Numb. 11mP ENDi'X typed oür felves not to do ft alone, though for mine own private Opinion I doubt, not eafily to prove that one tingle Bithop or Paftor bath die Power of the Keys, and may do all that we agree todo. Except. to Sett. 8. 4. That not only one fngle Presbyter ; but one whole Ordination was neverhy any Bithop to be Presbyter, (where alto Billions were that might have been fought unto) bath that Power aifo of Excommunication, &c. Reply to Sett. 8. Your fourth is anfwered in the reft, ifhis'Ordination have 'only in the Jthelgment ofEpifcopal Proteflants (yea, of fome Papifts) an Irregularity, but notes Nuttily, then hehath Power to dofo much as we agree on: Your Exception is as much a- gainft his other Miniftrations. Except. to Sett. 9. I Speak only of the Effence of their Affociation ; ,notinfifting onwhat Mr.Bas- ter declares to the World, that in fòme Cafes the People (not fatisfied withthe,13i- 'hops or Presbyters Ordination) mayeccept or take a Man of tiiemfelves fvíthout any Ordination (by Bithops or Presbyters) to be their Parlor and Presbyter with Power of Excommunication and Abfolution in himfelf alone (without the People) feep. 8 ;. Reply to Seel. 9. That this maybe donein fomeCafes,l have latelydifputed it with a learned Man of your Party, andconvinced him. And methinks Nature fhould teach you if you were (unordained, but qualified by Gifts) call among the Indians, that you fhould not let them perifh for want of that publick, confiant teaching which is .Minifterial, or of Sacraments and Difcipline only for want ofOrdination ; that the Sublançe of Duty fhould not be thrown by for want of that Order which was inftituted for its Prefervation, andnot for its Deltru&ion. You dare fcarceo- penly and plainly deny that Neceflity warrants the Presbyters of the Reformed Churchesto ordain : AndIdoubt you allow it them then on no other grounds, then what would warrant this that I amnow pleading for. Except. to Seel. ro. And'for anyYotumor defire of Bifhops,Protefi.Bifhops if they might have them,or eccefs unto them (which was fo oft the publick avowed Defireof the chiefelt Refor- mers and Protellants beyond Sea,tnuch unlike theSpirit ofourPresbyterians)fee what Mr. Baxter gives us to know, p 8p. where (comparing our prefent Bithops with a Leader in an Army) he faith, Nay, it is hard nutting that Man again, that bath be- trayed us and the Church, ibid. Theft have fo apparently falfified their Truft, that if we were fully refolved for Bithops, yet we cannot fùbmit to them for Ordi- nation or Jurifdietion, and then he proves it by Canon (he thinks) that the Presby- ters now fhould not fubmit to the prelim Bithope by Canon Concilü Rhegien. ur. perverfi ordinatorre nullis demo ordinationibnr interfant, anddeafi you may reply, that he fpeaks not this of all our prefent Bifhops, he immediately fubjoins there Words [Where then'hall we have a Bishop to ordainof the old aeon( Tribe?] Is not this Chri- ltianFilial Duty of Presbyterstoward the Whops their Fathers? Reply to Sea ro. r. For that Defire you again mention of Bithops in the Reformed Churches, it is an unproved, vain Affertion againft full Evidence. It is only of a few particular Perfons in thofe Churches that you can prove it : If fo many Writings againft Bi- thops and Conflitutions, and a&ual Pra&ice will not prove them willing to be without them ; or at leali, net necef"tated ; there is noProof of any Man's Will or Necellity. z. What I faid, I mull needs maintain till you fay fomewhat to change my Judgment. Iam paff doubt it's ill trailing the Betrayers and Defiroy- ers of the Church, with the Government of it : And this I did prove, and can with great Eafe and Evidence prove it more fully. 3. Ipray you do not perfuade Men that by [the old accufedTribe] I meant all the late Englith Bithops they were not all accufed of deftroying or betraying the Church, that I everheard of. Where be the Articles that wereput, in againft Ufher, Had, Davenant, Potter, Weflfeld, Pry deaux, &c. All thofe that I call theaccufed Tribe you may find Articles againft in Parliament, for their Devaftations or Abufes. Should the Arrians, or other He- retick Billions, fay to thole that forfook them, as you do of me [is not this Chri- than, Filial Duty of Presbyters towards the Bitliops their Fathers) There is no Duty to any Epifcopal Father that will hold againft God and his Church. Take heed of making their Sins your own. Except: