Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb. III. 11. T P E NV I X, Numb. III. Letters between Mr. Baxter, and Mr. Lambe. Mr. Lambe's Letter to Mr. Baxter.. S I R, (1 E RH AP S my Boldnefs may teem much in this Addrefs to one un- known by Face ; but want of that is no fufficient Plea to reftrain me, knowing it's no Impediment to the Communion of Saints. Thefe Lines are writ outof much Aftlidion of. Heart, and in many Tears which haverun ` over at theThrone of Grace many a time about the Cafe prefented. The Rea- ' fonof my Addrefs to you, rather than any other, is becaufe of fome,Converte J have had with your Writings, whereby I judgeyon,to have the Tongueof the ` Learned, tofpeak a Word in Seaton, being experienc'd your felf in Spiritual Af ` fairs and Temptations, the immediate Cade of this Addrefs was my reading your ` laR DireErion in the Book of andkeeping Peace and Comfort. ` The Cafe is mine only, as it is the Cafe ofone who is my fall in the dear Re- lation of a Husband ; it is an unufual one, and therefore will require, I doubt, ' you more Pains to reach it, and lò is the more boldnels in me, butfrom you will `. be the moreService toChrilt Jefus ;ifyou engagein it I would be brief,but mull of ` neceffìty declare Circumftances.Tbis dear Husband of mine, Mr.Lambe, is one that had, been devoted to God's Fear from hisYouth up, andbath denied exceedingly; and delighted greatly to ferveChriftJefus our Lord ; the Miniftry hewasnourilhed and bred up in was, Mr. jobs Goodwin's, for Twelve or Thirteen Years, where ' he joined a. Member, and afterward by common Content, and Prayer, and Fait- '. ing wasordained an Elder over that Flock, and did labour in the Word andDo- '. ¿trine then withgreat delight, ftriving to adorn the Gofpel in all Ads of Love; e.Righteoufne(s and Mercy. Going on thus with Joy, about Five Years ago the `great Controvert-ton of Baptifm had tomeaccefs into his Judgment through -the means of another Member of that Body, Mr. Allen, a very Holy and good Man; who having had long doubts about Infant Baptifm, was carried to the other, by mans ofMr. Fifher,ftnceQuaker; by thefe Arguments prefented, Mr.Lambe was ta- `. ken in his Judgment, and in Confcience of his Duty did pra&ice accordingly; not thinking then, but Bill to hold communion with the Church tiotwithilanding; but then fuddenly was led farther, namely, to love the Communion of that !Church, and finding not where to find any Society in that Engagement Where '' they could have fuch means of Edification as they had left, they were indu- ` ced to join in a Body with fume others, about Twenty that came off by their ` means from the fame Fellowship, and fo for Five Years have gone on till there is ` anAdditionof about an Hundred. Pray, Sir, pardon my troublingof you with ` this Story ; but that which follows cannot to well be untlerflood without it. `Which is, That now about Nine Months laft pail, by Tome Experiences and `Sights of the Faults of force, particularly that of Fijher,, and difrelilhing the Pm- ' &ices, and Affertionsof Come, in unohurching all betides themfelves, he began to be provokedand preffed much in Spirit to confider the Grounds of feparating `..,upon the account of Baptifm, and in that Survey {till their Weaknefs, which ap- peared the more by reading yours, Mr. 7o. Gaodwin, and Hamer Books of Bap- :am, begot in himnot only a Sight of Weaknefs in his Grounds about Separating, but weakenedhis Confidence as to the oppofing of Infant Baptifn : In this time; .s things appeared to him (he being free and open Hearted) was ready to exprefs his Thoughts to thole he converted with; who being rigid aboutSeparation, (tilt `. perfuaded him thefe new 1houghts were Satan's Temptations, to hinder him in the Lord's Work : Which occafioned much Prayer, and Falling and Prayer i that if thefe Thoughts were not of God's Holy Spirit, they might dye front his Soul. But fill they increafed and came with fàeh Light and Power, argumenta- tise fromScripture, deteLting his former Principles as to Separation. In this in- ' terim he converted with divers Minifters in Town, is Mr. Goodwin's Book, Mr, Menton, Dr. Reigneld's about the meaningof r Car. re. r3,- (rc. his thoughtsIlilf 'carryinghim on, till he had formed-them into three Sheets of Paper ; but all the 6 a sway'