66 !1P PENDIX. Numb. III. Dear Brother, IF Iunderfland any thing of the Ways of the Love ofGod, and can perceive by the Ef- fells below, what Souls the Light of hi Countenance dotb shine upon, you owe much to his Love, andare refer! by himas be ufetb'theelearefl. of his own ; what a Mercy is boo Il- lumination.? and how much greater hù quickening Life, that poféfeth youwith Love to Godand Man ? O didwe but know when we feel one Spark of Love to Godandhi.. Ser- vants in our Souk,' fromwhat an infinite Love it comes, and to what it tends, and what it fgnifietb, furely there would be more fludying comparatively, for Charity that edïfietb, than for the Knowledge that pufetbup. Ifyear Workfor God didcoil you nothing,it would not be fo comfortable to you fymptomatically or efetlively. Though I confers it is barder tobear the Centimes of Godly Men than of the World, yet the biger the Tryal, the fuller will be the Evidence of Sincerity in Submi ien, and the greater that Grace andPeace that is used to be given in for Encouragement or Reward. Andyet I mull tell you, that your Tryal.bere is not of the greateft, when your Recovery is like to procure youthe E(leem of Ten, if not an Hundred of God's Servants, for one that you are like to loft ; and I amglad that you give yaw Censurersfo good to Dejoription: for if they are luck asyou deferibe them, I am perfuadeel many of themwill come after you in time. 'And is it not a great Encouragement toyou, that your Brother andFellow-labourer comes over withyou, and fo your Hands are fireugthned, andhalfyour Opposition taken offand turned into Comfort. For though I never told himof your Letters to me, nor you of hay yet I take it for granted that you know each others Minds and ways ; and yet you know that be sea fatisfred and refolved for Catbolick Communion. I pray yougo together, anddo what you elo as one Man, while you have one Mind and Heart. I perceive the Signs of Judgment and Charity alto in him. I befeecb you alto both to hold on your Charity, even to them that are ofendedwitb you; fofar as Cbrifl appearetb in them, let them bave your 'pedal Love. The Deefondencies you mention are unreafenable : Wild you conclude you can- not fifer, before you are called to Suffering? Deny the Baits offlefhy Pleafure, vainGlo- ry andworldly Gain, and live fsncerely to God in your Preerity, and Idare fay, you may boldly ezpec`l bei confirming fuflaining Grace ifbe callyou to Adversity. I had almoflfaid that (with moll Men) it requiretb greater.Grace to overcome the Temptations of Prosperity, and to contemn et flattering World forChrift, than to die for him. At hall the one will prove you pofefedwith his Spirit, and an Heir of Promise, as well as the other : And therefore the Spirit andPremise that enable you now to live to God, would enable you, to die for bim ifbe requiredit. Look you qo your present Work, and troll God for Strength for what he calls you to. If my Advice be worth your regard, its, this; i. That you do asyou have done; ofer Communion to other Churches, but forbear yet a while to joinyour felf as a Member là any. 2. Thit ifyou like the Propofalo I (hallfend, and Mr. Good- win like them, you both, with him, do-fgnìfie fo much, and I will take fome course that they may be the Introduilion tg a more general Agreement. ;. And that at the time when we publifh futh Agreement, you and your Fellow-labourer join in publishing your Reafom for Catbolick Communion: For, I thankhim, be bath communicated his and yours set to- gether, will give much Evidence in the Cattle. But 1 muff a little while crave your Pa.. tiente, before Ifend myPapers, by reafon of aCrowd of pree ng Buftnrfes: Beet the Sweet- well ofthe work will draw one font all wilful Delays (Tour Brother alto Iperceive is not yet ready formy Propofals). I ref jan. 22. 0658. Your unworthy Fellow Servant, To Mr. Lambe. Rich. Baxter. Numb: