflico, without asking thole Bithops Content, allowance, or taking any notice ofthem. See Refofution tz, r 3, r4, 15. and the Scope of the wholeBook. To your fecondQuelion I anfwer, The Term [Excommunication] we ufe not. This Term is ufed to fignify, fometimes a delivering up to Satan, and caning out of the Catholick Church, fometimes only a Minifterial Declaration that fuch a I'erfon fhould be avoided by the People, acquainting them with their Duty, and requiring them to perform it : fometimes it lignifies the Peoples aâual Avoidance. In the former Salle we have let it alone; and that which you call your Excommuni- catio Major we meddle not with, much lets do we ufurp a compelling Power for the Execution. The other we know to be continent with the Principles of Epif - copal Proteftants (if not alfo with Papins) yea, even when there is a Bithop tell- dent in the Diocefs, it beingbut partof our teaching and guiding Office as Presby- ters of that Congregation; but I have Paid enough of this in my Explications already. z. But what if there be twelve latent Bithops in England (when for mypart I I hear not of above two or three) have they Power not only to ordain, but alto to govern other Dineen -es whichhave no Bilhops? Yea,muft they needs govern them? I. Woe then to the Churches of England, that mull live under fuch Guilt devoidof all Government. z. Woe to the Sinners themfelves, that mutt be left without Chrift's Remedy. ;. Woe to particular Chrinians that mull live in the continual Breachof God's known Law,, that faith [with fuch go not to eat, Ó'c.] for want of a Bithop to Execute it. 4. Woe to the few Bilhops that be; for ifall the Autho- rity be in them, then the Duty and Charge of executing it is only on them ; and then they arebound toImpoflibilities, one Bifhopmun Excommunicate all theOf- fenders in a great part of the Land, when he is not fufficient to the hundredth part of the Work. Then when all the Bilhops in England are dead, fave oneor two, they are the foieParlors of England, and all Difcipline mun be call away for want of their Sufficiency. Then it feems the Death of one Bithop, or two or three, doth a&ually devolve their Charge to another, and who knoweth which other ? This is new Canon. Not onlyProtenant Bilhops, but fome Papilla confefs, that when a Bishop is dead, the Government remains in the Presbyters till another be chofen : fure they that govern (the People atlean) with himwhile he is living (as is coddled) need not look on it as an alien, fùpereminent, tranfcendent Work, when he is dead. Bilhop Bromball againn Mil. p. n27. gives People a Judg- ment of Difcretion, and Parlors a Judgment of Diredìion, and to the chief Pa- Bars a Judgment of Jurildittion. You may go well, allow us by a Judgment of Dire&ion to tell the People that they lhould avoidCommunion with an open wick- ed Man, even while a Bithop is over us ; Selden ele Syne. c. 8, 9, to. and will tell you another Tale of theway of Antiquity inExcommunicationand Abfolution than you do hear: But of this enough in the Books. Except. to Sell. 7. 3. Doth not he oblige himfelf alfo to acknowledge that not only Presbyters (in- communi governing) but one -tingle one of them, may proceed to Excommunicati- and Abfolution in foro Ecclefsaftico? Reply to Sett. 7. Your third Qenion I anfwer by a Denial, There is no fuch Obligation. The Declaration of the Peoples Duty to avoid fuch an one, is by one; fo is every Sermon, fo is your Epifcopal Excommunication. Dotti not one, and that a Pic,byter declare or publifh it ? But for advftng and determining of ir, we Yve