Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

92 A P P E N D IX . Numb.IV. Whetherindeedit be belt publifh the Anfwer I have prepared or not (fuppofing it ' trueand fatisfadtory). 2. Whether I were belt take any Notice of theOffence of ° the Author of the Sober Word, and fay as much to him only as I have here done ?" ° 3. Whether I wereheft takenotice of the AnabaptiftsOffence? I pray deal freely ' with me, and if it may be by the next Pofl ; for I lhall delay for your Advice, . e becaufeyou know the Minds of thefe People better than I. Ivry own Thoughts are, r. To publifh that againft Stab,, as neceffary. z. To fay nothingabout the ' Anabaptifts becaufe I mull name Parlors and People that petitioned for the King's ` Death, and filch things that are utterly unfavoury to me and unfeafonable, andwill ° increafe Difpleafure; and I had father bear their Difpleafure as it is, than increafc ' it. ;. And as to the Sober Word, l am indifferent. . ' I received yours but a little before Mr. Lembe's Departure; but my own Thoughts hadled me to harp on the fame String that you diredted me to. I was `very glad to find you jealous of that Extreme (chat is in it (elf much wort; than ` Anabaptifm in ourThoughts that diffent from both) : But I hope yer that he hath no likingof Poperyor Formality, but only Charity for the Men. I toldhim not of any thing concerning him in your Letters, but only afterwards I told him that ' I heard Mr. Gunning judged him of his Mind, but told him nothing whence I e had it. As to Mr. TomberBook, I fhali much refer it to your Advice. t. I refolved not to meddle with it unlefs he fignify his Delire (for it would be an abufe ofhim °to meddle with hisWorks without his Confect ; I fhouldnot take it well my felf:). nor unlefs I firft fee the printed Sheen (which we ordinarily fee before we write `Epiftles) but on thefe two Suppolitions I Ihould do it, not only willingly, but ' gladly : !h. Becaufe I would further any Work againft Popery that is follid ; and ° am troubled that no more turn their Studies and Labours that way. 2. Becaufe I ' would have theWorld fee that Mr./ombes and I can agree againft the common ' Adverfary, and for the common Truths. Butone thing only a little fcruples me ° (which I charge you to conceal from him and all Men) A great Scandal bath ` been long railed of him byCollonel Cileve, who about two Years ago put itby ` Letters into my Hands, and I caufed Mr. Tombe, to have the Knowledge of ir, ' but otherwife flifled it as well as I fairly could. But now Collonet Clieve oath ' made it very publick, and told it the Commiflïonersfor Approbation, who great- ' lyrelent it, &c. If you know not of it, you flailknow no more for me. ° whether under the hearof this Scandal, theprefacing tohis Bookwill favou well, and do moregood or harm, is a thing that I am willing to be advifed and ruledby ' you in ; (fuppofing that he delres the thing and hears not of this my Scruple ; ' which you Ihould not have heard from me, but that it's publick). My Confi ' dente of your Fidelitymakes me thusfree andbold withyou. ` O, Brother! Muft we be all divided in this Dayof Peril, when we are ready to be affaulted by the commonEnemy? Opray, and ítrive for Love and Unity; and if my Ignorance and ltafhnefs hathdoneany thing againft it, pray that I may ' havePardon and more Grace. I reft July a8. 1659. 7o my Loving Friend Mr. William Allen in London. Toting unfeignedly, Rich. Baxter, Worthy Sir, Received yours of the r8th Inflant, and was very glad to fee you took fo well that whichI looked on as fomewhatrude in myHf, and wastroubled after the ' Letter was out of myHands, that I fhould give you any occafionof Trouble, ' by medling fo far as in my Letter I had done. As to Advife in the Particulars ' you mention ; I count my felf very incompetent for fuch Confultations, and do 'know you are fo well ableto makeJudgment in fuch Cafes, that ifI lhould under- ' take to gratify your Delire, it would fignify little. As for your anfwering the ' Vindication, I do acknowledge Your Refolution herein is attended with Diffrcul- ties on both Sides. Ifyou do it not, you lyeunder foal; Imputation, and it will be