Numb. I. iTm ENDIX. 9 which is mentioned : And yet you are pleafed to affirm that I [(Peak it as my own Judgment, and not only from the Confequences of Adverfaries.J Suppofing your Grounds, (which I confidentlydeny) that an uninterrupted Succefftonof due Au- thoritative Ordination is neceffary.abfolutely, to the Being of the Minilterial Call- ing ; I doubt not but all the unhappy Confequences will be unavoidable which you mention concerning the Churches of all the Weft: But whether it be you or I that is to be blamed for thofe Confequences, it is not your Word only that muft de- termine, and I am willing to try by weight ofReafons: Except. toSeg. I ;. And now for theProof of all this, the whole weight is laid by this Book. t. Upon an Argument a compuratu: If,they, the Proteftants beyond Seas are lawful Paftors and Presbyters (whole Neceflity and Plea of Neceffìty publickly to have been made by thofe, thefe our, new, Presbyterians cannot deny) then our new or- dained ones by Presbyters, are Presbyters alfò (though they, want all fach Pretence; all colour of Neceflity, for themfelves were the fish Authors of it, to thofe that eje&ed them, which yet did not bring a Necellty neither,,which we all know) IfNeceffìty be pleaded to beabove Ecclefialfical Laws, (as fometimes ithash ilifpen fed even withdivine pofitive Laws themfelves) then they pro imperio will be above them by their own Magifterial iìosdd`oo and by Confequence if they will take this to themfelves, that whatfoever is lawful toothers upon neceffìiy, is and (hall be lawful to themfelves without Neceffity,.they may in the next place, Pope-like, take to themfelves to difpenfe with divine pofitive Laws,, slfo becaufeneceffityhas fometimes difpenfed with them. Reply to See. I.You may as well fay,we dare not fay theSun Shineth,as that wedare not deny the Protellant Churches to have beenwithout Bishops to this day through neaflìty againft their Wills ; whets in almoft all of them the full Power Civil and Eccleft- altical is fuppofed to be among themfelves ; though I deny not butforme particu- tar Perfons among them would fain have Bithops, yet I think very few, in oomparifon of chofe that were willing to be rid of them,. when they were recei- ved here. z., You boldly affirmwithout Proof that the Minihers of this County, who were not ordained by Bishops, were.EjeOlors of them, or Anchors of the Ne- cefilty. ;. I (hewed you before we have more Necelhity than you mention, and betides a Necefffty whereof we ate not guilty, theremay beaculpable Mce ty which yet may free our calling from a nullity, though not our fIve, from Sin. What if God fhould permit all the Churches of,Ethiopia, or the Greeks to deny theJar Die uuinum of Epífcopacy, (which is poíftble, as well as to permit the Reformed <lurches to do ir) and fo to let up Ordination byweer Presbyters ? (while 1 fpeak toyou on your own Grounds) I fuppofè this to be their Error, and fo their Sin; yet would you prefently =church them all, and rather have God's Worfhip for- born, as to the Publick? There be many among us, who are againft Diocefan BE (hops, who give us good teftimony of a fincere Heart, impartial ftudyingof the Point, with as much Pelf denial and earnett Prayer for Gods Dire &ion, as any E- pitopal Man that ever I knew ; and yet remain againft Epifcopacy. This kind of Neceffìty may fire free their Calling from the Charge of Nullity (which needs not this Plea); though it could not free them from the Charge of Error. Except. to Seal. t4. Inhead of anfweringone Word to Ignatius (God's HolySaint and Martyr) his re- nowned Epiftles (which he knew lately vindicated) or so all the ancient Fathers avowing in termini, the jus divinum of Bishops above Presbyters, and the Bishops file Power of ordaining; or producing any to the 'contrary, he fills up his Books with Citations of modern Mens Writs sgs, which they all wrote charitablyfor the Patronage of thole poor afieted Proteftants, who had no. Bilhops besaufe they could have none : So that as well his Authoritiesas his Reafonsare all drawn a locá sr mparator:on, arguing' weakly from the Priviledge-of necellity, to their licentiouf nets, wit:., or without Neceffity, ,which is one continued Sophifm: Reply toSea. 14. t. Though TTnatste, were both a Saint and Holy, yet I know' not what call I had. in thole Papers to meddle with him: Unlefs I mull needs difpute the point of E-. pifèopacy, which I did difclaim. z. As I would not undarvaluethe late. Vindica cation of I sutiess, fo I would not have you fo far overvalue it, as to think it Ihould fo e.dily and potently prevail Cr.) With all thofe that fee not anyCogency in the Arguments, or fir diciency in theAnfviers to the contrary Objections, ,(z.) Or with hole that will take Scripture only for the Teft of this Caufe. (;) Or with tlïofe that