Numb. IV, APPENDIX 79 all that the infcandalous Sin : And they mutt profecute fuch tothe Bishops Courts. TheLaw calleth them Reílor. ( Rulers), and they own themfelves for filch : And even the Canons (that are their worft'reftraints) do own the fame ; and fe. do the reft date Church -Books and Laws; that they all fubfcribe to, and promife not to alter : Ask themwhether they take not themfelves for true Pallors, if you would knowwhether they confent to be fuch. 9. Though force late Innovators, that called themfelves The Church of England, would, asfar as they could, have nullified in force part the Parifh Miniftry and Churches , and the Canons themfelves do'finfully limit the Exercité of their Power, ( the Caufe of our Calamities), yet this nullifieth not the Office and Churches ; the Effential Power being felled both by God's Laws and the Churches i and the reftraint of Exercife nullethnot the Power. ,to. That to Exclude any from Communion that are Baptized and at Age; have owned their Chrillianity, and are not proved by fufficient witneffes to have nullified that Profe(fron by Apoftace, Herefie, or a wicked or fcandalous Life, is ChurchTyranny and Injuflice ; of whichall are guilty that de it or déliire ir. ut. That if this Difcipline be negleaed by the Minifters finful Sloth, or by the finful Omillion of the People, that will not (first privately, and then before wit- nefs, and. then to the Church or Pallor) admonilh the Offenders ; this is theSin cif Pallori andPeople, but nullifieth not the Church or Office. 12. ThroughGod's great Mercy the Doecrine profeffedby the Church of Eng. land, and ufually preached in many thoufand Parifh Churches , is found, and as well preached as in any other known Kingdomon-Earth ( though Minifters have had theirSins which we Hill fmart for and by). 13. There is nothing in the Liturgy-worfhip which the the Congregation are ordinarily to perform or joyn in, which they may not lawfully door joys in; or be prefent at: (molt thatneedeth Reformation being in Rubricks and By-Offi- ces, Baptizing, Confirmation, Excommunications, Ablolutions, Burials, and inthd Minifterspart). t¢. The Minifters haveall the three parts that can be accounted by any party neceffary to an outwardCall. r.They Have the Magiftrates Confènt (by his Law) who is Judge whom he will maintainand tolerate. z. They have the Ordainers Confent and Miffton '(Bífhops and Presbyters) who are Judges whom to .Ordain. ;. They have the Communicants Confènt ex reffed in their confiant Attendance and Communicating ; whoare the dilcerning Judges to whomto commit the Pa- floral Care and Condu& of their own Souls : And though more be decrable , no more is of neceflity. 15. The Confederate Parifh-Churches of England that have able godly Pat/ors, want nothing, which CHRIST or his APOSTLES, or the U N I V E R- S A L C HU RC H of Chrift for Six hundred years ( yea or to thisday) did ever make or judge neceffary to the being of Minifters or Church. Nor have the fold Churches any Errour or Sin in Do&trine, Worfhip or Government, which ei- ther Chriff or his Apoftles, or the Univerfal Church, for Six hundred years after Chrilt, did judge inçonfiftent with the beingof a valid Miniflér , and true viable Churches. The large proof of thefe FifteenPropofitions I offer, though too long now to Perform ; which though they willnot juftifie fuch Minilterial Conformityas Ihave been urged to, yet you may eafily fee by them, r. What Church-Frame is mofk agreeable to Scripture. x. And what to judgeof the falfe Accufers of the Church: ;. How far Separation is finful Divieon, and contrary to Chriftian Lope and U. Mon. I know the Dividers fay,, t. That I am turned Conformi/l. à.And why do 'not Con- form, if Ithinkfo well of the Parifh Churches and Liturgy. And ;. Why bave nog a- hove Twenty tboifandpounds in Five and twenty .yeari, by refuting a Biihoprick andorbe' Preferments. To whom I anfwer; If our printed Propofals, Difputes, and Petitions for Peace In 1661, and shy firfl, fecond, and thirdPlea for Peace, and many more(úch Wri- tings, and my Cure of Church Divifions, and my Book for the true and only way of ChurchConcord, and my Confutation of many that made me a Separatift while I Communicated in myParifh Church, and never gathered a Church meerly becaufe I förfdoknot my Miniftry, but gratis preached a LeEture , and my Book againft Sacrilegióus Defertionof the Miniftry ; Ifay, if all thee: Books will not fr- lence thefe ignorant Objeetors, norrellrain them fromfpeaking evil of that which they underftand not, I owe them no more, nor can hope tocurd their quarrelforne` .Ignorance;