Numb. II. APPENDIX. you muff prove that fome of thole Bishops whoConfecrated Pope Clemente're the Succelilon reach theApoflles were Hereticks : It little avails toprove that (boa of his Predeceffors in Carhedre was fuch, at !call to me, who are unwilling to be `thought a Protellant. ` But then Thirdly, Suppofe we should grant this (which we likewife neverintend) how will you make it appear that our Bishops in Hen. Vllt. Time had their Au- ' thority from the then incumbing Pope. ff you fay, they went over to him for ` Impolition of Hands, that's improbable ; if you fay he came over to them, that's ` intollerable ; if you fay, that he did delegate his Authority to fomeof our Eng- ` lifh Bithops, or fett a Deputy, or Nuncio authorized to thole Ends : I anfwer, ` that it may be true that he did fo. But then theQuellion will again be, whether our EnglilhBishops had not full Authority to have done all this without hisKnow- 'ledge ; or whether Lather an Expeltation of a Commiflìon from him were not ` a Fruit of theError of thole times holding him to be the univerfal Bishop : Ifit ` was, though it be Argumemnm ad baminem, andwill again, I think, prei fore ' upon the Papillawho affert the fame) yet it doth nothing troubleus who affertno `fuch Univerfality. I ask therefore, mull we acknowledge the Pope to beuniver- fal Bithop; or mull we not? if we muff, why dowe not? Ifwe muff not, why Ihould anyMan urge that Pra&ice inhis own Defence, which hehimfèlf judgeth ' to be erroneous : I fpeak plainlier, if the Bishops in Hen. VIII. Time had their ` Authority from the Pope, then this muff be pretended, I think, upon others Grounds; either becaufe the Bilhops had indeedno Power toOrdain without his. ` Commifíion, or becaufe they thought they had none, or becaufe they could not exercife that Power which they both had, andknew theyhad, without his leave; ' Ifyou lay they had indeed no Power to Ordain without his Commiffion : I fay, that you are more than a Cajfandrian Papi(t. Ifyou fay they had no Power be- ' caufe they judged they had none: I deny the Coolequence, and expelt you t Ihould prove it. Or I. Ifyou fay theyhad theirAuthority from him becaufe they could not exercife it without his leave. I lhall only propound this Cafe inanfwer, a to you : Suppofe General Cramweü fhonld put in Co between you and the Exer- * cHe of your Miniftry that without his leave you Ihould not preachor adminifler the Sacraments, would you (ay, if you had leave from him, that you derived e your Authorityfromhim, becaufethe externalExercife ofyour Authority depends upon his Leave? I think you would not. Well, Sir, I !hall now only rehearfe what I expels you Ihould prove. And the ' firtt thing that is expelled is this : That Herefy or Impiey doth evacuate Holy z: That the Power of Ordination is derived from the Predeceffor in de. ;. That fome of PopeClement's Confecratorse're his Line reachthe Apofiles e were heretical or impious. 4. You mutt prove that the Bishops in Hen. VIII. ` Time did not only judge that they had dependance upon the Pope for Author. . rity, but that indeed they had no Authority but what they derived from him. If , you can indeedmake goodall this, then I Ihall confefsthat the Interruption ofSua cetfion is made good alfo. But till then I (hall z riyyeee. Yet in the mean time <'hallbe a very great Admirer of your Worth, andLover of your Induftry, M.7ohnjon, Wamborss, Dec. 8. a6g ;. For my Reverend and very Worthy Friend , Mt. Baxter; Minitterof the Word at Ifiddermixsler, Theft. 49