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Numb.IV. A2'PENDIX. IOI we Ihouldcome into their Houfes,andfee theirDiforder,and Poverty and Unclean- ' nets. 4. Many Miniftersare fo Valetudinary that their cold Houfes would deffroy their Health to talk with them there but an Hour.g.By thisway we muft be almoft ` continually fpeaking, and he that can preachonceor twice a Week cannot preach ` four or five times every Day, without which it would benext to nothing : One ` may preach to Two Thoufand at once in Publick, when to fay the fame to thole a Two Thoufand by One or by Fourat a time, niuft take Five Hundred Sermons. a 6. By this means Minifters (were there Bodies able) mutt do nothing elfe : and ' whereas moft have little or no maintenance of their own, what time willyou al- ' low them to labour with their Hands to get Bread for their Families ? how (hall a their Rents andCharges be paid ? 7.Or ifthey mutt beg orlive on othersCharity, a whereMall they have it, if they take your Courfe? If they teach but few, few ` will relieve them ; ifthey flay fromCities and Corporations, in poor Country Vil- a loges, few are able, if willing to relieve them. Sonic that have done fo, and Preached too, have yet been put to keep Wife and Children upon little betides brown Rye Bread and Water. By what Law is both Sdeuce and Famine made their `due? 8. You know doubtlefs that in filch Parilhes as Stepney, Wbiteehappel, Al- ' gate, Giles Cripplegate, Sepulchres, Giles in the Fields, Andrews Holbourn, Clement Danes, Martins, &c. it is but a fmall part of the People that can Bear inpublick : I fup. ` pofe there may be Twenty or Thirty Thoufand untaught in the Parifh whence a Mr. Read is gone to Goale for teaching. The People fay that this Parifh hath Fourfcore Thoufand Souls ; fuppole it be lef, when fcarce Two Thoufand can a hear well in the Church. Are you rifen up nowfo near the SilencersOpinion as that you would have all thef Souls untaught and America tranfplanted into Lon- ' don? Is the Gofpel grown fo indifferent to you, in Comparifon of your things ` indifferent ? can they believe without hearing, and hear without preaching? L a am not yet grown fo defperate a Gamelter, as to call away fo man thoufand Souls to the Devil at hap hazard, for fear of hearing [Schifn, Schifm]. Why Ihould Preachers be lent to the Americans rather than to St. Martins, Sr. Giles, and 'lucia likeplaces? aQueff a g. Howwill you abfolve us from our Ordination Vow? even Papilla ` fay the Charater is indelible : we were not ordained pro tempore, or on Tryal: If a Man may forbid us preaching to all, fave four among a Thoufand , or Forty ` Thoufand, or Fourfcore Thoufand, why not alto to thole Four ? If to all Corp. ` rations and Cities (where Churches only were plantedat firft) why not allo to the ` Villages? If where-Souls need the Number of Twenty ox Ten Teachers, all may, a be forbidden fave one, why not that one alto? How many hundred Years did ' prohibited Patlors teach and guide the Churches? I befeech you clearly fatisfy us what it is that difobligeth us all from God's dreadful Charge, z Tim. 4. r. z. Before a God and the Lord 3efus Cbriff, who flail judge the quick and the dead at hit appearing ` andbit Kingdom to preach the Word, be infdant in feafon out of feaforo, &c. And ` why we may not as well be difobliged by Man's Prohibition from relieving the ` Poor that elfe will perish ? Yea, our own Children ? `Duet?. 16. Might not Daniel then have forbore Praying, and may not, yea, ought not you if forbidden, forbear praying in your Houle, reading the Scrip- ` tare, or exhorting, and admonifhing, and teaching others in your place and ` Converge ? ' Duets. 57. Is it likely to be of God which is fo pleating to the Flefh, the Pupi(fs ` and the Devil, as ourceafing to preach the Gofpel would be ? Que/l. r8. Is it not the great Mark to know all false Sets and Seeematters by e that they are Rill for that which hindereth the Gofpel, and hurteth Souls. The grievous Wolves, though inSheeps Cloathing, devour theFlocks: the Thorns and Thiftles have Pricks inftead of Grapes and Figs : And if the flencingone faith ' fill Mínifter in the Churches Neceffity be a heinous Crime, what areyou turned a to, if you would have near Two Thoufand filence themfelves ? They that tilence ` us by a Prifota, cause notour fin, becaufe it is not voluntary but forced; butyou a would makeus the finful Doers of it our feives, which is far worfe. ` huelî.. 19. Is it the way to prevent our threatned Judgments tocall us all to Re. penKänce for preaching theGofpel thefe Fourteen Years, and to callus all offfrom a preaching it for the Future, that we might not call Sinners to Repentance for their ` Sins ? (how glad would the Papifls be if you could 'prevail but with a few that mot moleft them ?) what a Life have Ito repent of if this muff be my Repen- a Lance? and at how cheap and eafy a rate, might I have preventedit ? melt I that a have