Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb. II. 4PPENDIX for my Fourth Argument, I confeti it was frivoloufly urged to the prefent Quefti- on, and I have wondered at my felf how I came to hook it in under the prefent- Debate ; and therefore I will return you nothing to whatyou havefaid againft it,: But giving you many Thanks for that Help which you have held out to my Un- tierftanding towards that weighty Queftionof ¡unifying the Calling of the Mini- ftry ; I befeech the Almighty long continue your Life to the.Advantage of his ` Church. And this done, withoutfurther Ceremony, t bid you farewell, and reft Wamborne, Nov. 9. 1651.. Tour Fellow Labourer in the Goeel of CbriJs', M. Johnfori. Vor my Reverend, &c. very worthyFriend, Mr. Baxter, Minifteé of the Word at Ridderminiter, Thefe. Mr. Báxtér's Second Letter to Mr. Johnfócí. Reverend Brother, .. I Know not whether I'am more glad of your SatisfaAtion; or forrowful that 1 you will needs fupercede the Task which you undertook. I confefs it is a La- ' hour which I apprehend would be ufeful to me manyways ; but a ftrong Conceit, ' of the Impoffibilityof performing it, did flackmy Defires : But now you tanta- ` line me, exprefing here a higher Confidence of theFealeablenefs ofyour Work r than before, (inyour defying all theWorld on the contrary) : So that I muß again ' renewmy fuit to you, that you would perform that Work, and prove defolio an uninterrupted Succeffton. I profefs, it is for my own Edification that I delireit-; ' and if you fufpedt w,lg45her it be to cavil, or enter a Quarrel with, you miftake `me. Such a Difcovery would difjatch feveral Difficulties with me in feveral ` Controverfres. ` As for your Animadverfions matt fent, I (hall reply to the fub*ance of them in ' brief. n The Firft I conceive little worth the infißing on, becaufè fir* you con- ' fefi it is but a Motive toinduceyou to think there is weight in the Point, z. Be; ' caúfe if there were any thing in it the contrary Judgmentsof all the Learned Di- ' vines of France, Belgia , upper Germany , Helvetia , Denmark, Sweeden, Scot- land, Tranfilvania, Hungary, with a great part of the Englifh, who are again* the neceffity of an uninterrupted Succeffron, is as ftrong a motive to an unprejudiced Man, as is the Judgment of the Bithops of England alone. But `z. It is a known Cafe paft all doubt, that the EnglithBithops oppofed the Pa- ' pills in this Point, till of later Years; and to name you more, what need I, ` when you knowInamed you fo many inmy. Book ? To all which add, That even ` the late exafperated Epifcopal Divines, whereof fome havebeen fufpedted of halt- ' ing, do yet confers theTruthof the Reformed Churches and Mini*ry that have ' no Bifhops ; as dothDI,Fern,Dr, Stewart's,Antwer to Fountain's Lerter,BithopBrow- `hall againft Militerinr, who yet would have the Pope to be prineipiamUniratù to ` all the Church. I do not thinkyou can find one of twenty that wrote againft the Papills before the late King's Reign, or the Treaty of theSpanith March, but were ` all againß the Papiíls in this Point of the necellity of 'uninterrupted Succeon they medledwith the Point). Ad xu". TheReafon why you faw not a Forma' Anfwer in myWords, I con- ' ceive was your Overfight, you took nonotice of the Force of my Anfwer: You required this Propofition to be proved from Scripture [They that are thus and thus qualified may preach the Word] I. told you it is, contained in this which is' hi Scripture f Men thus and thus qualified flail be appointed to. preach- the Word.? Here you overlook the Strength of my Anfwer, which is in the Word [foul,] and you not only obfcure the Emphatis, but change the Word, ` and put [may] for [foal].] Here is contained a. Precept eomprehenfice both of ` the Preacher's Work, and the Ordainers conjunEly. Now all my Bufinefs was to thew fubje5tám they have- not the fame Degree of Precepts Obligation ;' and that though God do'' B e e lay