Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

12 APPENDIX Numb. I. the knowing what you mean by the Catholick Church, do you mean the whole, or only a Part ? If the whole, then few Minifters or Bifhops mull be fò accepted, for who is known to all Chriftians in the World ? If a Part, then what Part mutt it be ? what if one Part repute him a true Minifter or Bi hop, and the other a falfeor none, which is very common ? If you fay it is the People over whom he is Pallor, then nothing more common then for them to be divided in their Judg- ments : If you fay it is the greater part, then we flail be at utter Uncertainties for our Succeffmn, as little knowing what thegreaterpart of the People thought ofour Predeceffors ; if you mean the Superior Bishops, then a Metropolitan it feems is the Catholick Church when a Bi(hop is to be judged of and it is like a Patriarch for a Metropolitan, and the Pope for him. But as x. We know not how thefe judged of our Predecefors. 2. So we little believe that thefe Mens Judgments can make a Man to be a Bithop that is none, or make him havea Power whichelfe he had not ; this is worte than the Dodtrine which hangs the Efficacyof the Sacra- ments on the Prieffs Intention : It's like the Faith of tome that think to make a Falfehood become true by believing it true. 3. And you know it is the Pope whofeSucceffion we are queftioning; and which is the Catholick Church that muft accept and repute him a true Pope ? If the Council of Bafl were theCatho- lick Church, then you know how Eugeniva was reputed; and then where is our Succeflion ? I doubt not but true Chriltians that are not guiltyof the Nullity of the Ordination, nor knew it, may have the Benefit and Bleflingof filch a Man's Adminiflrations, and they may be valid to the Receiver : But that is on another ground (which I have lately manifefted to anotherin debating this Caufe) and not that the Adininiftrator had any true Miniflerial Authority from Geol. Again, I refer you to my Anfwer to Bellarmine and others in thole Papers. Except. to Sed. al. Y.G. Put cafeone not baptizedthought to have been baptized,had (per ignoraetiam feed) been promoted to be Bithop, Archbifhop or Patriarch, yet fo long as the Church knew it not, not himfelf perhaps, but did accept him bonaFide, though ipfa Redo had it been known, fuch had been uncapable of Epifcopal Order, yee being fo accepted by the Catholick Church, Ordinations done by him were not null, nor did he interrupt the Succefiìon, but (lateriteomni defedu bapti/;rti) he was a true Bishop, though after his Death by any Writing they had come to difcovetit, for the Church as all Judicatures rightly proceeds fecundum allegata drprodata; the fame I fay of ferret Symony V. S. But on the other fide to (peak now to the Pref. byterian Cafe. Reply to Sed. 18. Nay then put Cafe the Man were not Ordained, and the Church took him to be Ordained : you fay the Church ínuft proceed fecundum allegata er probate, doth not this give up your Caufe, and yield all that I plead for ? which is, that an au- thoritative Ordination, and fo an uninterrupted Sneed-lion is not (imply and abfo- lately necrflary to the being of theMiniftry : For you confefs your Churches Re- putation may ferve without it. By the way take head leaft you either make the People to be none of the Catholick Church, or at leaf+, yougive a Power to the People to make MiniftersBifhops and Popes by their bare Thoughts without Ordi- nation, or fo much as Eleâion. But then you will remember, that if Reputation without¡aft Ordinationmay ferve turn, I know not but thofeamong us may be Mi. nifters whom you difclaim: For the Pastors and People of all the Proteftant Churches in Europe (except your Pelves here) do take fuch for Minders (fo far as it is pollible by Writings, Profe(lions, and Praâices to know their Minds) and I hope they are as good a part of the CatholickChurch as the Pupa and his Confiflory are. If Reputation then will make Pallors without Ordination, we may haveas good a Plea as thofe you plead for. For the cafe of Simony you mention, fee what I cited ootJbf Dr. Hammond, and you know lure that manyCanons make Ordinati- ons null; and the Office null, ipfoFado, whether ever the Party be queftioned in Judgment or not : filch Canons and Laws are equal to Sentences. A Cafe alto may be known that is never que(iioned and Judged, who could queftion the Sodomiti- cal unclean murderous Popes, though it was commonly known? I take it for grant- ed thereforethat the Knowledge degraded them without a Judgment according to yöur'odt>n Words here (unlefs one part of them contradiâ the other.) Except. to Seit. rf. The fame ancient Churchwhich didmake void' andannul conffantly all Ordina; tions made by meer Presbyters,whether they Schifìnati'callyarrogated to themfelves to be Bifhops (and were not, nor fo reputed by the Church) or otherwife upon any