Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb. 1V, APPENDIX 67 Numb. IV. Letters and Papers between Mr. Baxter, and Mr. Allen. Dear Brother, IBled the Lord for the great ConfolationI had in the peràfal ofyour Papers: Allthe Mo- Mom andOperations of Holy Love are lovely. That to the way of God that it the way of Love, and that to be much fufpeEted that quenebetb et. What co fo muchpredica- ted through all the Geffel? Above all other ways, what a mellow fweetneß doth the way of Love communicate to all the .Duties and Converftngs of chofe that are abounding in this Grace ? And it is the. Manhood and Maturity of Chriflianity. The Infancy of the Law bad led of it than thefull Age of the GoOel: And youngChrifliani,afuallly are like young Fruit, auflere and unpleafant, whom Ageand Holy Experience mull mellow by the growth of Love,'produced by the Sunfhine of 'HeavenlyLow. I bad thought to bane prefently re- turnedyou my Anfwertoyour.Reafans about InfantBaptifm: but whenI hadreadyour other Papers, I could not find on-my Heart, leafs Douting fhould in áy Meafure abate in the Love that Godwar kindling Tot fhortly, (if. I can find the halt leelere),I (hall give you a fewWords to them (if God will) when that whichbath a 'hew ofcontending will be more feafonable. Tour Arguments forCommunion are veryweighty., Mynext Work to theftEnds' hall be to perfieadefame godlyMinifler, that differ from you, to a more 'charitableJudgment, and walking towards them ofyour Opinion; and (if Ilive fo long) to perfuade our Parlia- ment Men againft exceffve Rigour and Bitterne aping them. Do 5014 do the like with shore ofyour way. If Love reign in us, it muff command our Tongues to plead its Caufe, and to endeavour the promotingof it in the World.' And when Love hall Reign among the Nations, the Lord (hall Reign in a way of Love: And this is the way to thole glorious Times that fame expet?by other Ways. And as the abounding of Iniquity and the cooling of Love are coupled by Cbrift as.Caufe-and Effecd, fo will the aboundingof Love, and the decay of Iniquitybe conjoined. The God ofLove carry on. this bided Work in our frozen Souls, and in all the Churches, by keeping us under the Light of be Countenance,' and the the Sunf cone of his mollglorious Love. -Iremain Jan. 7. 2658: Your Brother, Rich. Baxter, To Mr. Wiliam Allen. The Cafe of Separation. Catea. r;`ßî Nether Particular Churches be of Divinelnffitution? V1/ Anfw. Yea; that is Christians affociated for Perfonal.Comninni- on in Do&rine, Worship and Difcipline, under the fame Parlors (oneor more) area Church ofDivine Inftitution. Proved 41?. 14. 23. Titles i. p. I Tim.- -- Phil. r.' .t, 2. tThe/. ;. oh, 57. Heb. sp. 17-. 24. and many other Texts. Quell. 2. Whether the Parifh Afemblies are fuch ? Anfw. Parifh- Affemblies are not of one fort; Lome arenot fuck, that is, Parish Àífemblies which deny the Effentials of Chriftianity, and are Hereticks, or deny Church Effentials, or that have no Patiors, or fach as want fonte Effentials of the Office, as vilble to Man's Judgment. But Parifh Affemblíes are true particuiar Churches, who profefs the Effentials of Chriftianity, and of Churches, and have Paftors who vlfibly want not any thing effential to their Office- ( though otherwife faulty ). 2. Churches are called true, I. In point of Effence (as aforefaid). a. In point of Soundnefs and Integri- ty (as a lick Man, or a maimed Man, or a Thief; is a true Man in Effence;. bnt not in Soundneß, in Integrity and Handy). The Parilh Churches, as conftituted by our Laws, Articles, Ordination anti Ca' nóns, are true Churches as toEffence bút not withottt föme Wants and Dblèafes that need'a cure. I z . Chiìrches 1