Numb.IV. E,N 2) I X 85` e 2. They that muff do the work, muff do it inGod's way; and by his means; Thegreat internal Worthip is as the Soul, and the external as the Body, which ` are to be diftinguifhed, but not feparated. Mullone fort ofChrinians have the ` Soul of holy Communion without the Body, and carry the Knife naked, while you deny them the Sheath ? 9. If a Member of the Univerfäl visible Church, as fuch, is pro tempere to be ` admitted to Communion in all Ordinances with any particular Church where they come, then thefe that you acknowledge fuch vifible Members, muff by you befo admitted, and foare capable of Communion in inftituted Ordinances, but ' the Antecedent is true beyond Difpute. None of the Aponles were Members of `particular Churches, but were as Itinerants to do their work in many Countries t fo was it with abundanceofItinerant Preachers of thofe times called their Corn- ` panions and Fellow Labourers and Helpers : as Barnabas, Luke , Mark, Silas, Ti- , mothy, Titi, Epaphroditua,`Apollos, 8tc. When Paul came to Troces, Ads 20. he and all his Company are admitted among the Difciples in breaking Bread , and that not as Membersof any particular Church, but as Chriftians. Some Chri ' Mans are lawfully excufed, and neceffarily deprived of ftated Church- Member- ` íhip ina particular Church ( as Princes Ambaffadors, that may fpend their Lives in motion and action in feveral places, eó's.) And fhall all thefe Chriftians be de. ` prived of actual Communion, Sacraments, err. in the Places where they come, ` becaufe they are incapable of any fixed nation. Yea, when perhaps it may be ` the Work or Caufe of God that is theCaufe of their unfettlednefs. Io. Dare you undertake to exempt all, but thofe that you judge Baptized, from the frequent Precepts of knowing thofe that are over them in the Lord, and fhb- ' mining themfelves, and elteeming them highly in love for their work fake, and ` being at peace among lhemfelves, r Tbe/f f. tz, 13. and from giving doublehonour ` to the Elders, r Tim. Ç. 17. and obeying thofe that rate over them, &c.- Hebr. r;. 07, All Chriftians that have opportunity are bound to. fubmit to and obey their Guides and Pastors, and that cannot be nakedly, but in a particular ` Church. And then if you lookto the beneficial parr, it's plain,that whenChrift ascendedup on high, andgave gifts to men, it was for the perfecting of the Saints, and the work ofthe Miniftry, and edifying of the Body of Chrift, even that ' Pastors andTeachers were given, till we all come in the unity of thefaith, and the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfelt Man, Ephef 4.9, II x2,13. And will you . ` exclude twenty, if not five hundred parts of the Church from this (all this) bene- ' fit of Paflors and Teachers, when Christ provided them for all ? Confider what ' yondo ? r r. The Unity of the CatholickBody, and their commanded correfpondency requireth a Fellowfhipwith all the Parts according to opportunity. From Chrift ` the whole Body fitly joyned together (or jointed , which is by Officers, Order, ` and Love) and compacted by that which every joynt fupplieth , according tothe effectual working in the meafure of everypart, (when you exclude a hundred, or many hundredparts from their Communion) .maketh increafe of theBody to the ' edifying of it felf in love, (not only fecret, unknown love , but love appearing in Communion) Epbeer4. 16. , ea. Excommunication out of particular Church-Communion , in inflituted ' Ordinances, is a grievous Cenfure, and never inffided on the holy Servants of ' Chrift, that never wilfully refill or reject his Truth or Precepts. No noron Of- ' fenders, but for impenitency, or grievous Crimes. Durn you Excommunicate ' me out of your Church, if I were in it, and profeffingmyowning of Baptifm, ' and my hearty longing to know and obey the will of Chrift. There is many an honeft humble Chriflian in this Town ( that I conjecture you may know and deal for) that if you should call out, on fuch an account, I am confi- ` dent infinite Love would beoffended with you, and fay youhave toucht the Apple of mine Eye. Inafmuch asyou calk out dale myMembers, you did that which was roe 'like caking out me. And fire you mull can them- out upon your grounds, if they were in your Church, becaufe you judge them uncapableof a Ration and corn- ' minion with you, and judge your felves bound to separatefrom fuch. r ;. You Teem to exalt anoutward Ad evenwhen the heart difclaims it, before ' a heart that is right with God, without the Ad. For if you had one twice or thrice Baptized in your Church that afterward difclaimed it, and owned none but his Infant Baptifm, what would you dowith this Man ? If you would retain ` him, youwould lay more ftrefs on a disclaimed outwardAdion, thanon the Life ' ofGrace. If youwouldrejed him, then it fcems you judge not the Baptifm and Entrance,