APPENDIX. Numb. IV ken out of the Hands of Lay-Men (Chancellorsor Lay Brethren) ; and the Dioce- fans to judge in the Synods of the Presbyters, in Cafes above Parochial Power. That this was the Judgment of the Nonconforming that treated for Peace in 1660. and 1661. is to be Peen in their printed Propofals, in which they defired 'Archbifhop Ones Model of the Primitive Epifcopacy joined with the Synods of Presbyters. II. ThePresbyteriansare for Parifh-Churches asifórefaid, guidedby Elders, tome teaching, and fome only ruling, and theft under Synods of the like Ciaf, without Diocefan or Parochial Superiors ; and all under a National Affembly of the fame; as the Supreme Church Power. III. The Índependants are for every Congregation to have all Church Power in it felf, without any fuperior Church-Government over them, whether Bishops or Synods, yet owningSynods forvoluntary Concord. Of thefeforce are against local Communionwith theaforefaidChurches, and for avoiding them bySeparation ; Come as if they were no Churches, and had no true Minifers ; feme for Forms of Prayer, force for faulty Communicants, force for Epifcopal Ordination, and force for fubfcibing, and force for all thefe, and many other pretended Rations. tut Tome Independants are for occafional Communion with the other Churches, and force alfo for Rated Communion in the Parifh-Churches, for which you may read Mr. remrs's the chief of the Anabaptiffs in a full Treadle, and Dr. Thomas Goodwin on the Mt of the Epbefians, earnelt against Separation (as theold Noncom. formills were): Now whichof all thefe fhould you join with ? I affirm, that all thefe except the Separatilts are partsof the Churchof England, as it is truly effentiated by a Chri- Iban Magiftracy, and confederate Chriflian particular Churches. All are not equally found and pure, but all are parts of the Churchof England : Liturgies, and Ceremonies, and Canons and Chancellors are not effential to it, as a Church, or ChriftianKingdom e But it is now a Medly, lees concordant than is defirable : but you are not put upon any filch Difputes whether you will call the prelim Church of England Roman, as denominated from the King that is the Head; or whether you willfay that King andParliament conjun& are that Head, andfo it is yet Proteftant,becaufe the Lawsare fo ; or whether you will denominate it mated- ally Proteflant, becaufe the Clergy andFlocks are fo ; yourDoubt is only,wbarCon- gregation to join wob. I anfwer, That which all your Circumftances Cet together, make it molt conve- nient to the publick good and your own. ThoughI hold not Minifterial Conformity lawful, I takeLay-Communion bang of thereexcept the Separatifts, to be lawful to force Perfons, whofe cafemaketh it fittelt : But I judge it unlawful for you toconfine your Communion to any one of them ; fo as to refufe occaftonal Communion with all rave them. a. The Parilh-Churches have the Advantage of Authority, Order andConfede- racy, and the Prorellant Intereft is chiefly call upon them, thereforeI will not fe- parate from Lay- Communion with them, though they need much Reformation. x. You muff not go against your Father's Will, no, nor divide the Family, without neceflity : The fameI fay of your Husband when you are married. ;. TheNonconforming Epifcopal and Presbyterians havenot fachChurches as they defrre, butonly temporarily keep Meetings like to Chappels, as Alüftants to others, till Parifhes are reformed. 4. I think it a flutedfinful Schifm to fix as a Member of fuck aChurch and Pa. Icor as is of the Principles ofthe Writing which you !hewed me. I. Becaufe they grievoufly flander the Parifh.Churches and Miniiers as none, and their Worfhip and Government as far worfe than it is. II. Becaufethey Renounce local Communion withalmoft all theBody or Church of Chril on Earth, by renouncing it on aReafon common toalmolt all. III. Becaufe they feparate from fuck Churches as Chrift and his Apoltles joined with, and fo feem to condemnChri4 and his Apofties as Sinners. Chrift ordina- rily joined with the yewsChurch in Synagogues and Temple - Offices ; when the High-Prielt bought the Place of Heathens, and the Neils, Pharifees and Rulers