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61 APPENDIX. Numb. Ill. 'God receives them, andputs a Song of Praife into their Mouths on the dry ' Land. ` But this firft Queftion is not fuch as you needmuch to flick at : Youmay eafily e fee for what Sin its like you should have this Aflíiâion ;-or if you couldnot (after a faithful Search) get rid of all and fweepas clean as poffibly you can and then I you will remove that Sin with the refl. The refolhing of the next Queftion is ' your principal Bufinef,, Which is, to know now where your Duty lyach for the time to come : For when once you are felled in thewayof Duty, Peacewill re- ' turn, and the dark Face of your now difconfolateSoul be cleared up (unlefs any ' deep Melancholy, or unufual Providence fhould continue your Trouble) and in- e deed it is not very eafy to fee the way of yo*Duty to the end ; but part of it is ' very eafy : r. That you lhould obeythe Light that God bath manifetted to you, ' and helpto communicate Catholick Principles and Affeótions to all your People, ' to the utmoft of your Power, this is certain ; and do all that you are able to cure ' uncharitable dividing Principles or Difpofitions. 2. That you maynot live in a ' Practice contrary to your Doárine is as plain ; and Ergo, may not be guilty of e continuing a divided Church ; though you may prudently obferve the fitteft man- ' nerand Seafon of your coming off: Therefore it feems to me your Duty, freely, ' lovingly, compaflìonately tocommunicate your Reafons to your Auditors: ifthey ' can prove them unfound, (which I am lure they cannot in the main) then yield ' to them; if they cannot, thenbeg their Pardon for mifguiding them, and befeech ' them to return, not to any Sin againft God, but to the Love of the Saints, and ' theUnity of the univerfal Body ofChrift, and the Communion of Brethren. g. e To return to Mr. y.Goodwin's Church again, 1 dare not diffuade you or advitu e you ; but I would not do it ifI lie'd in another Parilla, where I could have Law- ' ful Communion ; yea, or ifI could live in fuch a Parifh, I wouldnot be a Mem- ber of a Church gathered out ofmany Parifhes, in fach a Place as London : Co-ha- bitation is inNature and Scripture Example, made the neceffary Dilpofitionof ' the Materials of a Church. 4. My Thoughts (tillare, that you fhould Preach the Gofpel in fomeCongregation molt fuitable to you. ' But I am very glad that you give me the Reafons of your Trouble; for it is a ' fad kind of Work for you or another to plead againft Troubles in'thedark, which ' a Man can give no Radon for. r. Your Finit I needfay nothing to : If you had `ever had a Temptation to thruft in a wrong Motive into a good Cade, it neither ' proves the Cauf bad, (elfe all our Preaching were too bad) or your Heart bad; as you fee your Sin, I hope you fee your fufficient Remedy. a. The Second is carnal, to refill fo great a Truth and Duty, left good People be difpleafed; what! ` are they your God? God mutt be enoughfor you, if ever you will have enough; and it muff fatisfie you thathe is pleated, if ever you will be fatisfied. Tell thofe Chriftians, you will not ceafe to Love them, by Loving more ; nor, ceafe any ' dueCommunion with them, by having Communion with more: Keep in with 'them by Love and Correfpondency, even whether they will or no, evenwhen ' you have left their Separation. Do not teeproach them when you leave them, but . enjoy the Good of their Communion (till, as you have Opportunity. God's Houfe bath many Manions; if your Friends think that their Clofet is all the ' Houfe,convince them of their Miftake,and confine yourfelf to that Clofet no Ion- ' ger but yet renounce it not ; it maybe a part (though finfully divided) though it ' benot the whole. $. Theway that you are called to is God's Highway : and though the Churches have many in them that are dead, yet have they with them ' as many living Members as yours, and many more, irthefeparts may be Witnef- ` les : I would not be aMember of that Church willingly that is compofed of none ' but not able Chriftians ; though I moil Love the bell, and delightmoll in their ' Fellowfhip, and with that all were fuch, yet when 1 fee a Church fo gathered,. I ' eafily find it is a wrong Conflitution, and not according to the Mind of Chrift. I will never join with them that will have but one Form in Chrill's School. I ' would have the A BC there taught as well as the profoundeft Mylleries. 'Tis no ` Sign of theFamily ofGod tohave no Children (what ifI Paid Infants) in it, but ftrongMen only: Nor of the Hofpital of Chrift tohave none Sick s nor of his ' Net to haveno Fith, but Good; war of his Field to have no Tares : Flefh and ' Blood bath cited me oft toSeparation, for Eafe ; but its tooeafy a way to be of ''God : I"undergo another kind of Life ; you are extreamly mistaken if you think that you are pot on fo mach Duty and Self -denial, by many Degrees, among your ' Hundred Profeffors, as we mull undergo : Your Work is Idlenefs toours ; how then is yours the ftreighter way? q. For Richesandgay Apparel, you may help to