A. TOO AP PENDI X. Numb.IV. ' Quef. 7. P. 129. Had you nothing but [Sufpicion] and [Opinion] to oppugn? and muff that begranted you ? and yet have lived fo long where you live. ` Rueft. 8. Becaufe you talk fo much of [Shifm ftnful in it 'elf] without ever ' telling us exa6tly how to know it, I pray tell' me ifMr. Sangar, Dr. Manton, and fuch others should fay to thefe Parishioners (we are in the Relations which wo were truly and juftly. (fated in and;becaufe the Magifìrate hathgiven others the ` Parilh-Churchesand theTythes you feparate fromus, andcome not to our Affem- blies ; therefore you Cet up a finful Schifm, as fome did in the Churches of the Roman Empire, who adhered to Paftorsput in by the Emperors, while the Peo- pleadhered to their formerPaftors] How Ihalf I anfwer them better than they do you. Rues. 9. YourQueflion p.137. moveth me to put you to think it over again, whether you think indeed as your Words import, if all the Peopleof England thefe fourteenYears past had heard no Sermon but in the Parifh-Churches, and ` fo had heard none of the z000 Nonconformilfs (or neer) that were flenced evert ` in all thofe Parishes, where the reading of theLiturgy is the far beft and likelielt means of the Peoples Good, and in all thole Parishes, wherenot one of very manyhath any Church to hear in ; I fay, do you think that there would have a been more Perfons truly converted and faved by this means? If you think that all ' thefe tSoo, or z000 MensPreaching bath done, andBoth more harm thangood, had it not been a direaer way to have written to them to convince themof it, that they mightceafe ? of which more anon. Fag. 16x. You fay, [If inflead of this each Cbrigian of you bad kept to Parochial ' Communion, and each meted Minister bad kept their Reftdence among them, and Comma- ` pion with them as privateMembers in the Par¢fh way, and had a j in a private Capacity ` joined with thofe Miniflers whichbave fucceeded them in doing all the Good they could in e the Parifb, as bya private Application and Improvement of the publick Labours of their Minifler, together with Catechizing and other perfonal Inßruftíon and Exhortati- on privately adminiftred to the feveral Families in the Parifb &c. ' Rueft. to. Will you do us the Favour as to anfwer first thole Books that bewrit- ' ten to prove our Obligation to Preach fuch as Yof. Allen's Ca/I to Archippus, and `my Sacrilegious Dirtion, &c. was not that to have gone before fuch Advifes as ' this ? If you fay Dr. Fallwood bath done ir, I beg of you teasel( me what Argu- ments of hisyou thinkhave done it (while he yields thecontrary). Ryefb. 1 r. Would youhave all thofeMinifters takethis courfe that must lye in the CommonGoal if they comewithin five Miles of the Place ? can they do it in ' Newgate ? Ifyou fay that the Aet of Confinement had not been made but for ' Conventicles, we have no Proof of that, nor is the Occafron now any Remedy for the future. Rueft. su. Do you not know that Confortnifts will not endure us in this private ' Diligence which you !peak of? I will give you in the end an Inslance from the e Parish where I live. e Raeft. 1 ;. Do youwell know what fort of Ministers are in too many Parifftes of ' England? I will not imtate the Glofce/ter Goblet in gathering up their Faults; ` but only ask you if for Inflance Mr. Corbel- that was turned out of Bromfhuy had ` flayed therewhere Mr. Hok the Patron bath often told me, that their Preacher ' was formerly an Ale-feller, and was fo common a Drunkard that he would be ` drunk in the Pulpit, could you have advisedhim to do nothing but apply this Man'sSermons as you fay ? When I was young the firft place I lived in had four ` Readers fuccellvely, Come Drunkards, all nay Mailers; the next place had in my ` time an old Reader that never preached, (ashad molt of the Churches round about us) his Curates were fucceflively three Readers, of whichone never Preach- ` ed, one Preached and was a Stage-Player, another (my Mailer alto) a common ' Drunkard, never preached but once, and then he was (lark drunk : when the Old Man's Eyefight failed (that was the chiefIncumbent) he faidCommon-Pray- er by rote, andone Year a Day Labourer, and another Year a Taylor read the Scriptures, and we had no more. What Mr. Dance and Mr. Turner were at Kid- ` derminfter and Mitran Chappel, I fuppofe you know. `.Q.aeff.a4. Would youhave thofeMinifters taketheCourfewhich you defcribe,inthe ' Parishes, where the generality of thePeople muff be then untaught ? You know, I fuppofe, that a Man that muff go but from Houfe to Houle can fpeak but to few Perfòns in a. Year : a. If all Families were ready and willing, how little a part of ` great Parishes would be taught? z.People are commonly poor, and from Morning toNight about their hardLabour, and cannot bear us. ;. Theyareunwilling that we