Numb. II. / E. N V ;,X.,9 [ccurinod' mininrl cognitum fit illud item in alits.lacia feri};447 rl(t, And if Lay-MmI might expoundScriptures, and teach publickly and ordinarily in the Prefenae of. the Bithop, and baptize'in cafe ofneceflûy (as.yerrul.) howmueh mere May the in a cafe of neceffity undertake the Ministerial Office without Legitimate EctÏe alticai Ordination: and if all thefe ARs of .1.4y,Men be not null, Thin rhoO t nation of a Man not lawfully ordained himfelf sun be'vi1,> i in e*df,,a.gre,ifter neceflity. This is the confident Opinion of the generality of Proteftànts. The' Lutherans, Helvetians, and many - others fay, a regular Call is by Magiftrates, Mini - fters andPeople; yet that it's Valid, if one part fail : Lege Forb's Defence of Cal. 1. 28. pag. 6o, veer. delperat nand: pg. 26d, 267. Johan. Dartis de [Cuyrcb, BcES .Ip. to. Toconflude, as it feeiris Matthias and the other Apofiles Were 'ordainebtWitt t- out Irgpofitigpof Hands,; fo Gregory Thaumaturgus was ordained by Ph'odimas both againft his Will, acid itilién'he wasdiltant three Days Journey ; as Gregory Nyfen faith in his Orat. de Vita Thaumat. when Gregory avoided the Hands of the Bitlrop, be byJ ayeiAnd folemn Words Pets him a part to the Priefthood, & loco Manus Impofitionis Gregorio adbibet Sermonem, Deo Contemns earn qui Corpora coram non adder, P`r illam ei Civitatemdeflinans atqueattribuon, quamcootigerat, ¿re.) This Nyffin (peaks ofris'true (Àeäination, átMd'the Fotm lltew's &ar ie'was a cn'iftltthiing him in that Office, Bithop of Neoccfarea: though BatriitiAnding this Piheh upon his Caufe, would fain perftade us that this could yet beno Ordination till afterwards when he came in.andlubmittedlo_theSoletnnities (Baron. in An. 233. p. 4a7,408.) uweww¿ill, not contend about the Word Ordination, but it was an authoritative Conlècration to God as a Bithop, and a Conllitutin himover that ChurchbyPrayer and fo- lemn Words of Confeciatini. And it leelnsrcipa!/ot, gadmats others preached in the Apaftles Days without Ordination. But our Divines having dealt fomuch with the Papifts onthis Subje&, I fuppofeyou may fee morein their Writings, then you can expea from .. .. ,,.,.' SeQtr ej: '16y3 't ". '3ôur'AYothef and Fe4aìn Sergant, Rich. Baxter, Mr, Jobnfon's Second Letter to Mr. Baxter. S j Ifavg bérelehclofecl f nt qáù back the Papers which Ifarrowedofyou, anal Ibave beenfo. ( ferupeleu, in fending them back exahlly the fare as. theywere fsrfl font to you,. that I_ have net to much as Mended tome Errata which Iobferved (in táe Copying them over) to have flips my Pen when I wrote them fsfl. Ihave finco"1 received my own Papers, perufed the Anfwer which you make to them;. but what I am like to return, !cannot guefi r For I cannot yet tell whether youhave flail: trod my Arguments or not. This I know, and fhall not be afhamed to confefs, that ifyou bave, -I have not yet Wit enough to underhand you. But before I willfay you have not, I willa little more confider ;your Anfwer, and try my own Rea/cn a little farther. Only- ibis I Will venture to fay inthe mean time, that.e. I can any whit judge ofmyownHeart,, 'Inever enquiredmore unbiajledy after any Truth, than Ido after thsa prefent Rueflion ; and therefore I do not doubt, but-. if Light be before me, I fioul! at length fee it, though for the prefent it be hidfrom me e For as I faid (if I knowmy own Heart) lean ftncerely fay,' that in this Quefion I could be well content to find the Truth, though it ran oafs againft every Line in my own Papers. But I mull needs confefs, if I have Truth onmy fade in this Dseelfion, and after the moll. diligent Examination wbick I can make, it fhall ftii appear that to plead for an uninterrupted Suceefon be of abfolute necety for the ju/tifying ofoui Meniftg, I (hall-oever d.Jfute the other Matters with the like indsfferency. Fer in this' combat I couldbe content to take afoyl, and it is in a mannerall one tome, whither of we get the better: But in the other matters which I amafter to proceedupon, Ihave many temp- tiff-ions before Me to be afraid of owning Trutb, if I fisauld meet with her our of my awes QnarterI..