Numb: I. APPENDIX a Bithop, z. You make me to do it in order co prove the Power of Minders có impofe Hands on the Confirmed and Reconciled, when even Bilhop Downame brought in that and thefe Teftimonies thereto, but as fubfèrvient to the orhers. But perhaps I left you fotne oçcafion of this tiiiflake, to charge me with the Words of the Bithop: No, none at all, I enclofed his Words with this Mark [ ] and af- ter I wrote [fo far Bithop Downame] that there might be no place for fuch an Overfight. But where you talk of [but two Authors] for this I thought you had known how eafÿ it is to bring more : For if it be the Ceremony of favoring Hands that you would deny to the Presbyters, it was fo far from being denied them anciently, that even the Englifh Bithops allowed it them in Ordination, which is the greater. If you mean the Power of Confirming and Reconciling, it's known the Bishops might delegate Presbyters to ir, and the Corepifcopi ufed it a yea, Peel- byters I think in fome Cafes. And for Reconciliation, BithopUfher tells you in the Words I cited, that even Deacons ufed it or had it : Yet is not the Teftimonyof thofe Authors contemptible ; that afcribed to Ambrofe, is taken by Erafmus to be Re- migius or Anfelme ; by Maldonate to be Remigiur, by Brugenfs andBellarmine tobe Hiiarius Diatoms:. And well might Downame alledge them againft the Papifls when BellarmPne, the Rhemifls, Alan, and others fo efteem them and quote them, as Ambraj when it ferves their turns. And for the Book ofueit. in vet. er note. 7é/l.t. T he Papills citing it ( .Bellarmine, Harding, Turrian, Eckuts, Cope, Rbemiffs, &e. ) Downame might well cite it ad Hominem; yea, ad Rem, it being matter of Fall that he fpeaks to, and the Author fo ancient, that Hierome feems to take notice of him. Except. to Sett. 29. In all this you fee I have not difputed the Cafe with him (but only difcovered to you his manner) for that he himlelf profeffes he is refolved in this Book to for- bear the Difpute, p. i9. princip. er pag. 77. he wouldgive us to underhand that he bathmuch more behind that he can fay by way of Argument (for this is only cry- ing out, Popery, Popifh, &r.) for Presbyters Power of Governing, Excommuni- eating, ordaining without a Bilhop. Let him be intreated to do it, and lay aide his poor kind of calumniating his Adverfary, and deal Chriftianly by Arguments only, and he (hall loon be anfwered, I believe. For the prefent he may know his Papers prevail not, but only provoke chafe he writes againft. , Reply to Sea..29. It's Brange that to call a Papift a Papift fhould be accounted Calumniation! I profefs to fpeakof none but Caffandrien Papifls. I name none, They that are nor fuch, have no reafon to fay that Icalumniate them, when I profeffedly accept, and and honour, and feek Reconciliation with them. They that are fuch, methinks, fhouldnot be afhamed of it. It'san ill Religion which a Matz muff be afhamd of ; and an ill Profef ion that is afhamed of a true Religion. z. That my Papers pre- vailnotbut provoke, is nowonder; a. The Papills I expelled to provoke by dif- covering their Defigns, and attempted not to prevail with them. 2. The Prote- ftants whom I fpoke to may be prevailed with for ought you know : All be not of one Spirit. If they be not, I have Comfort in following Peace as far as I could, which they will never find in flying from it. While every Man mull be a Pope, and reduce all the World tohis infallible judgment as the only means to Peace, and will agree with none but Menof his ownPrinciples, nowonder if Pacificatory At tempts are fruftrate.. Durand, Acentiets, Davenant, Hall, MelanPboss, &c. found that better, Labours than mine have been fruflrate, for Unity, I biefs God, my Succefs is far more than ever I did expelf ; but it is with theSons of Peace. Excep. to Seib. 30. Thefe things (hall be defended againft him (through God's Grace) : t. That if there beno Bifhop in any Diocefs, yet in a National Church, where many Bithops had united themfelves to govern parts of one National Church, they ought to have recourfe to force neighbour Bilhop. a. That ifPresbyters (in defell of Bithops)might Ordain, Excommunicate ;'yet not one tingle Presbyter. ;. That fuch as were never Ordained by Bithops where they might, are none of of thefe Presbyters ; none at all. Reply to Sect. ;o. I am of as quarrelfom a Nature as others ; but yet I will not be provoked to turn a conciliatory Defgn into a Contention, and if I would, your Quellions are ill fit- ted to our ufe. t. The Firfì will neceffarily carry us to difpute the7w Divinum of Bithops, which I purpofely avoid, and i; fhould be after thehaft. a., TheSecond C if