Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

28 42'2ENV IX Numb, II, fes we are bound to do thus ; much more in theft fo great. If a Man be like to petith through Hunger, or Nakednefs, he that is no Taylor muff make him Cloaths if he can ; and he that is no Baker mutt make him Bread : Or if a Man come into a Country infe&ed with the Plague, or other Epidemical Difeafe, which he hash, Skill in Curing, he is:a Murderer if he will not do it, though he beno Physician, while there is no Phyfician there that can. Every Man that is able h a lawful Phy- fician in cafe of desperate Neceflity. If thefe Inftanees terve not, we may gohigh- er : In cafe of an unexpeeted Onflaught of the Enemy when the Commandersare afleep, every Souldier maydo hisOffice : In cafe a General be Hainin theField, or a Collonel, or a Captain, the next Officer may takehis Place ;yea,a common Soul- dier maydo it in Neceffrty : Or if the Commander turn Traytor, the next Officer may take bis Place, and command the Souldiers againft him. Salta opuli fnpremd les eto, is God's own Law. And. Salts Ecclefufirprema Lenego, is no lelhis, and un -. changable, as to allChurchWorks (1ä1l looking at his Glory herein, as the highest abfolutely). He that Ihould fay, I would cure these Sick Men, but that I am not in Office a Physician; or I would do this or that Work to fave the City, or the Army, but it is not my Office, or I have no Commiffion, were not ettbufable: Yet far more than he that would fay, I would Preach Chrift to these People, and Baptize them, and acquaint themwith his Laws, to fave them from Damnation, but that I am not Ordained : Durli you warrant that Man from beingcondemned for his Negle& ? Nay, davit you encourage him to negle& it ? Nay, durft you adventure to negle& it your felt? What should the People in New-Eq./awl do, ifthere were not Ministers among the Indians ? If there were Protellants cart into Cbina,and had theOpportunity as the Jefuits have,what should they do? To forbear the Minifterial Work till they had a lawful Ordination, were no lets than Soul- murder : It would in probability never be had ; for if they travail'd for it to thofe parts of the World where it might be had, there were no great probability of their Return. Ifyou fay, they may teach and baptize as private Men : I anfwer, If they do but what private Men here are alloweddo, viz. to Teach but privately and occasionally, it would be Rill unnatural, bloody Soul-murder : To fpeak the Do- &rine of Redemption to two or three in a House, when they might 'peak to Mal. titudes, and to teach now and then occafionally, when theymightdo it ordinarily, is cruel deftroying of the molt. And to Baptize is no private Man's Work. If you would have them Teach both publickly and ordinarily, and Baptize, then you would have them be Minifters under the NameofPrivate Men; yea, to do the Work ofApostles or Evangelilts. Certainly the Law of Nature is God's Law, and Evangelical Ceremonies, and points of meer Order do give Place to it, as well as either Mofaical or Secular. God bath as ftreightly commanded Obedience to Secular Power as to Ecclefiallical: If therefore Matter ofOrder in Secular Things'mull hoop to Matters ofSubstance and Neceffïty, and the Law of Corporations to theLaw of Nature, fo it muff do here. TheGofpel Croffeth not, nor obliterateth Natural Principles : And to love our Neighbours as our felf, and do him good, efpecially to the Everlafting Saving of his Soul, are too deep inNature to be queftioned, or to hoop toa Point dime; Older. If you fay, That the fame God that requires us to do it, doth require that we do it in his order and way. I anfiver, No doubt of it ; where that Order may be obferved : But where it cannot, God's way revealed to Nature is to do it without, as bath been chewed. And Scripturefeconds Nature in this ; Chrift tells us, That this is the leeredgreat Commandment, Thou fhalt love tby Neighbour as thy feelf, and on this, with the Love of God, bang ail the Law, and the Prophets. To do good to our utmost Power, is aCharge laid on all, Pfal.;4. 14. and S7. 27. Gal. 6. no. Eccl. 9. so. As every Man bath received the Gift, fo mutt he as a good Steward of God's manifold Grace adminifter it, a Pet. 4. to. The Manifeflation of the Spirit re given to everyman to profit withal, I Cor. Is. 7. AA Members ofthe Bodymug have the fame care one of another, verse 25. And if one Member fuffer, the refb mu(t fuffer with it, verfe 26. andErgo, do their bell to relieve them. Every good Man is a pub- lickGood; ci' bonumgeo communion es melon. God's Gifts are fo many Talents that mull be accounted for Matrb. as. and he that bath belt improved them for his Lord, will have themolt comfortableReckoning. Thefe Generals tying Men to do all the Good thtÿcan, doth rye them that have Abilities and Opportunities for the Miniltry touse them wherethere is need, and that inOrder, as being ordained thereto, where it may be had, and out of Order where it may not, and there is necefluy : even as Paulbids Timothy Preachout of Seafon you will acknowledge that they that have Abilities, where the Church is innecetìty, may, and mutt leek a