Numb. M. ii2'PENDIX not come out of fo great a Sin whithout Tome moderate Trouble for it (and far it, it is meritorioufly, and fhould beintentionally). s.. Efpeciallyif Melancholy-give him advantage, Satan (that commonly worketh by that means and Inftrument) may do Wonders. 3. And I !hall tell you of fome other ehds inthe:Cellehit-Ion, ` that I conjecture at. _. To your Second Queftion I fay, it feems to Inc, as is faid, a hardthing impoilìble to judgeof his Caufe by thefe his Paffions : But it's melt probable by far, that this Diftrefs of Spirit is for his former Sin in feparating (to faynothing of Re-baptizing) andthat it is alto a gracious Providence for fome further Good, a that yet he knows not of. , To the Third Queltion I anfwer, I know not the State ofMr. Goodwin'sChurch, ` andErgo, can fay nothing ro it, whether he fhould return thither: But my Judg- ment is 1. That he fhould in Prudence a little forbear deferting his feparated Church for the ends in the Conclufion mentioned. a. That when he removeth he fhould preach the Gofpel on the Terms in the end. 3. That if he muff be a private Member, he fhould rather go toMr. Goodwin's Church than another, if it be rightly conftituted, (becaufe he thence removed) : But if it be diforderly ga- thered outof many Parifhes without Necellty, were I in his cafe I would rather join with another Church, and thit in the Paridh sthere; he lives, ifthere be a Church that is fit to he joined with ; if not, I would remove myDwelling to the Parilh that I would join with : Cohabitation is the Aptitude requifire toChureh- ' Memberlhip. To Your Queflion, Why his Confcience feels not this Duty : I know not, unlefs providence mean, as I (hall fpeak anon. But I marvel ifhe feels not the Sin of his Separation. Toyour Fourth, I anfwer : Having drawn fo many into a Schifra, it ishis great ' unqueftionable Duty to do ál1 that he can to get them out of it : and if he can- ` not, to leave them, and partake no longer in their Sins ; yea, andder more than ' this for his Recovery and theirs. ' To your Fifth Queflion : It is anfwered in the former ; he ought openly td 'difown the Sin of Separation. To the Sixth : If he be Melancholy, lethim forbear Studies; if not, he fhoúld ' impartially fearch after the Truthby Study, but with Patience, not fetting God a ° time for his Refolution. As for my Twenty Arguments, which you fay he is re- ferred to, I partly conlideredwhat they made for, beforeI fetthem down. They ' prove a Neceffity of Profellion of Confent in all adult Covenanters: But yet Pa- ' rents may profefs their Confent to their Childrens Covenanting or Engagement: The Parents aretbe Believers and the Confnters, and Ego, mull be the Profef- ` fors. They have Power of devoting, and givingup, and engagingtheir Children ' to God. I would Mr. L. could tell me [When the Priviledge and Duty of Parents ' entering their Children into the Holy Covenant with God, andfelemnizing this did eeaf ?J ' Let him anfwer me but that one Queftion well, and prove it, and I will be of his mind (but this is hefides my Intent) : Itwill not prove that Infants are not faxed, becauf it is Laid fo oft, That he that believeth !hall not perifh : and he that believetb not, is condemned already, and fhall be damned, &c. No more will it prove that In- 'fours rhlt profefi nor, and believenot, may not be entered by profefling Parents ' into Covenant with God, (as undoubtedly till Chrift's Time they were) becaufe ' Profeffron is necelfary to the adult. As the Parents Will difpofeth of them (for ' their good) fo the Parents Profeffion is enough. But I come to my Conclufion. ' I am no Prophet ; but I hope God hath given Mr. L. his Lightand his Tryals, yet for higher ends ; and fuffered him to delay his Relinquifhment of the Schifra, ' that he may be snore ferviceable to the Church, in helping to heel the common Breach. To which End I make this Motion to him, and tell him from me, I 'think it is .of God, and will produce his Comfort. r. If he delire ic, I will prefently fendhim a Model of Agreement between the 'Churches of thePeedobaptifts and Anabaptifts(ascommonly called)in order to their ' charitable brotherly Communion,and the prefervationof the commonTruth,that it ' fuffer not by our Divifions : This he and I will fubfcribe to, and then I doubt not to get Mr. Tonbes to fubfcribe it; and next I will get all our Affociation to fob- "' fcribe it and next let Mr.T. and beget what other ofthe Re-baptifed to fubfcribe it that will. If noire but he and I do it, we will publifh it, and lhamethe World into a Peace, Or do our Parts. And methinks I forefee great Benefits that will en- ' file (more than this Paper will hold to enumerate). z. When this Agreement is Publifhed,Mr. L. !hall altoPsiblilh his Arguments, arid I my Reafonsfor our Agree- ' ment. ;. When this Is done, let Mr. L. become the Pallor of á Church that's H ` nri:fr