. 38 P `P E N D 1- X. Numb. II. Ergo, There is no other way ; and this is neceffary ad effè Ofcii : As ftrongly may we argue for any Mode or convenient Circumftance fo required or ufed. As Chrilf or his Apoftles mention noway of Ordinationor of conveying the Minifte- rial Power, but with Prayer conjunót, or but with Impohtionof Handson the bare Head, or but in the Syriack, Hebrew, Greek, or Latin Tongues, or but on a Man that is vigilant, fober, and of good Behavibur, &c. Ergo, There is no other way : Ergo, This is of abfolute Necellity, ad geOfficii. But this is no good arguing : Er- go, No more is yours. It is as had as if one had thus argued with he Ifraetites in the Wildernefs. (God hath mentioned no other way of Covenant Engagement, orChurch Entrance, but by Circumcifion : Ergo, there is no other. Ergo, this is neceffary ad effe Merle inEcclefite) They are nogood Yuris Canfuiti Cbriftiani, i.e. Theology that know not that fume Cafes muff be judged , and fome Laws in- terpreted, ry1' érncs'xoao, which yet-is but according to the true Senfe of that Law ; as Chrift taught the Pharifes in the Cafe of David, the Priefts, and hisDifciples rubbing theEars of Corn. I conclude all as I begun, defring that if this fatisfy you not, you wouldperform the other Parts of your Undertaking, before, or with your Reply to this, and blame not me, who ampart all doubt of an Interruption of Succellion in a great part of the Churches, efpecially of the Romilh, and uncertain of a Non-interrup- tion in any Church on Earth, and defpair of ever being certain, to be as loath to yield that Chilli bath no Church Miniltry or Minifterial Ordinances, or at leáft none in fo large a part of theprofeffedChurch, or that we are uncertain whetherhe bath any at all ; as you are loath to yield to the immediate AuthorizingEfficacy of the Law, or to the Sufficiency ofthe Magiffrates, or Peoples Mediation in cafe of necefity, or to an Occáhon of encouraging Uliirpers of the Miniftry. Tertullidn de Baprifmo, Cap. 27. Superef all contludendam materiolam de abfervatione quoque dandi 1P accipiendi Beptif- mum commonefacere. Dandi guidon jus haber fineness Sacerdos, gui of Epxfeepus : De. hint Presbyteri &Diatom ; non tamers fine Epifcopi authoritate propter cockle: honorem guo fàlvo, falva pax eft. Alioguin etieur lain¢ pas eft. Qnod enim ex alto accipitur, ex aquo dari patef, xifîEpifcopi tam Rut Presbyters ant Dieconi vacanter, dicentes, Domi- ni_ fermo non deber abfcondi ab tells.. Proinde & baptifmas areDei centre, ab omnibus ex- erceri pouf?: fedpanto males Laicis difciplina verecundiâ itI' modeftiâ incumbir, gam% majoribree tamperer, ne fibi. adfumant dicaturn Epifcopi oficiam Epifcapatus. .Æmulatio fchifmatum matter : Omni¢ lifcero dixit fanc`timus Apollolus, fed non amnia expedite. Su4tciat fcilicet in neceftatibus, et utaris, fstubi, out loci, out temperis, ant perforce con- dittocompellit. Tune enim conftantia fuccurrentie excipitur, quam urger circumflantia pert. dirantis. Quoniam ream Brit perditi bominis fi friper filet* præftare quad libere potuit. Petulantia autemmidterm guæ ufurpavit docere, utiq; non etiam stngendi jars fibs parien, &c. Had there been here no mention of ehe Epifcopal Office or of teaching, the Arguments would hold forit a fertiere. Chrilt hathput Baptizing in the Apollo- Heal commiflion, appropriating that to them, as much as the refit. Yet whether all this of Tertabian be approvable I now 4ifpute not. But here you fee the wayof Antiquity, vide Pamelii annoter. in lac. nbi fr/silia chanter ex Ambrofa, Clem. Coú2iiet. Hieronymo, Hylario, Ifdoro. And it is not only the Papilla that areBill for Womens baptizing in cafe of Neceflity (Pamelius would'force tertullian to their Senfe, con- trary to the whole Scope of his Words) but many other, and that very long ago, and Lay-men werewont to preach in the Church then, how muchmore (as r.Ede- flue and Frumentius) among Infidels, Cencil. Carthag. 4. alias q. Can. 98. Laicus pro- finable dories¢ nifx ipfis rooantibtee Docere non euchre. Origen did dually expound the Scriptures,publickly, before he wasordained, and was encouraged in it by the Bi- íhops themfelves, ofwhich Baronies himfelf fpeaks in thefe Words (adannum Cbri- fli 230. pag. 377.) Licet nondum Presbyterii grade petate, ab Epifoopre quo ibi erano, non ed dilfutandurn folum, fed ad Scriptures etiam apperrendas, magnopere in remmuai Eecle- fræ confeffu regatta eft. Qnod guiders; poterit effe perfpicuum ex ira quay Alexander Hierofo- lymorum EpiJcopus & TheoPtiflus Ep=fiepus Cafarie ad elemetrium in Origenis defenfone fie fore reffondebant. Quod autem i» litiris adjunxere.e, nurguam antra aud=tum, *gee jam ufurpatum ut Lirici prafentibus Epifcopi+ di utarent, 'Scripturafq expanerent ; in co mtbi nefcio quomodo viderie perfpitue falfa dixi Nam obi idonei err habiles reperauntur, .gas Fratribus in verbDei adjumento lint, a fanEElis Epifeepïs rogantar, at Populism inmerle inftitaant : fscutLarandis Evelpisa Neone, ¡tendPaulin+a Celfe, & aped SynadeeTheo- 'dornsab Attico, qui emnes beati er pii Fratter eras. At merifimile e(l, geamvu nobis ob- furum