$ iP PFND1.x Numb. IV. ',Entrance, which you fuppofe right, to be enough in Feet and Exiftence, but you ' thinka belief of its Neceflity neceffary, and fo you put it among the Credenda, ' and not the Agenda only, when it was never in the Churches Creed: For if it be a ' neceffary Article of Faith, theymuff perilh that rejeâ it. ' tq. Paul, and other Penmen of the Scripture, tellingus of many greater Er- ' rours than the thing you oppofe, doth notrequire an avoiding Of the Communi- ' onof the Erroneous, yeacommandeth us to receive them that are weakin the faith, but not to doubtful Diffutations, Rom. 14. ro. and dare you rejeet a ftrong Believer ' upon a doubtful Ditputation? a 5: Search, obferve, and judgewhether the abundant earneft Precepts for Spe- ' cìal Love, and,Company, and Endearednel of Saints, as Saints, (I could foon fill ' a Sheet with pertinent Citations) will poflibly+ conhft with your relating. them ' fromfpecial Communion and Separating from them. Is this the appearance of your honouring them that fear the Lord, Pfal. 15. and your Loving the Brethren, ' and that witha pureheart fervently. Can all Men know you by this to beChrift's ' Difciples ? Communion is but the exprellìon of this fpecial Love , and holy Im- provement of eachother for God and our mutual Benefit. As he contradicts ° himfelf that faith, He loverh God andbateth bra Brother, fo doth he that faith he lo= ' vethhis Brother and yet feparateth from him, or rejeçteth him (and molt fuch on Earth) for anunavoidable infirmity.If you that are firong (orthink fo) are bound ' to bear the Infirmitiesof the weak, then not to Excommunicate them, Rem. 15. I. Though thisBody bath fome Parts which we think lees honourable, yet mutt there be noSchifm in it , but the Members mull have the fame care one of ano. ' theras Suffering, being honoured and rejoycing together, x Cor. la. a4, 25, $6. nor ' molt onepart fay to another, Theme no need of thee , nor cut it off from the Corn- ' munion of the Body. The general command of Love, Company, Familiarity , ' Edifying, and Admonilhing one another, comprehends the Means inwhich this ' Communion mutt be held, or will not be fulfilled in rejeéting fuch Tierfons. t6. When you are in doubt between twoDifficulties, the clearelt and greateft ' Truth Ihould prevail againft the lefs. But much more when on one fide there is ' great weight and no difficulty; and on the other, much difficulty and far lets ' weight; theuncertain fmaller Point Ihould give place to the greater, and more ' certain: But it is ofcleareft certainty and greatelt weight, that we dearly love ' the Saints as Saints, and ufe them as Saints, and have Communion with them as ' Saints : But you arenot fo fure that you muff not reje t almoft all the Saints on ` Earthfor want of your feafon ofBaptifm, nor hath God laid weight by Promife ' upon fuch a Duty, or by a Threatning driven you toit, (but contrarily condem- ned it as a fin). x7. Doth not your Caufe plainlybear an Image contrary to thatof God ? Love is likeft him that is Love. Charity covereth infirmities , and thinketh no evil, and ' Ihall we find them (and make them) inour Brethren ? Chriftgathereth,andwill ' you fcatter? he reconcileth and uniteth, and will you divide? he jultifieth, and ' will you be he that 'hall condemn ?Even them that are in Chrift Jefus ? who walk 'not after the Flefh but after the Spirit ; and all forwant of delaying Baptifm till your time, when in Chrift Jefus neither eircumcilion availetbnothing noruneircumcifion,but ' the NewCreature and Faith that workethby Love. Have you mark'd howUnityand ' Love is inculcated inthe New Teltament, and that as Omnipotency is molt emi- ' nently engravenuponthe Creation, and Wifdom on the Laws of God, fo Good- ' nefs is molt eminently engraven on the Redeemer, and that in this Glafs the Fa- ' ther in his Love and Goodnefe mull be known, and hereby the Imprefs and I- ' triage of Love muff be made upon our Souls. They that are leap for Love and holy Unity, are leali like God, and leap for him, and molt like his Enemy and ours. ' 18. Chrift is both King, Prophet, and Prieft, and no one is fincerely related ' unto himin any of thefe refpecs, but is related to him in all : And Ergo, all ' Chrifiians are to be under his Church-Government and Protection in hisFamily, ' as well as under his Teaching. °If they are by your own confefiion Fellow Citizens °of the Saints, andof thebou)heldof God, do,not disfranchife them, nor deny them their Priviledges. 59. Will not your Principles lead to narrownefs of holy Charity in Communi- cation of worldly Goods, and deftroyChriftian Communion in this? Thofe that were in the Apoftles Dosttrine and Fellowlhip in breaking of Bread and Prayer, ` ( not through levelling, but charitable Community) had all things as common ' fire you will refute this when you refúfeCommunion in Sacrament : you will on 'the