Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb.IV. iI P T E N D I -X 89 here to the Law of Chrilt. Do you think that Man that Ihall fay Chríû died but for half the Saints themfelves, to be ever the better for that ftriet Opinion? If you are for fach forbidden ftri&nefs of Pra&ice, why do you not anfwer it in your Opinions. about Grace ? &c. a: You have caufe to be much humbled before the Lord for bringing, your ' People into this Snare and Mifconceit , and ergo Ihouldnot be guilty of continu- '. ing them in it, nor make the fruit of your Sin an Argument to go on impeni- tently. g. So great a Truth and Duty as Chrillian Catholick Loveand Communion, is `:'nottto be bawised for fear of danger. Tell you of it plainly, and trull God with ',,the Iffue. It's.dóubt, thofe that willturn Quakers, that is Infidels, or near, rather than be reduced to Catholick Love and Communion, are never like to come to ' mod, ifyou.keep them wlere.they are. It's a fearful thing that anyMan fhould ` rlaink the better of his Spiritual flare, becaufe he flieth furthell from the Catholick Lpve and Communion of Saints, that is, from the Church , ftom Chrift, from ',God, from Heaven. Adz° s ,Your Communion with differing Saints, is not a finning againftyour Opinion about Baptifm, nor a leaving your flation. You may own your way, andyet own Catholick Communion. ' Dear Brother, Ithink the Lord of Love and Peace is laying hands on you, and will, have you away outof your dangerous Schifms into the Paths of Love and ` Peace. It is Uncharitablenefs and Separation that hath made the Rebiptized fo odious throughout the World. Love breedeth Love, as Heat breedeth Heat. ` The Chriftian Charity that appeareth in your Lives, I fenfibly feel draws out my ` own Heart in love to you. All God's Saints will love you, if you will but turn into the way of Love, I hear that the Rebaptized in 1-etanol, that grew to the reputation of Turbulent in their height, begin now to be thought more peace- ` able and tolerable than fome others there., that being lately in the Saddle, pole- ' fed their Profperity and unquietnefs. O ! ifdays of Perfecution come, it will cut your hearts to think how you have refufedCommunion with your Brethren in days of Peace. If we all lay our Heads and Hearts and Hands together for God's `Church and Caulk , it will be too little. My motion to you is, That you will joyn withus for a BrotherlyAgreement between the Men of your mind and ours The Articleslhall be but there three. `,I. That all that can, being fatisfied in Confcience with their being Rebapti- `.zed, shall continue loving Communion in the Church. z, That thofe that cannot be brought tothis, but will hold feparated Churches, Ihall acknowledge us true Churches, and profeti their Brotherly Love and diftanr ` Communion. ;. That we all agree on fome Rules for the peaceable management of our Differences, without hardning the Wicked, enfnaring the Weak, hindering the ' Gofpel, and wronging the common Truths which we are agreed in. If this mo- tion take with you, I will fend you a Form of filch Agreement and get as ma- ' ny as you can of your way to Subfcribe it; and the Affociated Minifters of this County, I doubt nor, will Subfcribeis ; and we will do our parts to lead. the World to Peace. Seek God's dire&ion, and return your Refolution to Your faithful Brother, Novemb. 6. r658. .4o: Mr. WilliamAllen. R1cM.Baxtcr. F6rtt