Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

AP P END 1 X. Iolumb.I. Except. to Seat. z6. Pag. 47. Speakingof fame under the Name ofEpifcopal Divines faith, that they withdraw the People from obeying their Paftors, by pretending a Neceflìcy of Epifcopacy, &c. and partly inflil into them (uch Principles as may prepare them for flat Popery ; and yet in the next Page 48. faith, that thole fame Men do themfelves (viz. Mr. Cbifenball againft Vane, Mr. Waterboafe for. Learning, Zealous Men for Epifcopacy) publith to the World what a pack of notorious, ignorant, filly Souls, or wicked unclean Perlons chofeare that areturnedPapifts. How now can Mr. Baxter call thole Men that fo publi(h, &v. faithfulFriends to Rome? pag. 64 See howUncharitablenefs betraysand accufes it felf in its bufy Acculations of others; and mutt juttify them per Force of Truth when it would condemn. Reply toSeEt 26. Whywhat is the Scope of this your Writing, but to prove that we are. not Pa- flors? and wouldyou not then draw the People from acknowledging us fuch ? This is like the Man that fwears he never fwore in his Life ; you blame me with chargingyou with what you contend for.z.Butyou do with as little Candor as ve- rity fay that in the next Page it is thofe fame Men that I fpeak of, when Ipurpofe- ly and plainly call thefe [Gentlemen of the Epifcopal Proteflant Party] as diftinet from the Ca_(jandrian P,apifls, and as helping us in the Difcovery of the Danger. But 1 perceive it isyour Delire to make Men believe that I cook them for all one. But a goodCaufe needs not fuch a way of Defence : Did you think that the learned Do. &or to whom you wrote would believe you who had myBook at hand, and could fee that your Words were falte ? And is it not Orange that upon fuch a dilhonelt Foundation you canbuild fuch a triumphant Exclamationas follows, Dee bow Un- charitableneßbetrays and accufes it felf,] &c. Exception to Sell. 27. Pag. So. n. 4. [If thefethat I difpute withwill Thew themfelves openly to be Pa- pifls, and plead that Womenor Lay -Men may baptize in cafe of Neceflîty, &T.] See, fee his Magifterial canting crying out Popery upon whatever likes him not : Doth he know whom hehere condemns for Papifts ? Yes he doth, for he tells us, pg. 8r. that the ;8thCanon Elibertini Concilii (andhe tells us right) decrees, that in cafe of nece(fity a Lay Man may baptize; well an ancient Catholick Council held under the primitive pure Times, whilft Perfecution yet. exercifed the Church; more ancientthan the Council ofNice, and whereof Magnus Ogre Confeffor was a part, is peacht of Popery too, together with us. Enough of this, I might add much more. All this within the compafs of twenty Leaves, from pag. 4f. to 85. Reply to Sell. 27.. Allthis but a Sneer Miftake.(whether willing or unwilling) : I never took this Point 'alone enough to denominate a Man a Papilt; but becaufe ie is a Point wherein the Papilts generallyhold one way, and the Proteflants another, I take ic to be a fuller Difcovery which fide the forementioned Perfons are of: I durit not fay that the Error of Purgatory, or praying for the Dead, or -praying to Saints, no, nor Tranfubflantiationalone is fuffrcientto denominate a Man a Papilt. But yet I think if a Man would degrade our Mini ters, and unchurch our Churches; and all the Reformed Churches that have not Bithops and maintain the Romith Or- dination, and Church, andyet fay he is not a Papilt; your Addition ofone of thefe would further the Difcovery ; I am not ignorant that Terruhian andothers fpeak of Lay Mons Baptizing in cafe of neceffity (but not for Women, though Pamelius would pervert Tertullian's Words for that End). Except. to Seib. z8. Togive you a Tafte when hequotes Fathers as he quoted above the Both Canon Apoflolical to eje& our Bithops: So alto when he would prove that the ancient Church held it lawful for Minigers to impofe Hands for the confirming of Parties baptifed, pag. 58. for Proof of what he faith he pretends to but Two Authors, viz. Ambrnfi in Epbef. 4. and Angullinquaff. ex vet. &nova Teftam, mixt : both cer- tainly fpurious Pieces, andthe latter the Workof an Heretick. _ Reply to Sell. 2.8. You go the farther the worfe : I quoted Bishop Downame as one of the Epifco- pal Proteftants, to Thew that it is their Judgment, that Minigers ordained without Bishops may be true Minigers : Now becaufe the Bishop brings there two Teltimo- nies-on the by about Confirmation and Reconciliationof Penitents, you do (in myJudgment not well). a. Feign me to be the Speaker of chofe Words, and the Alledger of thole Authors when it was a Bishop; and his Words go cited becaufe a