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Nurllb.lV. BT TB N`I.)'I X. God, and by fulfilling the Law : for fo Love is faid to be. Yea, Evangelical O- bedience ( as comprehending ?aith, no doubt) is by the fame figure of Speech as before, oppofèd to the Worksof Mafea's ;Law ; where it is raid that Circa u nethisT, andUncircameilon is nothing, but the keeping the Commandments of God. The likeOppofition again is made between the Worksof the Law and the New ` Creature ; which confifts in a new frame of Spirit, and cannot be confidered a without newObedience, in will and relolution at leaíl, Gal. 6. If. This Opp- ` fition which Come make between Faith and Gofpel Obedience in the Point cf ` Juffiification, teems likeunto that ( if not the fame in lade ). which was made by the Gncfticks, and which James oppofeth in his Epiftle, rather than any which the Scripture any where makerh. And truly this Opinion, together with another as groundlefs as this, hash, I fear, been a great 1Jnderminer ofthe Power of Re- ` ligion in the Hearts and Lives of Men, and a Betrayer ofthe Souls of many and that is, that by Faith without Works the Righteoufnefs or Obedience of Chriftis not only virtually, (which we all hold) but formally imputedto ote far sigh- ` teaufneß fo that we are reckoned to have obeyed in his Obedience. Which , I think, bath not been the Doûrine of a few calledAntinomians only, but of ló ma- ' ny, that not long fsnce he could hardly be counted Orthodox, that did not hold fotoo. And it is to be feared that many that have beenof there Opinions, have thought themfelves good Chriftians, and in a juftified Fate, though otherwife of ` ill Tempers and of bad Lives. Whereas did they underftand that the defign of ` the New Covenant is to reftore the Humane Nature gradually to that redhitude' ° and perlk&ion from which it fell; and that the terms of it are fo laid, that no ` Man can have any groundof confidence of enjoying the Saving Benefitsof it , ` further then he knows that he fincerely endeavours in theefe of means to recover ` that reEtitude , and to be pa;felling bolinefl in thefear of.God ; they would be deli- ' vered from thatdelafive Confidence, and confequenelybe put upon fuch fincere endeavours, or be deprived of the comfortof that delufive Confidence, bywhich ` while they are under it, they fupport themfelves. All which confidered, (if re- ' ally true as Iapprehend them tobe) what I have humbly moved to you, cannot but bea moft worthy Work, and ofgreat acceptation to- very many, as well as of generai and of moll important ufe unto all. And in cafe you refolve on it, I = think to ufeas much brevity as will conftft with plainnefs, and as much plainnefs as the nature of the thing will bear, will be generally molt acceptable and moil profitable, and the more inviting to be read. I have made bold herewith to fendyou tome Papers, which fometime lincewere written for private ufe, and for trial ofwhat might fairly be made out touching the Subje&Matterof them. To the end you may by them fee fume of the things more fullyexpreft, which are but hinted in this Letter : as alto to -delire your Judgment, Whether the main fcopeof them be Matter of Truth, or Matter of Errour ? And in particular Idefire your Thoughts, Whether that perfedl Obedi ' ence which Mr. Traman infifts on, or that fincere Obedience mentioned in thefe ' Papers, was the Condition of the firft Covenant? And whether the firft Cove. pant, as fuch, did threaten Eternal Punifhment to the Tranfgreífors of it ; and the Curie ofwhat Covenant it was that Chriftt redeemed us from, in being made a Curfe for o? For touching thefe things, I confefs my Pelf not well refolved. The e hanging on theTree was but a Temporal Curie, andwas not all that Chrift re- ' deemed us from. Andwhen you havea fitting Opportunity , I pray you return ` them to London, May 27. r67r. Mbar obliged Servant, Will. Allen. ` Thofe of the Separation that are more moderate do blame Mr. Baglhaw, anti thinkyou need not anfwer him; and hisTamper is to have the laft word. -If you think otherwife, a calm Anfwer will be belt. N &kas 97