Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

54 P P 1X Numb. In. Dear Mrs. Lambe, OW true did I feel it if, the reading of your Husband's Lines and yours fl which you fay in the beginning, that unacquainrednefs with the Face is no ` hindrance to the Communion of the Saints : So much of Chrift and his Spi. ` rit appeared to me in both your Writings, that my Soul in the readingof them was drawn out into as ftrong a Stream of Love, and clofing Unity of Spirit, as ` almoft ever I felt it in my Life. There is a Connaturality of Spirit in the Saints ` that will work by Sympathy, and by doling uniting Inclinations, through greater ` Differences and Impediments than the external A& of Baptifm : As'a Load-ffone ` will exercife its attra&iveForce through a Stone Wall. 1 have an inward Senfe in my Soul, that told me fo feelingly in the reading of your'Lines, that your ` Husband, and you, and I are one in our dear Lord, that if all the felf-conceited ` Dividers in the World Ihould contradiet it on the account of Baptifm, I couldnot ` believe them. `About a Year ago Sir Henry Herbert gave me one of your Husband's Books ` about Baptifm, which when I had read, I told him that the Autllbrand I were ` one in Love, though not of one Opinion, and that he wrote in the moft favory, ` honeft, moderate Style of any of that Mind that ever I read. But truly the per- `ufal of there Arguments perfuade meyet to higherThoughts of him, much more ` may be faid than he hath faid in that great and weighty -Cafe; but yet ` I have met with none that hath laid fo much in fo final; a room. It delighteth `me to feel the workings of a Catholick Spirit in his Lines. Nothing hath more ` Undone us (except flat Ungodlynefs) than the lofs of Catholick Principles and `Affe&ions among Chriflians (few are more void of them than the Papifts that ` boàft of then, :) It muff be this loving a Chriflian as a Chriftián that muft hold `when all is done : He that loveth Chrift in Chriflians, will love all Chriflians 4 whereChrift appears. Should not Dividers fear leaff Chrilt fay to them that caffoff e mofl ofhis Holy Membersfor thisOpìnion fake,Te did it unto me 7 Is Chrift in there ` Saints, or his he not ? What! a Saint, and Chrift not in him! that 'cannot be ` And is he in them, and !hall he be urea fo 'unkindly, fo uncharitably, as to be . cart by ? Oh dear Mrs. Lambe, the Lamb of God hath reconciled greater Diffe- 'r rences, and clolèd' greaterDifferences than thefe : and his tender Bowels yearn over thofe that we fullenly rej.: &. He that falci i6 hisfluggifh Followers [The `rï wslfsng,' but the Flefh is 'weak ;J and that fent`fo kind a Mefiage-to- Peter (that '-ëlately denved him) as íßáh as he was rifen,' 'and that Rill (hewed loch matchlefs "`Compalíìpns to the weak, will give little Thanks to dividing Spirits that call ''out hispoor Servants whom 'fie himfelf doth not calout. 1 know not Mr. Lambe by Face,'. but'Mr.Allen 1 know; could' he find in his Heart to deny me Brotherly '`'Communionif I defined it of him;and p oteftedthat I would be of his Opinion `"and PMEtke if,T darn, and my contradi&mg Judgment did not hitidet me: I ''havctoltf thoPafloisof the Re-baptized Churches here that iffany oftheir Judg- huent`and Prá &i`Èewill fatisfie themfelves with being againBaptized, and will live peaceablè Commdnion with us, they (hall be asdear to us as any other; and °atthat ifI wefe'aMemberof Mr.Tumbeis Church; ifhewould permit me, I would a liveobeiiently under his Miniffry (allowing me the-Liberty of my ConPience): I hope God is, working for our Unity and Peace. I have been long preaching of the Unity df the'Catholick Church, containingall true Chriftiansas Members; ` and the kalif Week fave one, Mr. Tombes came to the Re-baptized Church at Bewd- `le, bhub.preache'on the fame Subbje&, and fo excellently well (as I hear) for a Unity among all true Chriflians, to the fame purpofe with your Husband's Argu- ``ents, tlrarI much rejoiced to hear of it (though I hear Tome of his People were ` offended). And now that this Ihould be feconded with your Husband's peaceable Arguments, puts me in tome Hopes of a little more healing. I have ProngHopes ¡thatif Lwere'in+London I fhauld- perfuade fuck as your Husbandd!:and,: Mr. John Goodwin, and many an honeft Presbyterian Mtnifler (as great a diftance as Teems' ' ' between -them eall) :o.conte yet together, and live in Holy,Communion. yusllgt be fui,ss,Go -will` drive us together before hehath dote with -µµs.t Living Mum bets willfnaakt by diftance, and be impatienttila the. Woundióeçlofed,..what , a Damp is upon the Spirits of thofe Chriflians that can f.parate (interpretatively) .`frpnr a rhd'uftúrdcpar (rw: One). of the Church of .lull. , The Papiffs would de- ' fire no better 1port (nor the Infidels neither)than-to reduce the Church ofChrift .` to the Antipode Baptifls, or the baptized at Age, and fo to deny him to havehad any