Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb. II. 11PP ENDP;_ Worfhip neceffary to the World's End. Ordinary teaching publickly and being the Mouth of the People in Praifing God, and Adminiltring Sacraments; and'blef- ring the People, &a are Minifterial A&ions: Now fuppof you come into a :Na-' tion or Country wherefuch Ordination fails (as ifyou had lived in the Reign ofthe Arriaos) durit youabfoive all the Churches front all God's Publick Worfhip.? Durfi You have faid to whole Countries, Never Affemble to Worfhip God by Solemn Praifes ; Never baptize any ; Never communicate in the Lord's Supper? This were to contradi& a Precept in Force, that binds them to do what you forbid them, and it were to deftray their Souls, and bid them forfake Gcd, and quench his Graces : For without God's Publick Minifterid Ordinances, Grace and Chri- ftianity it Pelf could not be long continued, at leaft, ordinarily, and in marry. .\Vit- nefs theUnchriftianingof thevaft Kingdom of Nubia, for wantof Minifters. If you would have fuch to appointPrivate Men to do there Things pro tempore, in this Cafe of Neceffity, that is, to grant all ; for then the Peopledo make MorePrivate Men Minihers, pro rempore; whether they give them that name or not, forthe Of. fire is butPower to do ttrofe Works whichbelong thereto ; and if they have Pow er to do the Work, they have ;he Office. The like may be laidof thole Reform- ed Chriftians that live under the Romilh Power if they mull have no Minihers, they muff have no Worlhip or Sacraments, which Minifters are to eiform. If they inufthave IvÍinifters either Romilh or Reformed. Not Romilh, for they can- not follow them, or join with them but by known finning in wicked Engage- ments and wicked A&ions. Not Reformed if there be a Neceffity of Authorita- tive Ordination: For the AminBifhops (if they have Authority) will notOrdain without forcing Men to open Sin ; nor may any Pious Man fubmit to their Ordina- tions ontheirTerinsr andmany People cannot haveReformed Bifhops(no nor Pres- byters) to,ordain them. I.The LawofNature, and the exprefs, unchangable, writ- ten Word agreeing thereto, do require Men to do the Offices of Minifters who have a fitnels for ir, and where there is an undeniable Neceffity of their Help. But the failing ofAuthoritative, EcclefiatPical Ordination will not difpence with the Law of Nature, and the exprefs moral written Lawagreeing therewith : Ergo, It will not difpenfe with filch Men for the negleet of Srch Minifterial Wòrks: t thinknone will queftion theManor. .Vor the Major, underftand, that theft whom I call fit, are they that have,ti e.Qualifications which I mentionedbefore., Here I. take it as undeniable, that Duty and.Power to perform ir, fo go, together, that God never.calleth Man to, Duty ,hut he gives him this fire of Power, that is Au- thority ; for the very Command to do the Work Bothgive Authority to do it : Manmay obligehimfelf, without a,Call, -and fo . have, no Authority ; but whofoever isrequired of God to do ir, bath eo Nomine, Authority to do it And the .Office of the Miniftry is but the Duty andAuthority of performing the Works of the Miniftry. Moreover, the Power is for the Work's lake, and not the Work for the Powers fake as theEnd : So that if I prove once that the Duty is required of un- ordainedMen, I do thereby prove that the Power is given them. Now that,that Dutyis required appears thus : The greateft Worksof Mercy toMens Souls, and of glorifying God, are-fuçh, as, Menare obliged to by the Law of Nature, if they. have Ability and Opportunity, and there be a Neceffity. But the Works of the Miniftry are thegreateft Worksof Mercy to Mens Souls, and Glory to God :. Ergo, The Minor is proved by the Parts. ThePublick Preaching of the Lord Jelus to a Heathen People; as the Jefuits have long beendoing in.tim lndies,land the Difcipling Men to Chrfit, and baptizing them, is thegreateft Work,of Mercy imaginable: Whereto,add, the teaching them to obferve,alfthings whatroever Chrift hath coin- nuanded..andit makes up the wholeabfblutely neceffary in all its Parts: a. The Greatrieg appears, in that Men cannot be ravedordinarily without it: It isto fave Men from Everlafting Torments, and help them to Everlafting Glory. a.. It is that which Chrift himfelf did; yea, made his Office to Peek and to fave that which was loft. ;. It is that which heordained the Miniftry for ; yeas giveth us his Gifts for; yea, upholds all things for, and makes other Mercies fubordinate to. And that it is as conducible to that Honour that he will have by the Gofpel, and Mens Salvation is as clear. For the Major; Note, that I fuppofe Ability and Opportunity, for elfe they cannot beobliged. Alfo I fuppofe,-- Neceffity, that is, that there be not Ordained Men (Authoritatively) enough, competently to do ir. And then that it mug be done without fach Ordination, rather than not at all, is fo plain in the Lawof Nature, that it needs noProof. ; To do good to our Pow- er, efpecially in fo great Neceflities and weighty Cafes, is a Principle in Nature; that he who is a Man doth find in himfelf. 4 Forciere, it's proved that in leffer Ca- Dz fe Moe