Numb. I. APPENDIX. 3 any Pretention whatfoever (for at that time no neceffity couldbe with any Co. lour, norwas pretended). Reply to Sedi. r9. r. But is it the Judgment ofthe Ancient Church that will ferve to degrade or null a Minifter of this Age? if fo, then all your former Arguing is in the Duft For though your Popes had none to Judge them Wicked and Uncapable then, yet the ancient Church beforethem did makevoid andnull theOffice and Ordinations of (uch as they. If it mutt be a prefent Power that mutt do it, we have not yet been called to any Judicature about it. 2. Your Parenthesis feems to intimate that if the Presbyters be but ReputedBifhops by theChurch, then their Ordinations are not null : All's well on our fide then, except you only or the Romanifts be the whole Weihern Church : For not only Paftors and People here do take Presbyters to be Bifhops, having Power of Ordination, but fo do the ref} of the Reformed Churches, or at leaft moft of them. They think that the primitive Bifhop was the Bilhopof one particular Church, and not of a Diocefs, or manyChurches. 3. You talkof necefiity again, but you wouid not fay, that neceflity would have ex- cufed them then, if there had been filch though it feems you wouldbe thought to judge of the Reformed Churches as cheProteftant Bifhops do, or elfe hide your Judgment in part. Except: to SW.20. a Thefe Three Fallacies are the Summof all his Arguments, rather popular Ca- lumnies, for want of Argument tocry out, there Men are not Protef}anrs, at Ieafk in this, fee pag. 49. f:n, there are Popilh who contend for Succeflion of Ordi- nations. Reply to See. zo. I fee nothing`to forbid me to fay that there few frivolous Exception;, and the Name of Fallacies, Sophifms, á'c. is the Summ of your Opposition ; and how far you manifeft your felf to be free from Popery, I leave to others to judge'; for willnot, till I know you. Except. to Sea. ze. Andhere give nie leave, becaufethere is a Mask of ChtiftianConcord and Chi- rity even to the embracing the Epifcopal Party allo, pretended in this Union, lei me a little give you a cafte of the Spirit of this Charity of theirs, whether it be like the true genuine Chriftián Spirit and Love : Betides the Charity he allows to Bifhops which I have writ out unto you in my Second Page, to which you may add, that of pag. 74. [The late Bifhops, even in the Judgment of all moderate Men that ever I fpoke with, did very many of them deferve to be put down, and Mare reckons four, Wren, Land, &a. but come we to the Charity' he allows E- pilcopaI Divines (as he calls them). Reply to SeEt. 21. If by (a Mask) you intimate a diffembling Pretence, he that better knows my Heart than you, will be Judge betweeny ou and me concerning this, bot I date not fay that toy Charity is of as high a Degree as theirs that have moreof that Chriftian Grace: Bat I bewail any Uncharìtablenefs, and beg Pardon of God and Man. z. But where found you any Ma:k of Concord in my Book, as with any Bishops but the Proteflant Bifhops and their Followers? I never extended it to others : Not that I have not Charityto them, or with not Concord with them, but that it is impoffible till they change their Minds. And here I put it to your felf, and toall of your own way, to tell me, what youwould, have wifhed me and all the Minifters of our Affociation to have done for Concord with you ? and whether you will not confefs it impoflible till one party change their Minds? for the prefent Rulers will nothave Epifcopal Ordination, norallow any in the Publick Éxercife of the Miniftry, butthofe that come in by meer Presbyters(in your Elicem). Many of the Minifters after earneft ftudy. and Prayer cannot be fatisfied that Epifcopacy is Jure Divino,or lawful: it is not in their power tochange theirown Judgments. Till they do change them and procure Epifcopal Ordinati- on, you will not take them for any Miniltèi's at all ; no nor joyn in the Affocia- tíon !call you be guilty ofacknowledging'fhemYlinifters , what .. means then have we left for Concord with fuck as you? Only this , Renounce your Miniftry ; all muff forbearPreachingand Baptizing , and all Minifterial Duties: all forfake the Congregations of Chrift here , and throughout England that are in thefame cafe,' and then youwill be at concord with us bet what concord ? not as fellow Pa= Rots ; that cannot be, when we mull lieft renounce that Office ; the meaning then of your desired Concord is this , give sup all yofit Offices and Churches to us, and let` ti