Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb. III. APPENDIX. e Confcience, though very tender inother things, lhould have little or no fenfe of that as his Duty. And z. What (hould then be the Reafon, that when he bath had any Thoughts tending that way, loch Terrors; like a flaming Sword lhould e pierce hisSoul? e q. Whether, having beenan Inffrument to drawfo many together into this way, o it be not rather his Duty to continue with them, applying himfeif in allways of e Love and Forbearance to inlarge their Spirits, which he judges his buty, becaufé e he finds a fenfible eafe in his Soul, uponfuch Refolutigns and Applications e 5. Inafmuch as he ¡lands an Elder over them, and is weakened in his Conn- edence againft Infant Baptifm (which they are fo confident again(f) and air° can- e not baptize Believers otherwife than to fatisfie their Scruple of Confcience that e !hall deuce it out of doubt of the Defefk is in their Infant Baptifm, and with ' Cautioning of fuch to take heed of their taking it up fo as to denominate their e Chrillianity, Saint-Dip, orChurch -!hipthereby ; if any Party of the Congrega- ` tion can not bare him thus,. but lhould feparate, and fo want means of Edifica- ' tioo, or, as tome fay, rather be Quakers than fo indifferent, or as one of them. lays, he would join with the Church of Rome, if he thought that true which e Mr. Lambe fays, namely; That he may have Communion with Perfons not in baptized; whether confidering their Danger héought not hide, or ceafe to defcft e on his Senfe, or what heought to do ? ` 6. Confidering his prefect Temptations and Affaults to his Faith and Senfe of o God's Love, it be his prefenc Work to ffudy to be felled in a full Perfualion one Way or other about Baptifm : But to mind his Spiritual Defence againft Mere ` olentAffaults, which makes him fay, Othat be were in bit late confidence again, and t fo is refoived to ftudy.the Arguments that are againft Infant Baptifm : And he is ` dire&ed to your Twenty Arguments in the Book about right to Sacraments, about the "necrfty of Faith to interefb in Baptifm. Now, fweet Mr. Baxter, !hall I have fo much Grace in your Sight, as to have e your diftinet Anfwer to there Particulars; truly, it will be Service co Jefus Chrift, e whom we have defired coferve in all unglenefi of Heart from our Youth up, and ' have nodefire in thisWorld liketo this, to know his Will and do ir, wholeLove and the Light of whore Countenance, is better than Life to our Souls, having eso Delgn but to ferve our Lord upon the beft Terms, who hath dealt bountifully ' with us, whofe Mercy and Faithfulnefs we haveoften experienced. e I truff it is of God that put it into my Heart to write to you,. and I will wait r that the Son of Righteoufneú may Dine through you, a Star in his Right.Hand, e to our Guidance in this Night of our Temptation. I acquaint none that I do it, were it known, it might occalion me fume farther Tryali : Therefore I inireatyour e Secrecy in ir. My Husband hath indeed fometimesPaid, he would write to you e but bath raid again, Mr. Baxter willnot regard me; and indeed he hath !carte e freedom of Mind to any Banners, he lhould take a Journey to Worcefler, which if he do, hefays he will come to you : I do not acquaint himwith this, but your ` Advice I know I (hall be able to help him by. Nowour Lord Jefus Chriff, who e Still giveth Gifts to Men, and cloth continue Means in his Church, fuflicient to thehelp of all his poor Servants, be your Helper to us ward, with craving Par- e don for my great.Boldnefs, I take leave, and remain London, in GreatSt.Bartholomew,, TOURS this eathof.Augui, i60: inone Lord Jefus, Barbara Lambe. I bave inclofed font a Copy of the mentioned Arguments, which pray perufe, and keep private. Sir, I defire what you write in anfwer to me may be inclofed in a Cover, to Mr.James Manisa; in Friday -Street at the Half Moon, tabu is my Son in Law, and fo I float pans it with privacy. I flail long ro know that thefe come fafe to your Bands. For Mr. Rich. Baxter, Miniher oftheGofpel in XiddermiafEer. Thereprefenc. Dog