Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

"78 APPE1llD1X. IoTumb.IV. likeChappels under the Diocefan Theft called themfeives the Church of England, when there were but about four or five Bifhops left alive, who Dr. Hammond Paid were of his mind. Some fuch domineered afterward, and would have fet up that way, but never prevailedeither to retraét the Churches Books and Laws, nor to get themajor part of the Clergy to own them. Now all the vain queftion here is, Which of there two Parties Ihall be called The Church of England ? Neither of them alone : They are two difagreeing parts of it : I argued againft the laft, profeiing not to do it againft the firft ; whichyour Counfeller would take no notice oL And what's all this to you? If you will not be of the National or Diocefan Church, you maybeofa Parilh Church. IIi. I proved that if all the Billiops and Parliament had faid, The Pariah Mini fiers are no true Paflors, this would not have made them none, (though they might be guilty of depofing themas far as they could: ) no more than it would make the Nonconforming Miniftets and Churches tobe none : Becaufe we all take the Office as inflituted by Chrift, and Men to be but invellingServants to him, ha- ving no power toalter it : And as in the Marriage the Husbandfhall have power o- ver the Wife thoughhe that marry them fay Nay ; fo (hall an ordained Elder be a true Pallor though the Ordainer fay Nay. IV. I proved that the old Church Books and DoArine are in force ftill by Law, and the Kingdom and Church are (worn or bound, not to endeavour any alteration in the Government of the Church : Therefore not to put down the Parilh Mini- ftry andChurches. Therefore this is the Score of the Church of England, though not of the new Faelion that ufárped that Name. V. Though a Man cannot be a Pallor again(t his will, yet he may be one without his knowledge, if by Errour he think he is none. For he may confect to all theOffice, while he thinks it is not alland denieth the Name. If a Man think that a Deacon may do all effential to a Pallor, and fo that he is but a Deacon, he is neverthelefs a Pallor if he confented to the Work. Many thoufands are Chrifti- ans that think they are not, and do truly content to Chriflianity, while they think they do not. And whymay it not be fo alfo to the Miniltry ? VI. But our Cafe needeth none of theft Reafons. For where there is all that is effential to truePaflors and Churches, there are true Paflors and Churches : But by God's great mercy, in many thoufandPari(Ires in England, there is all that is ef- fential to true Paflors and Churches : Therefore they are Inch. When youwill call me to difpute it with any Denier, I will fully prove to you , ( That there is great needof Reformation). r. That the Churchof England, as it is a Chriflian Kingdom, containing Con- federate Churches under a Chrilian King and Laws, is that very Form that Chrilt offered tofettle in 'idea, and did fettle by Conflantine. z. That if theDiocefans be good Men, and lawfully chofen, as they are meer Suc- ceffours of Timothy and Titur, andothers that liad the overfìght of many Churches and Paflors (by the Word) they are righter than the Oppófers. 33 That the Incumbents of thePariah- Churches havea valid Ordination by fuch Bithopsand Presbyters, righter than theDividers. q. That many thoufands of fuch Paflors are Men of competent Abilities : and many ofgreater Minifterial Abilities than moll of us Nonconformifts : yea, that no known. Nation under Heaven bath, in fo fin all a conípafs,fo many able Minifters asEngland. And that to deny it and feparate, if great ingratitude towards God. 5. That Pariah Bounds are a laudable Diliribution of Churches; the capable Members being Communicants, and the rest Catechumens. 6. 'That the ordinary Communicants in multitudes of Parilhes, are Membrs that have all that is effential to Church-Memherfhip. 7. That the Paflors have power from God for all their Work, and Mens denial (even the Ordainers) nullifieth not that Power, when they are in general ordained Presbyters. 8. That by the Lawof the Land they have all Power effential to Paflors: They may keep fromCommunion all that are not Confirmed, andthere haveowned their Baptilmal Covenant, or are ready and delirous fo todo, and therefore may cry their readinefs: This is required by the Liturgy: And they may deny the Sacramento