Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

74 1i P m E N D I X. Numb. IV. Do they know how little radical Difference there is between laying, asPerfecto. tors, All tbefe are Hereticks ; and as Separatifts,-AR tbefe are unworthy of Cbriflian Communion: Yea, the Pope rejedteth Communion but with two or three parts of the Chriftian World, and theft Menrenounce local Communion with altnoft all : Is this the wayof Love and Unity in the Body of Chrilt ? X. Is Provoking, Excommunicating them the way to reconcile the Publick Mi- nifers and Churches? Or is this a time to join with the Enemies of the Proteftant Religion, to draw all the People to forfaite.them ? That fo the Reformation here may have only private Toleration as we have till fome Diforder is faid to forfeit it ? the King promifeth to defend them, and llrall feparating Proteffants pug them down? XL The Weaknefs of thefe MensJudgments and Dealings, bring all the Noncon- formifts into Contempt andScornwith Multitudes of undiftinguilhing Men; as if we'were all of the fame Temper, and hardeneth Thaufands in hatred to them all, and maketh themlong to be perfecuting us again, andkeepeth them from repent- ing of theEvil they havedone : Offence mutt come, but woe to them by whom it cometh. XII. God háth moil exprefly decided this Controverfy in Scripture, and thefe Men feeming Adherents to Scripture cannot fee ir, Rom. 04. and r s: and x6. `17. Yob. 17. 22, 24. Phil. 2. Eph. 4. Ina Word, in all chofe Texts that plead for, Church Unity and Love ; and all thole that fpeak of the finfulnefs of Schifm, and that a kingdom divided cannot ffand; and all thofe that condemn Dividen, and alt that command mutual forbearance, et-c. Doyou thioik.that [receive one another aì Cbrifb received us] even them thatare weak in Faith it felf J. dodo mean no more than [do notfilence them, or imprifon, or murder them :] No doubt but it meaneth, receive them to Church Communion. XIII. What a great Sin is unjuf# filencing worthyPreachers. And do not theft Men endeavour to filence more thoufands than the Aet of Uniformity, or Bilhops did, when they tellall that it'sa Sin to hear them. XIV. If it be unlawful to join with others that are no worfe than they, it mall be unlawful to join withahem : If I be guilty of all that is Paid or done amifi in the Pa- rifh-Churches, I (hall be more guilty if I loinwith theSeparatifts. I'am not defirous to accufe any, but to cover their Faults as far as I can. But I cannot refolve your Quefionwithout telling you that I take their Church-State to be fo far different from the Rule, and in many Refpeâs worfe than the Parifh- Churches, as that to join with them as fixed covenanted Members, will be a Bate of Sin. t. Scripture-Peed Minis iers, or Elders were all ordained by fuperiorgeneral Paf/ors, ei- ther alone, or with Presbyteries; So are not theirs (if by any at all). 2. Scripture - flocks were ruled by their Paftors, Heb. t 3. 7, 17, 24. r Thef s r ;,14. r Pet. g. x Tim. 3, óc. But many of their Flocks are the Rulers of themfelves and Paftors. 3. Scripture particular Churches were all diflinguif sed by theLimits of their Habita- tion or Proximity ; fo that therewas never two Churches in the fame Cityor Bounds, fave Hereticks, and Menof divers.Tongues (at leaft where one could hold them all) But it's otherwife with the Separatifts. 4. No lawful Church in Scripture, was gathered out of a true Gofpel-Church: But theirs are. f. Scripture Churches had fixed known Tells to know qualified Members by; which was confent to the Baptifmal Covenant, explained inthe Creed, Lord's-Pray- er andCommandments: So that all Churches had the fame Tell and Terms of Qua- lification, and fo had one Profeflion. But thefe Men leave this Arbitrary to the Pallor (or People) to try whether Men are converted by uncertain Terms and Words deviled by every Minifter ; fo that the Terms are unknown and not agreed on among their Churches, and may be as various as Minifters. 6. Scripture-Churches never divided the Chrifliansofthe fame Family, fome to one Church, andCome to another: But theft Men`do fò, to great Gonfalon. 7. They