Numb. I. "IPPENVIX 5 pany and Concord. Do you complain of me for want of Chrittian Charity; andyet would you have theChurch have filch Bithopsas would cart' out filch Meti as Aima, Parker, Baines, Bradfhaw, Dod, Hilderfham, with Multitudes of as pain- ful, able, Godly Men as the World knew, and leave fo many drunken reading Sots, fome (thereabouts) Faggot Makers or Rope Makers,, many that did. (and that lately whether wewill or not , till the late Act) get their Living by unlawful Marriages, and fuch Courfes as is a Shame to Mention, yea, would you have (hops that would do as your Bithop Wren, Pierce, and the others did, whole Accu- làtions are upon Record. For my part I think fach Mens de(lroying the Church was the caute of all our wars and Mifery ; and hethat dareown them ink after all . this, isno Man-for our Affociation: I love no Man the worfe for being for Bithops, but for being for fuch Biíhops and fuch Pra&ices I do. They are yet alive, en- quire what Men Mr. Dance and Mr. Turner are, who were the Teachers of this Parifh, and what the People were then, and what they are,now? Grant but Piety; Love and Concord to be better than Ignorance and Debauchery, and then judge of them. Except. to Sell. 22. Page 64. Speaking of Epifcopal Divines he faith, and if Liberty of Se&s and Se, parutions be publickly granted and confirmedto all, you Ball loon find that the Party that I am now dealing with,will foon by their Numbers obfcureall otherPair ties that now troubleour Peace, ibispag. 6¢. n. n ;. Reply to Sell. 22. It was my neceffary care to diftinguifh between Proteflant. Bishops and P.opitb (of Caffénder's ítrain)and it is your Care With all fubtilty to obfcurethe. Diftim& ion, that you may involve the honeft Party in your Guilt and. Snares. That whichI there fpoke only of Popith Bithops, and their Party (you would intimare that I fpake of the Epifcopal Proteftants; than which nothinglefs is true, as ttry Words fut. ly Thew. I tell you plainly, filch Bithops as Ufber, Hall, Morton, 7ewe, &e. are twenty fold nearer me in Judgment, than they are to you, if you be one of the Caffindrian Papifts that therei (peak againft; why then Ihould they not Moiler join with us than with you? If ever God let up Epifcopal Government where I live (yea though I were unfatisfied of its right) I will obey them in all things not against the Word of God, wereit but for Peace and Unity. Except. to Sell. 23. They would have all the People take us for no Miniflers, &c. and fo all God's Worlhip be negleeted in publick, where no Bithops and their Miffronaries are, and fo when all others are difeafed or turned our, the Papilla may freely enter î there being none but thefe few faithful Friends of their own to keep them out ÿ which how well they will do, you may by thefe conjecture and n. t g. of thefame Page. But it is a higher Charge than Popery that thefe Epifcopal Do&ors that I now fpeakof are liable to, ô'c. . Reply to Sed. z3. Is not this true; How much of it do you plainly maintain in this Writing? I had rather you had freed your felves óf, the Charge theta called it Uncha% ritahle. Excep. to Sell. 24. Pag. 66. N. f. Speaking to thofe lime Men he faith, You mutt becertain that thole fame Men had Intentionem Ordìnationu (if you be right Papilla indeed) did ever any one ever hear and read any one tingle Eagl fb Epifcopal Do&or require intention as neceffary to Ordination? If not call you that Speech of Mr. Bo;xter't Chriftian Charity. Reply to Sell. 24. Remember this, that no Proteftants, fay Presbyters, have tomore Power than the Ordainerintended them. You may fee by that that I fpeak to PapiRs, whythen would you intimate that it was to Proteltant Biíhops? Except. to Sell. 2 q, Pug. 67. Do not thefe Mens Grounds leave it certain that thrift bath no true Church or Miniftry, or Ordinances or Baptized Chriftians in England, nay in all the.Wetlern Church, and perhaps not in the whole World ? and then fee whether thefe Popith Divines mull not proveSeekers. Reply to Sed. zq. O that you would vindicate them from that Charge (thoughheavy) by proving the uninterruptedcanonical Succéllfon from the Apoflles. Except,