Numb. IV. 11pp E1VDIx 6q fiian Communicants joined for Perfonal Communion, and Independants andSénara- tiffs mach differ, many Independants are againft Separation, the oldNencont<,rm- ills; both Presbyterians and Independants were judged the Parifh.Churches that had tolerable Minders to be true Churches ; and Independents greatly differ among themfelves; forceare found in the Faith, and force are unfound ; fotne are for In_ font Church-Memhérlhip and Covenant Grace, and force againft it ; firm are for ! if-made Covenants and Terms ofChurch.entrance and Communion, and for tife Peoples Power of the Keys, and againft Ordination and manyother Errors ; which others do renounce. And remember it is one thing to be Independants by Agree- ment, es Neighbour Churches, and another thing to be dependant as Subjects oq governing Churches : And it is one thing to be Independant on equal Neighbour Churches ; and another thing tabe independent on a fùperior Miniftry The Churches of Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephefu:y and the rely, were independent on each other, as to Government; but they were dependant on the Apofiles and Evangelijìs (Paul, Bamako, Luke, Mark, Sihrr, Timothy, Titus, andApodos, &r,) as to Overfight and dependanton other Churchesas Fellow- members ofthe fameU- niverfal Body, as the Membersof our Bodies are. g. I know no Churches fo hasp7 py as to have nothing that is not particularly (yea, or generally) inílituted Scripture; yea, and that obtruded on the People. O! when will God make them wier? force Independent Minifiers and Churches have Catholick, Charitable, Uniting Principles. But the fèparating part who are they that have fo many and great Defeets and Faultsas I havein my former Writing enumerated, and need not here again recite, but advife you impartially to review them. Qued.6. Whether every Perfen who cloth join withfach a Church cloth not become cc,geil- ej of the Sin of feed a Church, ,a3fbofe do that join with the Church of England ? Anfw. This Queltion intimateth that you know not what the Churchof England is: It is nothing but a Chriftian Kingdom, confiding of a Chriftian fùpremePow- er, andcombined Chrillians and Churches governed-by that Power ; it is not Li- turgies nor Ceremonies that effentiate the Church of England r Orthodox, Godly Presbyterians, and Independants who deny not a Chriftian Kingdom of Chriftian Churches (though differing in many things) are all parts of the true Church ofEng- land: But I luppolo you mean the Conformids (which are but a part). 2. One is guilty of the Faults of the Conformilts by their bare Pretence and Communion, who do not content to thole Faults, and if bare Pretence lignified Content, we mud avoid Communion with all Churches on Earth, for who are Sin- ters ? And all muff avoid us ; and how, shall we avoid our felves, who do in all we do ? ;. But when People caufelefly feparate and unchurch other Churches far founder than their own, and falfely accule them ; yea, and almod all Chrift's Churches thole Fifteen Hundred Years, as thofe now called Separatifts ufuatly do, I think your Ordinary joining with filch, when you may have founder Communion is a finful Encouragement of them in their Schifm, juftly leaveth you tinder the Im- portation of Schifm, and requireth great Humiliation and Reformation, being greater than force great private Sins, as publick Cafes are more important than pri- vate ; but I am loath to fay all that I judge true againft theprelim feparating Way, left I be midaken, as if I would render them odious, Or be againft the neceffary Toleration of the Week. I have truly told the, World near Forty Years ago, that I am pad doubt that nei- ther the E,pifcopal Presbyterian nor Independant way alone, will well fettle the Church: But that each of the three Parties (and thofe called Eraffians) have fome- what of the Truth in peculiar, and fomewhat ofFaultinefs, and if ever the Church be well fetled, it muff be by taking the belt, and leaving out the word of exert' party, and till that can be done, we mud bear with what wecannot amend. O /lobo. 9. 16ß8. BEcaufe your Friend relufeth Conference, though I promifed fecrefie, and a oing Debate, I will for your fake anfwer your Quedions my fell, which take to be thefe Two : L. Whether you ought not prefently tofix your fell in a particular Chutctt, and not continue any lodger oecafioctal Communion with many. Ig. Wha`