Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

umb.IV. ENI)IX. ` the fame ground think that chofe few only of yourOpinion are to partakeof this Special Communication : For the Reafon is the fame. 20. Contrary to the Spirit and Scope of the Gofpef, you lay greater flrefs up- on the very timing of aholy Ceremony , than under theLawwas laid upon the ' being of the Ceremony itfelf. Women had Communion without Circumcifion. t The Males in the Wildernefs did hold all holy Communion, even in thePars- ' over, without Circumcifion. To all this , let me add thefe few Queftions to ou t Y r. Doyou think, in the molt humble frame of yourSoul, that you have no fail- ' ing as great as you fuppofe the mif.timing of our Baptifm tobe; andwould you be reje&edfor it ? ` 2. Is this norrownefs of fpecial loving Communion anfwerable to the Principles ' of Univerfal Redemption and Grace, wherein Ifufpebt you go beyondme ? `;. Have you well confidered that God's Unity is the fiat ofhis Attributes next I hisBeing ? The Lordour God is one God. And fo the Unity of the Church is ` next the very Effenceof it, fo to be regarded and maintained: The Unitycan- e not bedeftroyed without deftroying the Effence ; andtherefore many Truths and Duties muff be put behind the Churches Unity , when accidentally the nfe of them is made inconfifient with ir. 4. Ithath been the common frame of the Church fince the Apoftles days, till of ` late, to confift of a mixture: one half baptized at Age, ( being converted at Age from Infidelity, and their Baptifmbefore neglected) and the other half that were ` born ofChriftian Parents baptized in Infancy : And both forts lived in Peace and ` Love : and no Church Hiftory, thatever I read, cloth give us any the leaft ` oration that ever thefetwo Sortsdifagreed hereupon, or acçufed one anothersway ` or made it any occafionof a Divifipn. And will you advance Knowledge and Holinefs in the end of the World, by advancing Uncharitablenefs and Divi- r fion. y. Bethink you with fobriety, as before the Lord, if you had lived in the ' Church in the fecogd, third, fourth, fifth, fixth , feventh, eighth, ninth and 'tenth Century, or lower, in all which (though many were baptized at Age, be- `ing not Chriftiansby any Infant Covenant yet) no Writer that ever I raw doth ' tell us of one Church, or one Pallor, no nor of one Man that was a Catholick Chriftian, (no norof one Heretick that I remember) that was agaihf the law, `Miners of Infant Baptifm; I fay, ifyou had then lived , would you have fepara- ` ted from all the Churches on Earth ? What ! from the Univerfal Church in your ` Communion ? or would you have had all thefe Ages have laid by all Militated ` Church Order and Worship ? The confequences of this would rife fo high, that ' I will not name themtoyou. Only I would further ask you, 6. If you think their Baptifm a Nullity ? and confequently the inflituted ' Churches, Minifiry, Order, Sacraments, Nullities, that were ulèd in all chore A. ' ges (the feventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eri.) when almofi none but filch as were ' baptized in Infancy were Church Members ; how far thendo youdiffer from the Seekers that tell Us, Al tbef were loft in the Apoffacy? z. And how eafily will a ` Papift trample you in thedirt, and laugh you to fcorn, when he puts you to prove SuccefiiveChurch, andOrdinances, and Miniftry? ;. And what advantagegive ' you the Infidels, and ourown Remnants of Infidelity, to deny the Head by fo far denying the Body ? ` 7. Would you have aUnity, and do you ever expeëì fuch aching or not ? If not- If you do, on what terms do you expel it ? You can never with the leali Encouragement of Realms expe& that all should deny Infant Baptifm,and ` come to you. Thefe lateyears have given you as much advantage as you can ` well expe&,and yet you fee the molt of the Godly darenotcome to you. If there- foreyou will neither come to them in judgment, nor yet clofe in Communion with Chriftians of differentJudgment, what do you but giveup Unity as defpe- ' rate, and fix inyour divided State: 8. And will you give the Papift Difputants fomuch Encouragement, as tocon- ' fefs to them, that among us there is not any hopes of Unity, or loving Chrifti an Church Communion. I have been longer than I intended upon thele Reafòn- ` fogs : but it is becaufe I would not ne le& you, but force one of them at tuft `may flick upon you, of which fuccefssg(your lives declaring you fo honefily, im- partially, and happily difpofed toLove and Peace) I make nodoubt. And now ` to your Obje&ipns, which fbould have been my whole Task, but that I would make fare the lfíhe. - And